Wind Friend School

Wind Friend School

Wind Friend Adept School.

Probing Strike
Tier: 1
Card Type: Attack
Init 2
Defense 5
Free Move 3
Attack 3
Poise -2
A cautious strike used to probe or stall an enemy.

Probing Shot
Tier: 1
Card Type: Attack
Medium Range
Init 4
Defense 4
Ranged Attack 3
Poise -2
A cautious firing of a ranged weapon intended to gradually turn an opponent into a pincushion.

One Shot
Tier: 1
Card Type: Attack
Long Range
Init 1
Defense -4
Ranged Attack 14
Poise -3
One Use
The Adept focuses entirely on landing a deadly shot. They draw heavily on their training and on their Sylph's power in order to land the arrow exactly.

Step off
Tier: 1
Card Type: Defense
Init 8
Move Away From Closest Enemy 10
Poise -1

Tier: 1
Card Type: Recover
Poise 5
The Adept and Sylph re-integrate, drawing breathe and centering their chi.

Wind Grasp
Tier: 1
Card Type: Utility, Spell
Attack 4
Poise -1
Can use the wind to pull a small, light object to hand. The object should not weigh more than a grapefruit and should be within Medium range.

Clear Air
Tier: 1
Card Type: Utility, Spell
Init 2
Poise -3
The Sylph whips quickly around the Adept, clearing the air around them of poisons and fog/dust/mites that would otherwise interfere with their vision and free action. Clears the air out to Medium Range. This can be de-activated with a thought.

Poking Staff
Tier: 1
Card Type: Equipment
Reach 1
Adds one range to melee attacks.

Dancing Winds
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Agility Defense 4
The Adept has learned to weave the Sylph about their body. Like a sinuous extra layer of muscle, it pushes the Adept out of harm's way.

Adept Alacrity
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Init 4

Wind Aura
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Max Poise 5
The wind extends the Adept's sense of self to several inches out from their body. They can feel incoming blades, or the twitch of an opponent's foot.

Wind Guide
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Ranged Attack 2
The Sylph helps guide missile weapons to their target, correcting any small mistakes in aim its owner might have made.

Intervening Winds
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Ranged Defense 4
The Adept has learned to work in tangent with the Sylph to help block incoming missiles. Helpful winds intervene to nudge the Adept out of the way while also nudging projectiles off target.

Wind Shoes
Tier: 1
Card Type: Passive
Extra Move Speed 1
The Sylph helps carry the Adept along swiftly. Increases base move speed by 1. Also allows for extended leaps, about twice what an unaided person could make.

Retreating Strike
Tier: 2
Card Type: Attack
Init 8
Move Away From Closest Enemy 6
Attack 6
Poise -2
A strike used as a parting shot when retreating from an enemy.

Cutting Strike
Tier: 2
Card Type: Attack
Init 4
Defense 6
Move To Closest Enemy 4
Attack 6
Poise -2
A fast and balanced attack.

Pushy Winds
Tier: 2
Card Type: Attack
Init 4
Short Range
Attack 10
Move Target 4
Poise -3
One Use
Uses a sudden blast of hurricane force wind to lift and move the target. GM should add penalties for particularly heavy or well secured targets (-5), and bonuses for very light weight targets (+5, 2 extra spaces).

Leaf on the Wind
Tier: 2
Card Type: Defense
Init 12
Free Move 8
Poise -2

Dust Storm
Tier: 2
Card Type: Utility, Spell
Init 4
Poise -5
The Sylph blows up any dust or debris at up to Medium range from the Adept. The flying particles will obscure vision and interfere with missile fire (-10 to ranged attacks in the entire area). Once started, the effect lasts for 5 vignettes before fading out. To be effective, there needs to be particles or debris on the ground. This Technique would have little effect on a clean stone ground.

Wind Servant
Tier: 2
Card Type: Utility, Spell
The Sylph summons up two continuous currents of wind, which can grasp and hold up to two grapefruit sized objects. For instance, it could hold up a torch, a bottle, or a grapefruit. This effect is somewhat strenuous to maintain, so objects need to be within 5 feet of the Adept. The object's can be thrown/dropped/manipulated just as though they were in the Adept's hands.

Dancing Winds 2
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Agility Defense 4
The Adept has learned to weave the Sylph about their body. Like a sinuous extra layer of muscle, it pushes the Adept out of harm's way.

Wind Aura 2
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Max Poise 5
The wind extends the Adept's sense of self to several feet out from their body. They can feel incoming blades, or the twitch of an opponent's muscle.

Adept Alacrity 2
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Init 5
The Adept and Sylph are completely integrated. The Adept trusts the Sylph like his own limbs, while the Sylph knows the Adept's will before he does. They move with super-human grace.

Wind Guardian
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Poise 1
The wind continually aids the Adept, helping correct their stance, moving pure air into their lungs, and sweeping sweat and blood out of their eyes.

Wind Guide 2
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Ranged Attack 2
The Sylph helps guide missile weapons to their target, correcting any small mistakes in aim its owner might have made.

Intervening Winds 2
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Ranged Defense 4
The Adept has learned to work in tangent with the Sylph to help block incoming missiles. Helpful winds intervene to nudge the Adept out of the way while also nudging projectiles off target.

Cushioned Landing
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Using a carefully directed gust of wind, slows the character so that they land gently on the ground. Can reliably use this for falls of 50 feet or less onto relatively solid and visible ground. If the fall is exceptionally far, or if the landing area is obscured, will take 1D6 Wounds on impact. Note that the Sylph will perform this action even if its carrier is unconscious or otherwise impaired.

Smelling Sylph
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Perception 2
After a long partnership, the Sylph begins to understand humans and their sense of smells. It brings the Adept choice particles, giving them a vastly enhanced sense of smell. Can be used to notice faded or distant smells. Can also be used to block out or soften unpleasant smells.

Sound Sylph
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Perception 2
After a long partnership, the Sylph begins to understand humans and their sense of hearing. It brings the Adept choice sounds, giving them a vastly enhanced sense of hearing. Can be used to notice soft or distant smells. Can also be used to block out or soften loud and jarring smells.

Wind Shoes 2
Tier: 2
Card Type: Passive
Extra Move Speed 1
The Sylph helps carry the Adept along swiftly. Increases base move speed by 1. Also allows for amazing leaps, about four times what an unaided person could make.

Lightning Slash
Tier: 3
Card Type: Attack
Init 12
Defense 2
Move To Closest Enemy 8
Attack 8
Poise -2
A nearly instantaneous strike that relies more on the Sylph than on human muscles or nerves.

Dancing strike
Tier: 3
Card Type: Attack
Init 4
Move To Closest Enemy 6
Attack 10
Move Away From Closest Enemy 6
Poise -3
The Adept uses their amazing speed to dart in, strike, and then dart well back.

Tier: 3
Card Type: Attack, Spell
Init 6
Attack 9
Target cannot regain Poise
Poise -5
The Sylph creates a zone around the target's head and then drives all good air away from that zone. Can only be applied at Short Range, can only be applied to one target at a time. If the target fails a hard Con save, they can no longer regain Poise. The effect can be broken by moving to a medium distance away from the Adept, or by beating them severely. If applied for more than a minute, will start doing 1 health damage per round. There have been scattered reports of Sylphs learning to enjoy choking the life out of people beings, so it is probably best not to use this too frequently. Has no effect on creatures which do not breathe

Eye of Hurricane
Tier: 3
Card Type: Recover
Poise 8
Defense -4
The Adept and Sylph re-integrate, drawing breathe and centering their chi.

Tier: 3
Card Type: Utility, Spell
Init 15
Free Move 40
Poise -15
Uses a downward directed blast of air to launch across the landscape. Has a move speed of 40 and can clear small buildings. Using this technique costs 15 Poise as it is rather disorienting even for experienced users. Does not provide protection from power lines, birds, etc. Will causes massive self-harm if the Adept is restrained in any way, e.g. was chained to wall, cloak is caught in door, etc.

Wind Saw
Tier: 3
Card Type: Utility, Spell
The Sylph focuses its fiercest winds against a small area. While not powerful enough to be used as a weapon in combat, these winds can be maintained for minutes or hours to impressive effect. They can cut through a tree trunk, scour stone clean, or slice straight through stone if given an hour. The air blade is nearly soundless, and the Adept needs to be within a few feet of it (though no concentration or even wakefulness is required once the process starts).

Dancing Winds 3
Tier: 3
Card Type: Passive
Agility Defense 6
The Adept has learned to weave the Sylph about their body. Like a sinuous extra layer of muscle, it pushes the Adept out of harm's way.

Wind Aura 3
Tier: 3
Card Type: Passive
Max Poise 8
The wind extends the Adept's sense of self to several yards out from their body. They can feel incoming blades, or the twitch of an opponent's eye.

Wind Armor
Tier: 3
Card Type: Passive
Wound Block 1
The Sylph instantly focuses all of its strength in a single spot, enough to lessen or turn aside a strike. This defense is invisible until the moment it turns a blade aside.

Adept Reflexes
Tier: 3
Card Type: Passive
Init 5
Extra Move Speed 1
The Adept and Sylph are completely integrated. The Adept trusts the Sylph like his own limbs, while the Sylph knows the Adept's will before he does. They move with super-human speed.