A number of creatures, generated from the 'Botein' version/seed. This is player version of the information, and includes only a sketch of the Monster's full powers and stats.
Miserable Southern Goblin
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *
Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of warped flesh in the shape of a goblin. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and with all their valuables gone. The few survivors of the attacks remembered a giant toad stool was found behind a rotten tree and trails of smaller toad stools were found across the ground.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dead of seeming exhaustion. Their muscles were tense and their eyes were bloodshot.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Dream Marathon power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather dull and stupid mind and a fear and pain of the pure sound of bells.
Thessal Scorpossifer
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***
Historical Notes:
Shaped like a scorpion made out of bone, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found their faces gruesomely chewed off. The few survivors of the attacks remembered showers of falling stars were seen in the hours just before dawn. Additionally, Gray Moths were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could place a baneful curse upon the WitchHammer who had defeated it. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world and a severe vulnerability to Man Urine.
Southern Peastal
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***
Historical Notes:
The beast is a small peacock made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found their faces gruesomely chewed off. The few survivors of the attacks remembered dogs bark and whine all night for no reason. Additionally, bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death with multiple tusk wounds.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Deadly Tusks power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could thicken the very air so that its foes were unable to move or escape. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors.
Nervous Carcworm
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****
Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium sized creature, made up of rotting flesh in the shape of a worm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their teeth missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with plague boils across their bodies and poison distending their veins.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in a slippery black ichor.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Sickly Aura and Ink Vomit power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as its skin proved to be fatally poisonous. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Urine and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.
Nariscene Shadow Maggot
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******
Historical Notes:
Shaped like a maggot made out of living shadow, this huge sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Penicuik. The creature started its attacks by slaying their Ostrich. Many of the dead were found without a single drop of blood left in their body. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Fat Maggots were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found most of their weapons and armor entirely gone. The hunters were covered in a fine layer of red rust.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Rust Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could devour corpses to gain some of their power. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and an incurable appetite for SweetFruitVariants Jelly that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.
Climbing Carctoad
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******
Historical Notes:
Shaped like a toad made out of rotting flesh, this large sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Kyle. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the men. Many of the dead were found with their their bodies clawed apart into fine slices. The few survivors of the attacks remembered bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it regenerated the wounds they had dealt it. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.
Akkadian Skelatinous Rat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********
Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of bone in the shape of a rat. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their faces perfectly smooth. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their mirrors warped and cracked before the attacks.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn apart by scores of small animals and insects. The vermin infested every part of the corpses from the mouth to the intestines.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Vermin Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could attack at odd angles using an extra set of arm joints. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and a severe vulnerability to Man Urine.
Valusian Etherbeetle
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******
Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of ectoplasm in the shape of a beetle. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the women. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores. Additionally, burned circles and trails were found in the turf.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found chewed to death by thousands and thousands of tiny bites and stings.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Bug Spray power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could pitch its voice as though it were in a different location. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it seemed barely hurt by their normal weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, a weakness for beautiful music, and a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors.
Terrible Chelgrian Cryscock
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****
Historical Notes:
The beast is a large peacock made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered seeing enormous flocks of Umber butterflies migrating through the region. Additionally, birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and crushed into the ground as though a great weight had landed upon them.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found savagely mauled.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Deadly Leap and Maul power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could call on the assistance of a small air-spirit. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was a wary and cunning foe. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine and an immense antipathy to WarMaterialVariants.
Karpashian Crawelatin
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********
Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge crawfish made up of caustic ooze. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered finding every duck and geese in the region dead one morning. The fowl's heads were bitten off.
The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found warped into the semblance of strange hybrids that were half man and half fish.
After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mermogenic Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could could sense the very life essence of the hunting WitchHammers and nearly naked and bereft of any weapons. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was protected by a a layer of living ice armor. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.