A number of creatures, generated from the 'Botein' version/seed. This is player version of the information, and includes only a sketch of the Monster's full powers and stats.

Zhaibarian Phialblob
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small blob made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon their Goat. Many of the dead were found with their feet missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their blades in each other's guts.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Glamour power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Lead, an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Thessal Barrow Elf
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 650, the creature is a elf made out of mummified flesh. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Solaguren. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could travel through the shadow-world. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a deathly fear of Dogs, a severe vulnerability to Man Urine, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Chelgrian Larvabauble
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small maggot made up of glowing gems and silver wire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Arisaig. The creature started its attacks by hunting down broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found with their flesh ripped open and strange sigils carved onto their undamaged bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, Roaches were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could thicken the very air so that its foes were unable to move or escape and enslave the bodies of those it killed and use the dead as its puppets. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it simply shrugged off all mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe weakness to light and illumination and an incurable greed for Distinctive Sashes that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Azadian Cubesore
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large cube made up of fungus. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Alaló. The creature started its attacks by assaulting those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found hung on tree branches and half eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered frogs came out of the creeks and onto the land. In croaking swarms they hopped along roads and fields. Additionally, apples and pears rotted over night into piles of putrid sludge.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could summon up a poisonous mist out of the ground and explode on death into a cloud of caustic gas. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Idiran Bullseed
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small bull made up of vines. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Girvan. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering everyone but children. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered frogs came out of the creeks and onto the land. In croaking swarms they hopped along roads and fields. Additionally, their mirrors warped and cracked before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found several villages over. The WitchHammers had been transformed into half-human and half monster hybrids.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Monstrous Horn power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could sense opponents by their footfalls on the ground and uses it enticing colored salamander frills to beguile and daze foes. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an obsessive mind that forced it to count and calculate small objects, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a severe vulnerability to Salt Water.

Hyberborean Blazlarva
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small maggot made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their horses. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered good glass windows and porcelain plates cracked for no reason. One family woke up and found their whole plate collection cracked in half. Additionally, toads rained from the sky before its predations.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could run and act with incredible quickness. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless.

Akkadian Crabossifer
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 713, the creature is a crab made out of bone. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found with their teeth missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could enslave the bodies of those it killed and use the dead as its puppets and call on the assistance of a small air-spirit. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a soft underbelly that was easily wounded, a severe vulnerability to the sun, and a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world.

Northern Baubleboon
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge baboon made up of glowing gems and silver wire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their cattle. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could run and act with incredible quickness. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an immense antipathy to WarMaterialVariants and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Zemblan Swamp Crawfish
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge crawfish made up of fungus. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their hands and wrists missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered seeing enormous flocks of Silver butterflies migrating through the region.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with stinger and poison wounds.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with a half dozen snake bites on their hands and face.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Poison Tipped Stinger and Snake Hair power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was covered in a thick bone-shell. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain.

Terrible Estovokian Glint Crab
Skill: ******
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge crab made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Alalpardo. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their Dog. Many of the dead were found with their hands and wrists missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered good glass windows and porcelain plates cracked for no reason. One family woke up and found their whole plate collection cracked in half. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found as a fine red paste on the ground. They seem to have vaporized in a spray of blood and viscera.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Boiling Blood Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could move great distance on its absurdly long legs. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it showed no pain or ill result from its wounds right up until it died. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors.