A number of creatures, generated from the 'Botein' version/seed. This is player version of the information, and includes only a sketch of the Monster's full powers and stats.
Young Zemblan Gobcay
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***
Historical Notes:
Shaped like a goblin made out of fungus, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon everyone but beautiful men. Many of the dead were found with their bones cracked open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and bitten to death by wild animals.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Exit, Pursued by Bears power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a severe weakness to light and illumination.
Uqbarian Penguin
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **
Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 650, the creature is a penguin made out of living ice. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found with enormous cavities torn in their chest and abdomen. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days. Additionally, crops withered and died over several days.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found lacerated with dozens of deep and bloody cuts. Their armor lay in shreds around them.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Shredding Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine, and an unlikely fear of those with good and pure hearts.
Acherite Scorpsoul
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****
Historical Notes:
The beast is a small scorpion made up of ectoplasm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found without any shin bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, they found odd geometric inscribed in dense patterns along walls and stones.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could strike at great distance with its absurdly long neck. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and a severe vulnerability to Acid.
Estovokian Leongloom
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****
Historical Notes:
Shaped like a lion made out of living shadow, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the women. Many of the dead were found with only the hair remaining uneaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds killed themselves in a steady stream of collisions with walls and trees. Some drowned themselves in ponds and wells. Additionally, birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found lacerated with dozens of deep and bloody cuts. Their armor lay in shreds around them.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Shredding Claw power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could smell its hunters from incredibly long distances. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and an incurable appetite for books that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.
Valusian Hippnight
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****
Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium sized creature, made up of living shadow in the shape of a hippo. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the magically talented. Many of the dead were found without any bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered they found odd geometric patterns in their crops and fields before the attacks occurred. Additionally, Storm clouds with odd colors settled over head. However no rain came down at all.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their bodies red and swollen. On further examination their hearts were found to be black and lacerated.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Heart Freeze Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could spawn shadow monsters from the bodies of those it killed. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.
Azadian Turacier
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****
Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of living ice in the shape of a turtle. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their Alpaca. Many of the dead were found with their hands and wrists missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered metal plows and other implments rusted and became unusable. Additionally, cats started acting odd and were seen roaming in large packs at night.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found cut and pummeled to death. Several had been disarmed before death and had their weapons lying yards away.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Combat Master power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it simply shrugged off all mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a weakness for song and a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights.
Western Owlchar
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********
Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 705, the creature is a owl made out of animated fire. It is of a large size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying the women. Many of the dead were found shriveled and dry with much of their hair missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered showers of falling stars were seen in the hours just before dawn.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly burnt on the front half of their bodies. Their clothes were half burnt and the front of their armor was twisted in the extreme heat.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Immolation power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could gain increased power during Noon Hour. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather dull and stupid mind, a strange but immense fear of spheres, and an incurable appetite for Sugar that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.
Hateful Karpashian Gloomworm
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********
Historical Notes:
Shaped like a worm made out of living shadow, this huge sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying their horses. Many of the dead were found shriveled and dry with much of their hair missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their cattle went mad and began braining them selves against trees and writhing in agonized heaps on the ground. Additionally, children wasted away and often died.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn into pieces.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Rampage power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could place a baneful curse upon the WitchHammer who had defeated it and exude a rotting stench that choked all nearby. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it fled once it realized the battle had turned against it. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, and an incurable greed for Gold that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.
Abysian Fire Iguana
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********
Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 749, the creature is a iguana made out of animated fire. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found rotted and left in the sun. The few survivors of the attacks remembered they found odd geometric inscribed in the bark of trees nearby.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with violent bite marks on their face and shoulders.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Three Headed power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could twists perception like a bow causing the WitchHammers to drunkenly stumble and collide. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it rapidly regenerated any wounds they had dealt it. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.
Greater Scorching Crawfire
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********
Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large crawfish made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and scattered. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly burnt on the front half of their bodies. Their clothes were half burnt and the front of their armor was twisted in the extreme heat.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Immolation power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could enslave human servitors to aid it in its attacks and inflict victims with a feverish infection that finishes with fiery fatalness. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else, a strange but immense fear of spheres, and an inability to taste or sense poison.