Monster Power 1
Creepy Touch
Init 6
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 12
Does Max One Damage
Poise -2
Evil Stare
Init 10
Medium Range
Attack 10
Does Max One Damage
Poise -1
Snap Bite
Init 10
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 10
Poise -1

Deadly Bite
Init 1
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 18
Poise -4
Cruel Bite
Init 2
Move To Closest Enemy 2
Attack 13
1 Extra Wound(s)
Poise -3
Crush Underfoot
Init -1
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 12
Dmg On Solid Hit 8
Poise -3
Fancy Hoof Work
Init -2
Move To Closest Enemy 1
Attack 13
Targets all Enemies
Poise -3
One Use
