Armorite School

Armorite School

A society of warrior-alchemist-technicians who utilize heavy armor and complex, experimental weapons and equipment. The front line warriors are trained in the operation and maintenance of the equipment, as well as in the strength training needed to lug the armor about the battlefield. As long as you are a member of the society, refills and replacement parts are free.

Defensive Strike
Tier: 1
Card Type: Action
Effect: Defense6, NegAttack1, ForwardMove2

Shield Charge
Tier: 1
Card Type: Action
Effect: Defense1, Init2, ForwardMove6

Tier: 1
Card Type: Stance
Effect: Defense4, NegInit2

Heavy Armor
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive Equipment
Effect: Defense2,WoundBlock1,NegMoveSpeed1,NegAgilitySave3,Negstealth3,NegInit2
A special suit of Ultra heavy armor

Armorite Endurance Training
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Effect: MoveSpeed1,AgilitySave3
Specialized strength exercises and endurance training lets you reduce the penalties for using heavy armor in combat.

Armorite Shield
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive Equipment
Effect: Defense 4, RangedDefense6, NegMoveSpeed1,NegAttack2,NegInit2,NegPerception3
An ultra-heavy shield that can double as the floor of a small sized hut.

Shield Tactics
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Effect: Defense2
Grants an extra defense when using an Armorite shield.

Die Hard
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Effect: DmgPenaltyBlock2

Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Effect: HealthMax2

Balanced Strike
Tier: 2
Card Type: Action
Effect: Defense4, Attack4, NegInit2, ForwardMove2
A strike adapted to your heavy armor which balances attack and defense.

Tier: 2
Card Type: Stance
Effect: Armor1, Defense4, NegAttack2, NegInit2
This stance makes use of specially re-inforced strike plates in the armor to increase protection even more.

Combat Feathers
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive Equipment
Effect: NegStealth5
A garland of brilliant peacock and parrot feathers are mounted on the helmet along with shiny colored glass, making the character a prominent and attractive target to foes. Especially enticing to low-intelligence creatures.

Armorite Helmet
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive Equipment
Effect: WillSave4
The helmet is encrusted with the dreaming spirits of fossilized sea creatures. These creatures confuse and divert any psychic/mental attacks.

Combat Breather
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive Equipment
Effect: NegPerception2,GasSave8
The helmet is fitted with a charcoal ventilator and a double layer of glass to keep out dangerous fumes.

Combat Ear Plugs
Tier: 2
Card Type: Equipment
Effect: NegPercetion2,SoundSave8
The helmet is fitted special ear plugs that can filter out extremely loud noises while leaving moderate noises still somewhat audible.

Armorite Injectors
Tier: 2
Card Type: Equipment,Action
Effect: NegWillSave10,PoiseRegain12,DmgPenaltyBlock3,Uses1
The armor is fitted special with injectors that deliver potent combat potions. Regain 10 Poise and ignore 3 levels of wound penalties. Side effects include ... actually ... you do not want to know about the side effects.

Tough 2
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Effect: HealthMax2

Massacre Strike
Tier: 3
Card Type: Action
Effect: Attack10, DamageOnHit8, NegDefense4, NegInit2, ForwardMove4
A minor school of combat particular to the Armorites and certain tribes of crazed berserkers. Used when you are confident that your armor entirely protects you from a weaker opponent and you can simply wade through their attacks.

Coolant Pack
Tier: 3
Card Type: Equipment
Effect: FireSave5,NegInit1
Two wine-sack shaped modules mounted on the pauldrons. When activated, covers the outside of the armor in a slowly dripping sheet of syrupy-liquid that rapidly cools on contact with the air, chilling the metal and the user. For the next 20 minutes, has a major bonus to fire saves. Has a secondary mode where the entire coolant reservoir is emptied at once, instantly removing any fire/heat effects on the user. This removes the effect until the coolant can be re-filled. Note: Do not activate this mode in cold conditions.

Heating Cores
Tier: 3
Card Type: Equipment
Effect: ColdSave5,NegInit1
A set of 8 rods that are mounted at strategic points in the armor. When activated, the alchemical metals alloyed into the rods will start to catalyze, releasing an intense heat. Grants significant protection against cold attacks for 20 minutes after activating. After that the rods need to be replaced.

Molten Blade
Tier: 3
Card Type: Equipment
Effect: DmgOnHitHeat8
A crudely forged sword whose blade has been infused with alchemical metals. After activating the catalyst reservoir in the hilt the sword rapidly heats up to just below its melting point. It will deal severe heat damage to anything it touches. After 3 rounds, the reaction completes and the sword blade will have melted into unusable slag. The heating process also gives off an intense light; please do not look directly at the blade when it is active.

Nullite Strike Plates
Tier: 3
Card Type: Equipment
Effect: WoundBlock1,NegInit2
Augments their armor by adding Nullite strike plates. This little understood metal seems to drain kinetic energy, although where the energy ends up is anyone's guess. This skill includes the tools and training needed to handle Nullite without letting it touch your skin or accidentally breathing in its dust.

Tough 3
Tier: 3
Card Type: Passive
Effect: HealthMax3

Advanced Shield Tactics
Tier: 3
Card Type: Passive
Effect: Defense3
Grants additional defense bonus when using your Armorite Shield.

Armor Faith
Tier: 3
Card Type: Passive
Effect: PoiseMax6
Your armor is an old comrade and you know its every motion and crevice. You settle yourself in your armor and are re-assured by its protection.