Monster Power 1
Monster Power 1
Monster Power 3

Horn Gore
Init -3
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Dmg On Solid Hit 8
Poise -2
Try to gore/impale a target standing next
to you with your horn.
Horn Charge
Init 4
Move To Closest Enemy 8
Attack 15
Push Back 3
Poise -5
Dramatic Horn Block
Defense 30
One Use
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 10
Push Back 6
Poise -2

Kickback (0)
Init 1
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 8
Push Back 3
Poise -2
Snap Kick
Init 8
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 10
Push Back 2
Poise -2
Snap Kick (0)
Init 7
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 6
Push Back 1
Poise -2
Running Kick
Init 6
Move Away From Closest
Enemy 6
Attack 10
Poise -2

Snap Bite
Init 10
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Poise -1
Snap Bite (0)
Init 8
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 5
Poise -1
Snap Bite (4)
Init 8
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 14
Poise -1
Deadly Bite
Init 1
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 18
Poise -4

Deadly Bite (0)
Init 1
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 13
Poise -4
Deadly Bite (4)
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 20
Dmg On Solid Hit 5
Poise -4
Cruel Bite
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 13
1 Extra Wound(s)
Poise -3
Cruel Bite (4)
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 14
3 Extra Wound(s)
Poise -3

Eye Stab
Init 4
Attack 10
Lasting Malus 1
Reach 1
Poise -2
Tries to stab someones eye out, or at the
very least cut their face to interfere with
their vision.
Flick Stab
Init 16
Attack 8
Reach 1
Poise -1
An almost invisibly fast strike.
Init 4
Attack 10
Poise -1
Reach 1
Tries to inject poison using the tail. Does
not need to do gross damage, rather just
needs to connect.
Init -4
Attack 13
Dmg On Solid Hit 8
Reach 1
Poise -3

Init 2
Defense 10
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 8
Poise -2
Init 10
Defense 2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Poise -1
Init 10
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Weapon Break 10
Attack 10
Poise -1
One Use
Tries to grab an enemy weapon and shatter
it between massive claws.
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Dmg On Solid Hit 8
Poise -2

Claw Maul
Init 4
Move To Closest Enemy 3
Attack 12
Dmg On Solid Hit 4
Poise -2
Claw Maul (0)
Init 3
Move To Closest Enemy 3
Attack 9
Poise -2
Claw Maul (4)
Init 6
Move To Closest Enemy 3
Attack 15
Dmg On Solid Hit 10
Poise -2
Deep Claw Cut
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 7
Bleed 3
Poise -3

Deep Claw Cut (4)
Init 3
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Bleed 4
Poise -3
Tendon Claw
Init 8
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Lasting Move Speed Mod -2
Poise -3
Tendon Claw (0)
Init 7
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 7
Lasting Move Speed Mod -1
Poise -3
Tendon Claw (4)
Init 9
Move To Closest Enemy 3
Attack 12
Lasting Move Speed Mod -3
Poise -3

Init 4
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Push Back 3
Poise -2
Multi-limbed Defense
Init 4
Defense 15
Agility Defense 4
Ranged Defense 4
Constrict and Break
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 3
Attack 10
Lasting Malus 1
Poise -2
Creepy Touch
Init 6
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 12
Does Max One Damage
Poise -2

Init 3
Defense -2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 4
Poise -1
Punch (0)
Init 1
Defense -4
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 1
Poise -1
Punch (4)
Init 4
Defense -1
Move To Closest Enemy 3
Attack 11
Poise -1
Smash Punch (4)
Init 4
Defense -1
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Push Back 5
Poise -3

Wrap In Coils
Init -4
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 10
Dmg On Solid Hit 10
1 Extra Wound(s)
Poise -4
Wrap In Coils (4)
Init -3
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 12
Dmg On Solid Hit 13
1 Extra Wound(s)
Poise -4
Evil Stare
Init 10
Medium Range
Attack 10
Does Max One Damage
Poise -1
Init 6
Short Range
Attack 10
Does Max One Damage
Poise -1

Deadly Charge
Init 5
Move To Closest Enemy 8
Attack 13
Dmg On Solid Hit 4
Poise -2
One Use
Deadly Charge (4)
Init 7
Move To Closest Enemy 10
Attack 15
Dmg On Solid Hit 8
Poise -2
One Use
Deliberate Charge
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 6
Attack 10
Push Back 8
Poise -2
Deliberate Charge (4)
Init 3
Move To Closest Enemy 7
Attack 13
Push Back 10
Poise -2

Giant Leap
Init 10
Defense 8
Move Forward 12
Small Leap
Init 10
Defense 8
Move Forward 6
Side Leap
Init 10
Defense 8
Move Left 7
Back Leap
Init 10
Defense 8
Move Backward 10

Crush Underfoot
Init -1
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 12
Dmg On Solid Hit 8
Poise -3
Crush Underfoot (0)
Init -1
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 9
Dmg On Solid Hit 4
Poise -3
Crush Underfoot (4)
Init -1
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 15
Dmg On Solid Hit 12
Poise -3
Fancy Hoof Work
Init -2
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 13
Targets all Enemies
Poise -3
One Use

Fancy Hoof Work (4)
Init -2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 17
Targets all Enemies
Poise -3
One Use
Short Range Inject
Init 4
Defense -2
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 10
Poise -2
Tries to inject poison using its stringer.
Does not need to do much damage, just needs
to pierce the skin.
Awkward Stinger
Init -4
Defense -2
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 10
Dmg On Solid Hit 4
Poise -3
Mental Scream
Init 6
Short Range
Move Away From Closest
Enemy 2
Attack 5
One Turn Malus 8
Poise -3
Targets all Enemies
One Use
An unfocused, brute unleashing of
telepathic power. Not deadly, but does
interfere with concentration and actions.

Hypnotic Lulls
Init 6
Medium Range
Move Away From Closest
Enemy 3
Attack 5
Lasting Malus 2
Poise -2
Uses its hypnotic mental effect to slowly
lull a target into complete in-action.
Draw Health From
Poise 15
Health Regain 5
One Use
Uses its bond with its Renfield to draw
health and energy out of the poor person
and into itself. Leaves the Renfield a
useless wreck.
Skim Minds
Init 4
Attack 1
Defense 1
Uses telepathy to rummage through the minds
of its opponents. This gives the creature
hints as to how its opponents will act and
allows it to pre-empt them.