Witches what are they good for huh.

Witch Power Level: 32
Total Power Level: 32

Poise: 40
Health: 10
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: -3
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Power: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out ultimate power. Instead, it found madness. As a Witch it seeks to claim new Spirits, lands, and followers. Sane people will not follow it, so it is trying to create a society of Monsters to do so.
Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Speed: Has an extra action slot.
Attack: Control Crows: Able to control crows and direct them to swarm, buffet, and attack.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Poison: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: A half dozen grape-sized gems float and orbit around the creature's head.
Appearance: Faceless. Does not have a face, just a rough mass of undifferentiated tissue.
Smell: Smoke
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Twists and crushes victims together to make horrific flesh-castles.


Witch Power Level: 36
Total Power Level: 36

Poise: 70
Health: 10
DefenseMod: 13
AttackMod: 5
Init: 14

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Green Ooze: Made out of a Green jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Has +10 Health. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Reflexes: +5 initiative, +5 defense
Attack: Paralyzing Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 1: Half damage from normal weapons
Weakness: Vulnerable to light: Hates all light. Depending on the severity of the light, takes -1 to -10 Malus. A torch or a full moon would be -2, full sun would be -10.
Appearance: Has thin, luminous threads of Gold running through its skin
Appearance: Has three eyes.
Smell: Yeast
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Takes the skulls of victims and piles them in little pyramids.


Witch Power Level: 40
Total Power Level: 40

Poise: 48
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: -1
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons. Has 1 Natural armor and + 10 hp.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Speed: Has an extra action slot.
Attack: Prehensile Tail: Has a long, thick Tail that can extend to deliver attacks and abilities. Extra action slot for tail abilities.
Defense: Regeneration 2: Regenerates 4 health and 8 poise per turn.
Weakness: Sensitive nose: Strong odors cause this creature distraction and pain. Depending on the strength and offensiveness of the odor, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: One of its eyes is a Ruby
Smell: Burning Pine Wood
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands of its victims


Witch Power Level: 43
Total Power Level: 43

Poise: 48
Health: 35
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: -1
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Treasure Hunter: This Witch originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out abandoned treasures. Instead, they found an alien spirit that shattered their mind. They now seek amass treasure by raiding and stealing from villages. They do not fully understand value any more, so they will place great store on shiny or garish objects. They will kill anyone who gets in the way of this pursuit, or anyone who threatens their hoard.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Doom: When attacking, add 10 to the attack roll when rolling a 17, 18, 19, or 20. This supersedes the normal critical hit bonuses.
Attack: Entomb: This creature touches the target and entombs them in the ground. Hard Will Save. On failure, they are moved partially into the ground. The degree of failure indicates how far, with failing by 15+ being buried up to the crown of their head, while failing by 5 means being buried up to the kneecaps.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Fetish: Carries a Dried up organ that is enormously precious to it. If this can be taken, the creature will be frantic, fearful, and unable to use abilities.
Appearance: Wears dried bits of human hide over its body
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Prefers to drown victims, and then eats the water-logged bodies.


Witch Power Level: 45
Total Power Level: 45

Poise: 40
Health: 40
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: -3
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons. Has 1 natural armor.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Doom: When attacking, add 10 to the attack roll when rolling a 17, 18, 19, or 20. This supersedes the normal critical hit bonuses.
Attack: Malevolent Vibration: Emits an extremely low/high pitch vibration. Causes teeth and eye to bleed, and general cellular disruption when nearby. Good old bloody stool. Drives dogs and animals insane.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
Appearance: Has stumps instead of hands/feet. Does not interfere with its deadliness.
VictimChoice: Taste for Babies
VictimWound: Victim's faces are chewed off


Witch Power Level: 39
Total Power Level: 50

Poise: 48
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: -3
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Red Ooze: Made out of a Red jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Has +10 Health. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Attack: Telekinesis: Can move and throws things up to human size by using just its concentration. Usable 10 times per day. Can be avoided by taking cover, dodging at close range, or possibly other means.
Attack: Control Crows: Able to control crows and direct them to swarm, buffet, and attack.
Defense: Trapped Gasses: This creatures has nauseating gasses trapped beneath its skin. When wounded, these escape, sickening those around it (Hard Con Save or -10). Can only trigger three times in a fight.
Weakness: Avoidance Obsidian: Strongly avoids and will not approach Obsidian
Appearance: Glass Horn: The creature has a single >Glass horn rising from its head.
Smell: Ozone
VictimChoice: Does not target women
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Southern Toadbauble

Witch Power Level: 57
Total Power Level: 57

Poise: 90
Health: 5
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 9
Init: 15

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Doom: When attacking, add 10 to the attack roll when rolling a 17, 18, 19, or 20. This supersedes the normal critical hit bonuses.
Attack: Fire Starter: Can set things on fire by staring at it for several seconds. Usable 5 times per day. Can be avoided by taking cover, dodging at close range, or possibly other means.
Attack: Malevolent Vibration: Emits an extremely low/high pitch vibration. Causes teeth and eye to bleed, and general cellular disruption when nearby. Good old bloody stool. Drives dogs and animals insane.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature has a broken off noose of loose and heavy rope wrapped around its neck.
Appearance: Eyes never point in same direction
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Eats the skin from victims.


Witch Power Level: 59
Total Power Level: 59

Poise: 75
Health: 5
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 7
Init: 12

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Spirit Hunter: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out and capture Spirits to sell. Instead, it was the one captured. As a Witch it still seeks out Spirits to add to its collection. Will preferentially hunt and target Adepts in order to try and prize off their Spirit(s).
Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Fast: Moves 2x human speed. ++Init
Attack: Snake Legs: The rear third of the creature is that of a giant snake. Adds an extra action slot for the tail to grasp and crush.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Defense: Regeneration 2: Regenerates 4 health and 8 poise per turn.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Has three eyes.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
Smell: Ozone
VictimChoice: Taste for Dog
VictimWound: Cripples victims and lays worm sized young inside of them.


Witch Power Level: 59
Total Power Level: 59

Poise: 48
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: 2
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Renfielder: The creature can claim the mind of a human being. The process takes 1-3 days, and leaves the unfortunate soul a willing and obedient (if somewhat scatterbrained and insane) tool of the creature. The creature can communicate telepathically with its Renfield, even over a distance of miles, and the Renfield will obey without hesitation. A creature will never have more than 3 Renfields at a time, as it appears to take an investment of power to maintain the connection. Renfields have poor combat stats, and are most useful for mis-directions, distractions, and other oblique tactics.
Attack: Punishment Bag: The creature carries a gore-soaked burlap bag full of squirming, writhing horrors. The bag exudes and aura of fear and terror. Humans within Medium range must make an easy Fear save or lose their turn to quaking fear. Humans within Short range must make a Medium Fear Save for same. If punctured/opened, the bag proves empty but for some noisesome smoke.
Attack: Malevolent Vibration: Emits an extremely low/high pitch vibration. Causes teeth and eye to bleed, and general cellular disruption when nearby. Good old bloody stool. Drives dogs and animals insane.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 2: Max of 1 damage normal weapons
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Appearance: Has large iron pins embedded in its face and head at regular intervals. There are dozens of these pens, but they do not seem to impede the creatures actions.
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Does not target farmers
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.


Witch Power Level: 30
Total Power Level: 59

Poise: 48
Health: 10
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 2
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons. Has +10 Health.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Poisoned Quills: Body is covered in poisoned quills, which give +3 defense. Can launch quill at a single target in Medium range, inflicting Agonizing Poison.
Defense: Poisonous Skin: This creature's skin emits secretions that are highly dangerous. Touching the skin with so much as a single hand inflicts one dose of Itching Poison
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
Appearance: Has two sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Wretched Idiran Jellshell

Witch Power Level: 61
Total Power Level: 61

Poise: 55
Health: 35
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 6
Init: 5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Flesh
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Attack: Unspeakable Word: Speaks a word from the Void. Shatters understanding and sanity of a single target at up to Medium Range. Target makes a hard Will save, and on fail suffers -5 Malus and cannot regain poise for 10 rounds. Can be stacked. Using it is a Stance action.
Attack: Mind Wipe: A hard mind save that is conveyed by touch. Failed saves disables all of the person's memories over a 3 round period. If the person survives, they will start to regain their lost memories (or at least most of them) will after a 72 hour period.
Defense: Bee Symbiont: This creature carries a beehive inter-woven with their body. Damaging them results in swarm of bees pouring out to attack the attackers.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Weakness: Vulnerable to Acid: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Wears a rough and gore stained burlap bag over most of its body.
Appearance: Continually cries Umber tears
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Twists and crushes victims together to make horrific flesh-castles.


Witch Power Level: 65
Total Power Level: 65

Poise: 30
Health: 20
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 2
Init: -5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Human Race: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Human Race. Specifically, the Human Race killed their Child. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Silver Ooze: Made out of a Silver jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Has +10 Health. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Reliable Murder: If this creature rolls a 5 or less on a D20, re-rolls and takes the next roll.
Attack: Snake-mouth Tail: Has a tail with a snake mouth on the end. The tail can make its own attacks.
Attack: Multiple Mouths: Makes more than one bite attack. On more than one success, target is immobilized as one of the maws holds the target in place.
Defense: Full Invisibility: Completely invisible, even when moving or attacking.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Eyes never point in same direction
Smell: Cabbage
VictimChoice: Taste for Cow
VictimWound: Likes to make a nest/bed out of its victims. Naps there for a while after a kill.


Witch Power Level: 69
Total Power Level: 69

Poise: 70
Health: 25
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 10
Init: 9

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Empire: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Empire. Specifically, the Empire killed their Father. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Attack: Soul Drinking Blade: This cursed and fearsome blade drains the souls from those it wounds. Even a scratch from this weapon can be fatal.
Defense: 20 lbs of Vermin in 10 lbs bag: Creature is full of Fat Maggots. When the creature is damaged, these vermin will pour out of it and attack anything nearby.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Iron weapons: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Appearance: The creature's heart emits a Red glow that shines through its skin and slowly pulses.
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Prefers to drown victims, and then eats the water-logged bodies.


Witch Power Level: 71
Total Power Level: 71

Poise: 70
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 10
Init: 9

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Church: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Church. Specifically, the Church killed their Husband. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Ice Blade: The creature wields a sword of transparent ice and endless cold. The blade will freeze flesh and steel.
Attack: Multiple Mouths: Makes more than one bite attack. On more than one success, target is immobilized as one of the maws holds the target in place.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 2: Max of 1 damage normal weapons
Weakness: Vulnerable to light: Hates all light. Depending on the severity of the light, takes -1 to -10 Malus. A torch or a full moon would be -2, full sun would be -10.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.


Witch Power Level: 71
Total Power Level: 71

Poise: 62
Health: 25
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 9
Init: 7

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons. Has +10 Health.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Ability: Corrupting Spores: The creature sheds small, purplish spores into the air. These spores can colonize the human body, and if not promptly treated they can develop into an infection that will gradually enslave the host. The afflicted move and think slowly and become insensible to pain. While in this state they will obey the creature's phermonic promptings. Eventually the fungal infection grows to the point that the victim is rooted to the ground, and become an uneven pillar of spores and molting flesh. If the creature has been in an inhabited area for 1+ weeks, it will be aided by 3-6 of these afflicted humans.
Attack: Piercing Blade: The creature wields a blade that is unnaturally sharp. The weapon can pierce through skin, bone, metal, and butter with equal ease.
Attack: Maul: Makes 2 attacks against same target. If both attacks hit, does extra damage.
Defense: Unyielding: This creatures takes no Malus for health damage. It is deadly until the moment it is dead.
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Appearance: Its tongue is long and deeply forked.
Appearance: It has shark teeth in its mouth.
Smell: Peaches
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Cripples victims and lays worm sized young inside of them.


Witch Power Level: 75
Total Power Level: 75

Poise: 75
Health: 35
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 2
Init: 12

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Fast: Moves 2x human speed. ++Init
Attack: Three Headed: Has an two extra action slots for bite/breath actions. +10 Health, but the heads do interfere with each other on the attack.
Attack: Bone Breaking Fist: This attack is applied by Fist.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 1: Half damage from normal weapons
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Its eyes are made of Pearls
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Impales victims on tree branches to make feeding easier.


Witch Power Level: 62
Total Power Level: 76

Poise: 48
Health: 25
DefenseMod: 7
AttackMod: 6
Init: 8

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Reflexes: +5 initiative, +5 defense
Attack: Fury X: Can attack multiple enemies within range all at once.
Defense: Skeleton War Conscript: When the creature dies, its skeleton then rips free of its body and continues to fight.
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Appearance: Its tongue is long and deeply forked.
Smell: Smoke
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Victim's head is twisted around 180 degrees. Neck broken too of course.

Odious Chelgrian Penguin

Witch Power Level: 40
Total Power Level: 81

Poise: 48
Health: 35
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: -3
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Speed: Has an extra action slot.
Attack: Dream Marathon: Can exhaust and sap a character while they sleep. To begin, requires viewing and focusing on the character for ~1 minute, or a bit of their hair/nails/blood. Will then assail them in nightmares. After each night, takes a progressive -5 Malus from exhaustion. Character dies of exhaustion after the 3rd night of such attacks.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 1: Half damage from normal weapons
Weakness: Praise the Sun: The creature is confused idealist and ascribes to a somewhat counterproductive ideology. It believes itself to be evil and fears the good and true. It can sense those who have pure hearts, and against them it suffers a -1 to -10 Malus and it is unwilling/psychologically blocked from using its powers. The pureness of a given character's heart is a GM's decision, though NPCs can also be enlisted to help with this.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Wears a rough and gore stained burlap bag over most of its body.
Appearance: Wears a rough and blood stained burlap bag over its head(s).
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Eats the fat off the victim, leaves most of the rest.

Lesser Bleeding Bullstal

Witch Power Level: 41
Total Power Level: 86

Poise: 40
Health: 5
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 0
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Renfielder: The creature can claim the mind of a human being. The process takes 1-3 days, and leaves the unfortunate soul a willing and obedient (if somewhat scatterbrained and insane) tool of the creature. The creature can communicate telepathically with its Renfield, even over a distance of miles, and the Renfield will obey without hesitation. A creature will never have more than 3 Renfields at a time, as it appears to take an investment of power to maintain the connection. Renfields have poor combat stats, and are most useful for mis-directions, distractions, and other oblique tactics.
Attack: Burning Hands: The creature' hands burst into sudden and immense heat. These hands can sear flesh, burn through wood, and even melt through stone and iron if given a few seconds. The hands are ringed in flames and glow a bright red.
Attack: Control Crows: Able to control crows and direct them to swarm, buffet, and attack.
Defense: Iron Skin: Has 3 armor. Skin appears normal, until you hit it. Then it is like hitting a cast iron skillet.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Appearance: Has human skulls attached to its body near its joints. The skulls still have flaps of dried flesh on them, and will gibber wildly during combat.
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands of its victims

Uqbarian Vine Scorpion
Southern Toadbauble

Witch Power Level: 86
Total Power Level: 86

Poise: 53
Health: 60
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: 6
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Mind Wipe: A hard mind save that is conveyed by touch. Failed saves disables all of the person's memories over a 3 round period. If the person survives, they will start to regain their lost memories (or at least most of them) will after a 72 hour period.
Attack: Maul: Makes 2 attacks against same target. If both attacks hit, does extra damage.
Defense: Spell Immunity 2: No damage from spells, +10 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Ice: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Eats the flesh and muscles, and then carves strange sigils on the bones of the victim.


Witch Power Level: 55
Total Power Level: 86

Poise: 55
Health: 10
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 1
Init: 5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Power: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out ultimate power. Instead, it found madness. As a Witch it seeks to claim new Spirits, lands, and followers. Sane people will not follow it, so it is trying to create a society of Monsters to do so.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Malevolent Vibration: Emits an extremely low/high pitch vibration. Causes teeth and eye to bleed, and general cellular disruption when nearby. Good old bloody stool. Drives dogs and animals insane.
Attack: Piercing Blade: The creature wields a blade that is unnaturally sharp. The weapon can pierce through skin, bone, metal, and butter with equal ease.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Has three eyes.
Appearance: Continually cries Green tears
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Loves to eat its victim's intestines.

Damnable Chelgrian Necroman

Witch Power Level: 29
Total Power Level: 88

Poise: 40
Health: 35
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: -5
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Empire: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Empire. Specifically, the Empire killed their Parents. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons. Has +10 Health.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Renfielder: The creature can claim the mind of a human being. The process takes 1-3 days, and leaves the unfortunate soul a willing and obedient (if somewhat scatterbrained and insane) tool of the creature. The creature can communicate telepathically with its Renfield, even over a distance of miles, and the Renfield will obey without hesitation. A creature will never have more than 3 Renfields at a time, as it appears to take an investment of power to maintain the connection. Renfields have poor combat stats, and are most useful for mis-directions, distractions, and other oblique tactics.
Attack: Frost Bite Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Defense: 20 lbs of Vermin in 10 lbs bag: Creature is full of Roaches. When the creature is damaged, these vermin will pour out of it and attack anything nearby.
Weakness: Motion Sight: Cannot see creatures that are motionless. The less motion/movement a person makes, the more difficult it will be for this creature to see/target them. Can use scent and sound and intuition if it knows/suspects a character is at a certain area but "invisible".
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Appearance: Vestigial Wings: The creature has small, raggedy wings on its back
Smell: Cabbage
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the feet of its victims

Odious Chelgrian Penguin
Vanheim Cryscrow

Witch Power Level: 91
Total Power Level: 91

Poise: 95
Health: 60
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 12
Init: 15

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Renfielder: The creature can claim the mind of a human being. The process takes 1-3 days, and leaves the unfortunate soul a willing and obedient (if somewhat scatterbrained and insane) tool of the creature. The creature can communicate telepathically with its Renfield, even over a distance of miles, and the Renfield will obey without hesitation. A creature will never have more than 3 Renfields at a time, as it appears to take an investment of power to maintain the connection. Renfields have poor combat stats, and are most useful for mis-directions, distractions, and other oblique tactics.
Attack: Multiple Mouths: Makes more than one bite attack. On more than one success, target is immobilized as one of the maws holds the target in place.
Attack: Heart Freeze Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Defense: Spell Immunity 2: No damage from spells, +10 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Vulnerable to light: Hates all light. Depending on the severity of the light, takes -1 to -10 Malus. A torch or a full moon would be -2, full sun would be -10.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will flee from its reflection in blind fear and panic.
Appearance: Wears knotted strings of human bone wrapped around its body: +1 Armor
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Eats the skin from victims.


Witch Power Level: 66
Total Power Level: 91

Poise: 30
Health: 40
DefenseMod: 1
AttackMod: 3
Init: -5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Speed: Has an extra action slot.
Attack: Choking Aura: The air is thick and heavy. Gloom and despair flow out from the creature. Cannot regain Poise while at short range with this creature.
Defense: Swarmin Vermin: Creature is surrounded/clothed by a swarm of Flies. The swarm can act as a defense, or can be split and then sent to attack. Can be sent to attack anywhere in the region, though will not then be available for defense. Any losses to the swarm are repaired in 24 hours.
Weakness: Sensitive nose: Strong odors cause this creature distraction and pain. Depending on the strength and offensiveness of the odor, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Eyes never point in same direction
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Uqbarian Bush Crocodile

Witch Power Level: 63
Total Power Level: 93

Poise: 70
Health: 5
DefenseMod: 8
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 15
AttackMod: 8
Init: 9

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Monstrous Speed: Has an extra action slot.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Defense: Gale Winds: When the creature becomes agitated, gale force winds grow up around it and whip the landscape. The wind and screaming dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-15). Even staying up right requires an easy strength save at the end of each round.
Weakness: Over-calculator: Has difficulty sorting out scenes with many moving objects. A fall of leaves or a spray of marbles are extremely distracting to the creature and prevent it from focusing. Takes a -1 to -10 Malus depending on amount of visual chaff it is facing.
Appearance: Speaks a stream of nonsense phrases as it attacks. Doesn't seem to understand the words; seems to be parroted phrases that it has overheard.
VictimChoice: Does not target sinners, robberers, and murderers
VictimWound: Never eats the Fingers of its victims

Minor Thulian Carcbull

Witch Power Level: 95
Total Power Level: 95

Poise: 95
Health: 60
DefenseMod: 16
AttackMod: 12
Init: 15

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Power: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out ultimate power. Instead, it found madness. As a Witch it seeks to claim new Spirits, lands, and followers. Sane people will not follow it, so it is trying to create a society of Monsters to do so.
Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons. Has 1 natural armor.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Renfielder: The creature can claim the mind of a human being. The process takes 1-3 days, and leaves the unfortunate soul a willing and obedient (if somewhat scatterbrained and insane) tool of the creature. The creature can communicate telepathically with its Renfield, even over a distance of miles, and the Renfield will obey without hesitation. A creature will never have more than 3 Renfields at a time, as it appears to take an investment of power to maintain the connection. Renfields have poor combat stats, and are most useful for mis-directions, distractions, and other oblique tactics.
Attack: Boiling Blood Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Attack: Boiling Blood Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 2: Max of 1 damage normal weapons
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Weakness: Avoidance Obsidian: Strongly avoids and will not approach Obsidian
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
Smell: Peaches
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Cracks all the bones of its victims and then twists their body into spirals.


Witch Power Level: 55
Total Power Level: 96

Poise: 35
Health: 10
DefenseMod: -1
AttackMod: 5
Init: -2

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Flesh
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Terrifying strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. +5 atk, +12 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Doom: When attacking, add 10 to the attack roll when rolling a 17, 18, 19, or 20. This supersedes the normal critical hit bonuses.
Attack: Bug Spray: Fires a cone of Gray Moths out of its mouth at high pressure, hitting targets at up to Medium distance. The Gray Moths then proceed to act as a mook. Usable twice per day.
Attack: Telekinesis: Can move and throws things up to human size by using just its concentration. Usable 10 times per day. Can be avoided by taking cover, dodging at close range, or possibly other means.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Appearance: Crawling with fleas and other insects
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Never eats the Fingers of its victims

Eastern Babelly

Witch Power Level: 37
Total Power Level: 96

Poise: 30
Health: 40
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: -5
Init: -5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Empire: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Empire. Specifically, the Empire killed their Beloved Dog. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Flesh
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Mirror Twin: Can reach into a mirror, pond, or other reflective surface and pull out a twin of itself. The mirror twin has the same stats as the original, but will "pop" after taking a single wound. Can summon 2 mirror twins per day. Mirror twins fade at sunrise.
Attack: Punishment Bag: The creature carries a gore-soaked burlap bag full of squirming, writhing horrors. The bag exudes and aura of fear and terror. Humans within Medium range must make an easy Fear save or lose their turn to quaking fear. Humans within Short range must make a Medium Fear Save for same. If punctured/opened, the bag proves empty but for some noisesome smoke.
Attack: Paralyzing Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Defense: Shadow Armor: Wears armor made out of solid shadows. Provides 4 DR. Touching the armor drains heat from you, like a strong wind in Alaska. Drains 5 Poise per round of significant touch.
Weakness: Vulnerable at Full Moon: Moves very slowly and cannot use special abilities at Full Moon. Also suffers a -5 Malus.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: Wears a cloak made of small, multi-colored bits of cloth that have all been sewn together
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Odious Chelgrian Penguin
Vanheim Cryscrow

Witch Power Level: 55
Total Power Level: 99

Poise: 70
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 3
Init: 9

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Church: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Church. Specifically, the Church killed their Family. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Mirror Twin: Can reach into a mirror, pond, or other reflective surface and pull out a twin of itself. The mirror twin has the same stats as the original, but will "pop" after taking a single wound. Can summon 2 mirror twins per day. Mirror twins fade at sunrise.
Attack: Gibbering Mouths: Has a score of mouths attached to its body, all gibbering insanities. Extra action slot for these attacks.
Attack: Rust Fist: This attack is applied by Fist.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Appearance: Eyes never point in same direction
Appearance: Has three sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Eats the skin from victims.

Estovokian Kugel Snail

Witch Power Level: 58
Total Power Level: 100

Poise: 35
Health: 15
DefenseMod: -1
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 15
AttackMod: 2
Init: -2

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on WitchHammers: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the WitchHammers. Specifically, the WitchHammers killed their Child. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Mind Fog: The creature exudes a thick mist that clouds the mind. So long as you are in the mist and breathing it/have significant skin contact with it, must make an easy Will Save at start of round or forget what you are doing for the round. If the creature is moving quickly, the mist will not be able to gather and pool enough to have an effect. If the creature stays in an area for 3 rounds, the mist will build up and extend to Short range around the creature. Staying in an area of 5 minutes or longer will extend the mist to Medium range, while a full day is required for Long range. The mist impairs sight and will cause a -1 to -5 penalty for ranged attacks/senses depending on how far through the mist you are peering.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Defense: Gale Winds: When the creature becomes agitated, gale force winds grow up around it and whip the landscape. The wind and screaming dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-15). Even staying up right requires an easy strength save at the end of each round.
Weakness: Vulnerable at Noon Hour: Moves very slowly and cannot use special abilities at Noon Hour. Also suffers a -5 Malus.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Acid: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: The creature's skin is covered in glowing Green runes.
Appearance: Has thin, luminous threads of Fire running through its skin
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Victims are torn into two pieces, with the middle eaten out.

Hyberborean Swineberg

Witch Power Level: 61
Total Power Level: 101

Poise: 40
Health: 25
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 3
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Reliable Murder: If this creature rolls a 5 or less on a D20, re-rolls and takes the next roll.
Attack: Piercing Blade: The creature wields a blade that is unnaturally sharp. The weapon can pierce through skin, bone, metal, and butter with equal ease.
Attack: Agonizing Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Defense: Iron Skin: Has 3 armor. Skin appears normal, until you hit it. Then it is like hitting a cast iron skillet.
Weakness: Lair Soil: Needs to build lair and return to it once every 12 hours. Building a lair takes 12 hours. For every 4 hours over, takes -1 Malus and 1 health damage.
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Appearance: Eyes never point in same direction
Appearance: Its tongue is long and deeply forked.
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Prefers to drown victims, and then eats the water-logged bodies.

Callow Murderous Goribauble

Witch Power Level: 45
Total Power Level: 104

Poise: 40
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: 0
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on People: The Witch feels that people have wronged it. While it has changed greatly from its former existence, it does still remember a feeling of being injured, not appreciated, and taken advantage of by people in general. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons. Has +10 Health.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Immense Intelligence: These creatures are extremely intelligent, so much so that they are often thought to have magical or oracular powers. In practice, the difference is somewhat moot, as their vast knowledge, perfect recall, and incisive thinking allows them to be one or three steps ahead of most opponents. Will see through almost all traps, and can be expected to have contingency plans set up for most events. You should try to have at least 3 three surprises set up when facing these creatures, as it will usually predict the first two.
Attack: Fury X: Can attack multiple enemies within range all at once.
Defense: Pierce Resistant: Half damage from piercing weapons
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Wears a featureless Gold mask over its face.
Smell: Burning Pine Wood
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Cripples victims and lays worm sized young inside of them.

Uqbarian Bush Crocodile
Uqbarian Vine Scorpion

Witch Power Level: 58
Total Power Level: 104

Poise: 55
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 4
Init: 5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Breath of Death: This attack is applied by Breath.
Defense: From Hell's Heart: When killed, becomes a Ghost Aspected creature of the same size. Goes back up to full Health and Poise.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Appearance: Wears a rough and gore stained burlap bag over most of its body.
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Idiran Etherphant

Witch Power Level: 46
Total Power Level: 105

Poise: 35
Health: 25
DefenseMod: 3
AttackMod: -1
Init: -2

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Spirit Hunter: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out and capture Spirits to sell. Instead, it was the one captured. As a Witch it still seeks out Spirits to add to its collection. Will preferentially hunt and target Adepts in order to try and prize off their Spirit(s).
Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons. Has 1 natural armor.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Immense Intelligence: These creatures are extremely intelligent, so much so that they are often thought to have magical or oracular powers. In practice, the difference is somewhat moot, as their vast knowledge, perfect recall, and incisive thinking allows them to be one or three steps ahead of most opponents. Will see through almost all traps, and can be expected to have contingency plans set up for most events. You should try to have at least 3 three surprises set up when facing these creatures, as it will usually predict the first two.
Attack: Unspeakable Word: Speaks a word from the Void. Shatters understanding and sanity of a single target at up to Medium Range. Target makes a hard Will save, and on fail suffers -5 Malus and cannot regain poise for 10 rounds. Can be stacked. Using it is a Stance action.
Defense: Pierce Resistant: Half damage from piercing weapons
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Weakness: Refined Humor: Hates puns and other low humor. Will be distracted and enraged each turn it hears a pun or other low humor.
Appearance: Shadow moves slightly differently than creature itself, and can expand/shrink without regard to lighting
Smell: Cinnamon
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Victim's faces are chewed off

Murderous Marmashell
Southern Toadbauble

Witch Power Level: 105
Total Power Level: 105

Poise: 72
Health: 100
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 8
Init: 7

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Treasure Hunter: This Witch originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out abandoned treasures. Instead, they found an alien spirit that shattered their mind. They now seek amass treasure by raiding and stealing from villages. They do not fully understand value any more, so they will place great store on shiny or garish objects. They will kill anyone who gets in the way of this pursuit, or anyone who threatens their hoard.
Aspect: Silver Ooze: Made out of a Silver jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Has +10 Health. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Doom: When attacking, add 10 to the attack roll when rolling a 17, 18, 19, or 20. This supersedes the normal critical hit bonuses.
Attack: Three Headed: Has an two extra action slots for bite/breath actions. +10 Health, but the heads do interfere with each other on the attack.
Defense: Regeneration 2: Regenerates 4 health and 8 poise per turn.
Weakness: Vulnerable at Rain: Moves very slowly and cannot use special abilities at Rain. Also suffers a -5 Malus.
Weakness: Sensitive nose: Strong odors cause this creature distraction and pain. Depending on the strength and offensiveness of the odor, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Ram Horns: The creature has a thick and curling set of ram's horns on its head
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Snack Saver: Saves tasty bits of people by burying bits in small holes a few feet deep. Rarely leaves these snacks for more than 48 hours.


Witch Power Level: 50
Total Power Level: 106

Poise: 62
Health: 35
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 1
Init: 7

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Treasure Hunter: This Witch originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out abandoned treasures. Instead, they found an alien spirit that shattered their mind. They now seek amass treasure by raiding and stealing from villages. They do not fully understand value any more, so they will place great store on shiny or garish objects. They will kill anyone who gets in the way of this pursuit, or anyone who threatens their hoard.
Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons. Has +10 Health.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Reliable Murder: If this creature rolls a 5 or less on a D20, re-rolls and takes the next roll.
Attack: Soul Drinking Blade: This cursed and fearsome blade drains the souls from those it wounds. Even a scratch from this weapon can be fatal.
Defense: Trapped Gasses: This creatures has nauseating gasses trapped beneath its skin. When wounded, these escape, sickening those around it (Hard Con Save or -10). Can only trigger three times in a fight.
Weakness: Blinding hunger: Once it starts feeding, finds it extremely difficult to stop. If it is being attacked or is facing imminent harm, can make Hard Will Saves to break free of this compulsion. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Its tongue is long and deeply forked.
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Likes to let prey rot for a few days before consuming

Damnable Chelgrian Necroman
Uqbarian Bush Crocodile

Witch Power Level: 36
Total Power Level: 113

Poise: 62
Health: 5
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 3
Init: 7

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Spirit Hunter: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out and capture Spirits to sell. Instead, it was the one captured. As a Witch it still seeks out Spirits to add to its collection. Will preferentially hunt and target Adepts in order to try and prize off their Spirit(s).
Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Light Bringer: The creature's body can shine with a blinding Amber light. Looking at it is a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -8 Malus to all creatures at short range, and a -4 Malus to all creatures at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear or other abilities.
Attack: Snake Legs: The rear third of the creature is that of a giant snake. Adds an extra action slot for the tail to grasp and crush.
Attack: Agonizing Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Defense: Weapon shattering body: Metal weapons will shatter upon striking the creature. They will still do damage, but are only good for one successful attack. Works via Karma.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Weakness: Spheresome Aura: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Appearance: Never actually touches the ground. Floats a centimeter above the ground at all times.
VictimChoice: Taste for Babies
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.

Valusian Ice Swine
Estovokian Kugel Snail

Witch Power Level: 75
Total Power Level: 113

Poise: 70
Health: 25
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 10
Init: 9

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Treasure Hunter: This Witch originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out abandoned treasures. Instead, they found an alien spirit that shattered their mind. They now seek amass treasure by raiding and stealing from villages. They do not fully understand value any more, so they will place great store on shiny or garish objects. They will kill anyone who gets in the way of this pursuit, or anyone who threatens their hoard.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Heart Bleed Fist: This attack is applied by Fist.
Attack: Petrifying Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Weakness: Vulnerable at Twilight: Moves very slowly and cannot use special abilities at Twilight. Also suffers a -5 Malus.
Appearance: Blindfold: Wears a blindfold of cloth coverings its eyes. Does not seem to impede is senses.
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Only eats the Kidneys of its victims

Azadian Scorpion

Witch Power Level: 36
Total Power Level: 119

Poise: 35
Health: 50
DefenseMod: 9
AttackMod: -4
Init: -2

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on People: The Witch feels that people have wronged it. While it has changed greatly from its former existence, it does still remember a feeling of being injured, not appreciated, and taken advantage of by people in general. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons. Has +10 Health.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Mirror Twin: Can reach into a mirror, pond, or other reflective surface and pull out a twin of itself. The mirror twin has the same stats as the original, but will "pop" after taking a single wound. Can summon 2 mirror twins per day. Mirror twins fade at sunrise.
Attack: Mind Fog: The creature exudes a thick mist that clouds the mind. So long as you are in the mist and breathing it/have significant skin contact with it, must make an easy Will Save at start of round or forget what you are doing for the round. If the creature is moving quickly, the mist will not be able to gather and pool enough to have an effect. If the creature stays in an area for 3 rounds, the mist will build up and extend to Short range around the creature. Staying in an area of 5 minutes or longer will extend the mist to Medium range, while a full day is required for Long range. The mist impairs sight and will cause a -1 to -5 penalty for ranged attacks/senses depending on how far through the mist you are peering.
Defense: Iron Skin: Has 3 armor. Skin appears normal, until you hit it. Then it is like hitting a cast iron skillet.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Milk: Cannot stand Milk. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Mercury: Cannot stand Mercury. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Has three eyes.
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands of its victims

Zhaibarian Elk
Estovokian Kugel Snail

Witch Power Level: 63
Total Power Level: 119

Poise: 45
Health: 80
DefenseMod: -1
AttackMod: -1
Init: -2

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Human Race: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Human Race. Specifically, the Human Race killed their Home. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Aura of Reliable Murder: If this creature rolls a 5 or less on a D20, re-rolls and takes the next roll.
Attack: Soul Drinking Blade: This cursed and fearsome blade drains the souls from those it wounds. Even a scratch from this weapon can be fatal.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Lair Soil: Needs to build lair and return to it once every 12 hours. Building a lair takes 12 hours. For every 4 hours over, takes -1 Malus and 1 health damage.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Appearance: Wears a featureless Gold mask over its face.
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Prefers to cripple its victims before eating them alive

Southern Toadbauble
Terrifying Carcgoat

Witch Power Level: 75
Total Power Level: 119

Poise: 48
Health: 45
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 4
Init: 3

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Power: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out ultimate power. Instead, it found madness. As a Witch it seeks to claim new Spirits, lands, and followers. Sane people will not follow it, so it is trying to create a society of Monsters to do so.
Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Piercing Blade: The creature wields a blade that is unnaturally sharp. The weapon can pierce through skin, bone, metal, and butter with equal ease.
Attack: Mind Fog: The creature exudes a thick mist that clouds the mind. So long as you are in the mist and breathing it/have significant skin contact with it, must make an easy Will Save at start of round or forget what you are doing for the round. If the creature is moving quickly, the mist will not be able to gather and pool enough to have an effect. If the creature stays in an area for 3 rounds, the mist will build up and extend to Short range around the creature. Staying in an area of 5 minutes or longer will extend the mist to Medium range, while a full day is required for Long range. The mist impairs sight and will cause a -1 to -5 penalty for ranged attacks/senses depending on how far through the mist you are peering.
Defense: Swarmin Vermin: Creature is surrounded/clothed by a swarm of Beetles. The swarm can act as a defense, or can be split and then sent to attack. Can be sent to attack anywhere in the region, though will not then be available for defense. Any losses to the swarm are repaired in 24 hours.
Weakness: Vulnerable at New Moon: Moves very slowly and cannot use special abilities at New Moon. Also suffers a -5 Malus.
Appearance: Wears an iron belt, festooned with the severed hands of its victims.
Appearance: Long, Face covering hair: The creature has a long, thick mat of hair that descends from its head to cover most of its face.
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Cracks all the bones of its victims and then twists their body into spirals.

Detestable Northern Carafboon

Witch Power Level: 80
Total Power Level: 119

Poise: 90
Health: 15
DefenseMod: 22
AttackMod: 15
Init: 15

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Human Race: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Human Race. Specifically, the Human Race killed their Lover. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Attack: Biting Blade: This strange blade is lined with teeth, mouths, and eyes. The blade itself is living, and it bends and flexes in order to seek blood.
Attack: Unspeakable Word: Speaks a word from the Void. Shatters understanding and sanity of a single target at up to Medium Range. Target makes a hard Will save, and on fail suffers -5 Malus and cannot regain poise for 10 rounds. Can be stacked. Using it is a Stance action.
Defense: Iron Skin: Has 3 armor. Skin appears normal, until you hit it. Then it is like hitting a cast iron skillet.
Weakness: Vulnerable to light: Hates all light. Depending on the severity of the light, takes -1 to -10 Malus. A torch or a full moon would be -2, full sun would be -10.
Appearance: Wears dried bits of human hide over its body
Appearance: Wears a featureless white mask over its face.
VictimChoice: Does not target women
VictimWound: Removes and eats the bones from victims, leaving limp and splayed open bodies.

Northern Hundessicate
Wretched Idiran Jellshell

Witch Power Level: 86
Total Power Level: 120

Poise: 40
Health: 80
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 2
Init: -5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Treasure Hunter: This Witch originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out abandoned treasures. Instead, they found an alien spirit that shattered their mind. They now seek amass treasure by raiding and stealing from villages. They do not fully understand value any more, so they will place great store on shiny or garish objects. They will kill anyone who gets in the way of this pursuit, or anyone who threatens their hoard.
Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Soul Drinking Blade: This cursed and fearsome blade drains the souls from those it wounds. Even a scratch from this weapon can be fatal.
Attack: Punishment Bag: The creature carries a gore-soaked burlap bag full of squirming, writhing horrors. The bag exudes and aura of fear and terror. Humans within Medium range must make an easy Fear save or lose their turn to quaking fear. Humans within Short range must make a Medium Fear Save for same. If punctured/opened, the bag proves empty but for some noisesome smoke.
Defense: From Hell's Heart: When killed, becomes a Ghost Aspected creature of the same size. Goes back up to full Health and Poise.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Weakness: Sensitive nose: Strong odors cause this creature distraction and pain. Depending on the strength and offensiveness of the odor, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Casts no shadow
Appearance: Perfectly reflective Umber eyes
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Cracks all the bones of its victims and then twists their body into spirals.

Accursed Akkadian Pangloom

Witch Power Level: 47
Total Power Level: 122

Poise: 70
Health: 35
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 3
Init: 9

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Ice Blue Ooze: Made out of a Ice Blue jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Has +10 Health. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Gibbering Mouths: Has a score of mouths attached to its body, all gibbering insanities. Extra action slot for these attacks.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Has a thick and distended abdomen.
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.

Wretched Idiran Jellshell
Northern Ghost Scorpion

Witch Power Level: 60
Total Power Level: 122

Poise: 45
Health: 70
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: -3
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Spirit Hunter: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out and capture Spirits to sell. Instead, it was the one captured. As a Witch it still seeks out Spirits to add to its collection. Will preferentially hunt and target Adepts in order to try and prize off their Spirit(s).
Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons. Has 1 Natural armor and + 10 hp.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Attack: Barbed Tendrils: Can shoot out tendrils from its flesh, attacking all in medium range. Hit creatures suffer damage, are impaired, and cannot move more than medium distance from creature.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will flee from its reflection in blind fear and panic.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Coral weapons: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: One of its eyes is a Ruby
Appearance: Has three sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Hangs victims from tree branches to make feeding easier.

Uqbarian Vine Scorpion
Lemurian Lamblant

Witch Power Level: 39
Total Power Level: 130

Poise: 55
Health: 5
DefenseMod: 7
AttackMod: -1
Init: 5

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Knowledge: The Witch traveled to the Rift in order to gain knowledge. They thought that only at the Rift would they have access to the information and spirits needed to answer their questions. As a Witch, they still seek knowledge, and are prone to strange experiments, vivisection, and making endless and meaningless scrawls on volumes of parchment.
Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Speed: Has an extra action slot.
Attack: Fist of Death: This attack is applied by Fist.
Defense: Swarmin Vermin: Creature is surrounded/clothed by a swarm of Gray Moths. The swarm can act as a defense, or can be split and then sent to attack. Can be sent to attack anywhere in the region, though will not then be available for defense. Any losses to the swarm are repaired in 24 hours.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Appearance: Its entrails hang out of its belly.
Appearance: A half dozen grape-sized gems float and orbit around the creature's head.
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Impales victims on tree branches to make feeding easier.

Northern Ghost Scorpion
Terrifying Carcgoat

Witch Power Level: 66
Total Power Level: 135

Poise: 60
Health: 60
DefenseMod: 9
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 1
Init: 10

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Adventurer: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek adventure and noble deeds. As a Witch, they still seek the same, and will try to clear out villages of "orcs" that threaten the Rift Lands.
Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Monstrous Reflexes: +5 initiative, +5 defense
Attack: Fire Starter: Can set things on fire by staring at it for several seconds. Usable 5 times per day. Can be avoided by taking cover, dodging at close range, or possibly other means.
Defense: Gusting Winds: Creature is continually surrounded by strong gusting winds. The wind and whipping dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-10).
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Its eyes are made of Emeralds
Appearance: Shadow moves slightly differently than creature itself, and can expand/shrink without regard to lighting
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Thulian Carcelk
Lesser Bleeding Bullstal

Witch Power Level: 70
Total Power Level: 138

Poise: 45
Health: 60
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 0
Init: 0

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Desire for Power: This person originally traveled to the Rift in order seek out ultimate power. Instead, it found madness. As a Witch it seeks to claim new Spirits, lands, and followers. Sane people will not follow it, so it is trying to create a society of Monsters to do so.
Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Immense Intelligence: These creatures are extremely intelligent, so much so that they are often thought to have magical or oracular powers. In practice, the difference is somewhat moot, as their vast knowledge, perfect recall, and incisive thinking allows them to be one or three steps ahead of most opponents. Will see through almost all traps, and can be expected to have contingency plans set up for most events. You should try to have at least 3 three surprises set up when facing these creatures, as it will usually predict the first two.
Attack: Dream Lilt: Continually sings a soft, haunting melody that lulls people into a deep sleep. If in short range, must make an easy will save at end of each round or fall asleep.
Defense: Shadow Armor: Wears armor made out of solid shadows. Provides 4 DR. Touching the armor drains heat from you, like a strong wind in Alaska. Drains 5 Poise per round of significant touch.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Appearance: Wears a featureless Gold mask over its face.
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Takes a large hank of the victim's hair. Does not usually kill, but drains their life force over time and at a distance using the link of the hair.

Callow Murderous Goribauble
Lemurian Lamblant

Witch Power Level: 63
Total Power Level: 143

Poise: 35
Health: 10
DefenseMod: -1
AttackMod: 6
Init: -2

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Misguided Heretic: The Witch belonged to one of the various heresies that claim that the Rift has special powers, a connection to a God, things the Empire does not want you to see, etc. They sneaked into the Rift Lands on this basis and were transformed by a Spirit. While they now have objective evidence that their beliefs were false, they still operate on them, and desire to spread revelation of the glory of the Rift. Will kill people, but will also try to capture and transform them.
Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Unstoppable strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. Even a glancing blow from the creature can be fatal. +6 atk, +15 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Entomb: This creature touches the target and entombs them in the ground. Hard Will Save. On failure, they are moved partially into the ground. The degree of failure indicates how far, with failing by 15+ being buried up to the crown of their head, while failing by 5 means being buried up to the kneecaps.
Attack: Heart Ripper: This creature can rip the heart out of a person's chest. Difficult to land the attack though, the target usually must be restrained or badly injured for it to hit. (-10 attack)
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Weakness: Avoidance Silver: Strongly avoids and will not approach Silver
Appearance: Bundled up in layers of dirty and fetid gray cloth. Looks and smells like a particularly dedicated hobo.
Smell: Week old dumpster
VictimChoice: Taste for Alpaca
VictimWound: Drains every drop of blood from its victims.

Accursed Akkadian Pangloom
Akkadian Cubelatin

Witch Power Level: 86
Total Power Level: 155

Poise: 62
Health: 55
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 7
Init: 7

Frame: Man
WitchMotivation: Revenge on Church: The Witch feels that they have been wronged by the Church. Specifically, the Church killed their Mother. While the Witch has changed greatly from its former existence, the Witch does still remember a feeling of being injured and oppressed. For that reason it will try to destroy people and cities.
Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons. Has +10 Health.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Attack: Three Headed: Has an two extra action slots for bite/breath actions. +10 Health, but the heads do interfere with each other on the attack.
Defense: Wooden Body: While appearing to be normal, the Witches' skin and organs are as hard as an old oak tree. They are extremely difficult to harm.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Bone weapons: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: Has two sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Removes the teeth from its victim before killing them. Keeps stolen teeth in its mouth where they merge with the monster; can display its hundreds of teeth later.

Lemurian Lamblant
Miserable Acherite Jamcube