A number of creatures, generated from the 'Botein' version/seed. This is player version of the information, and includes only a sketch of the Monster's full powers and stats.

Accursed Northern Rat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small rat made up of warped flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Lantero. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their their bodies clawed apart into fine slices. The few survivors of the attacks remembered they found odd geometric inscribed in the bark of trees nearby.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with several dozen different causes of death. Blood had dried around their teeth and eyes while their skin and internal organs had been turned to pulp.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Malevolent Vibration power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was guarded and carried by a cyclone of living wind. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Vanheim Ubungsflugzeug
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a penguin made out of warped flesh, this small sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Crail. The creature started its attacks by preying upon alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with their necks brutally broken. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the weather became unseasonably cold and harsh winds wailed.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with stab wounds in their front and finger sized gory holes dug out of their backs.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their armor and skin in ribbons. Deep and precise cuts had opened their arteries and half severed their limbs.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Tentacle Control and Razor Sharp Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could twists perception like a bow causing the WitchHammers to drunkenly stumble and collide. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it magically distorted its appearance to dodge many fatal blows. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else, an incurable greed for Mithril that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Thessal Shellelatin
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Phrandal in 625, the creature is a snail made out of caustic ooze. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the magically talented. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and scattered. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Beetles were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their wrists and throat cut by a single claw.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dessicated and sere with all the liquid drained from their body.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Paralyzing Bite and Dehydrating Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a deathly fear of Dogs and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Beguiling Tigcaust
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a tiger made out of animated fire, this small sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon young children. Many of the dead were found with jagged wounds in their forehead and important pieces of brain missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with expressions of bliss in their dead eyes despite the fact their chests were torn open.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Entrancing Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an inability to taste or sense poison, a strange but immense fear of spheres, and an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets.

Uqbarian Creepurse
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 642, the creature is a bear made out of vines. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Livingstone. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the men. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered crops withered and died over several days. Additionally, fisherman came back with empty catches and the fish seemed to have deserted the water entirely.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found isolated and alone. It appears that the hunters split up before being individually killed.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Siren Call power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could store the blood and powers of its victims in a giant reservoir in its belly. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was a wary and cunning foe, its wounds would quickly seal up and refuse to bleed, and it merged into and hid within trees. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Ancient Uqbarian Ghost Spider
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large spider made up of ectoplasm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Bustantigo. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the men. Many of the dead were found without their intestines and stomach. The few survivors of the attacks remembered a fearful pillar of darkness that was seen in the distance. The pillar faded a few minutes after midday.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found withered and dessicated as though they had aged 60 years and then been left out in the desert sun.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Gaze of Death power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could devour corpses to add their bone and muscle to its own. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters, it was surrounded by an aura of shadow and darkness that made it difficult to see, and it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless and a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world.

Hunter Octoulp
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 702, the creature is a octopod made out of caustic ooze. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the women. Many of the dead were found torn and twisted together into horrific flesh-castles. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the town well went bad and gave off a terribly foul stench.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found warped into the semblance of strange hybrids that were half man and half fish.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mermogenic Tentacle power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could sense opponents by their footfalls on the ground. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was covered in a thick bone-shell. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain.

Vanheim Night Hound
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a hound made out of living shadow, this huge sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Gray Moths were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, terrible dreams and nightmares.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with plague boils across their bodies and poison distending their veins.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Sickly Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes, twist and crush its victims with its absurdly long body, and travel through the shadow-world. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was surrounded by an aura of shadow and darkness that made it difficult to see and it seemed barely hurt by their maces and hammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, a severe vulnerability to Wolf Urine, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Hateful Akkadian Fuego Skilpadde
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium turtle made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the magically talented. Many of the dead were found with their skin and fat chewed away. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds killed themselves in a steady stream of collisions with walls and trees. Some drowned themselves in ponds and wells.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found cut and pummeled to death. Several had been disarmed before death and had their weapons lying yards away.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found as a fine red paste on the ground. They seem to have vaporized in a spray of blood and viscera.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Combat Master and Boiling Blood Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks, it was surrounded by constant whipping winds, and it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, a rather impressive level of stupidity, and a severe vulnerability to Lye.

Greater Scorching Charcraw
Skill: *******
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge crawfish made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Aberfoyle. The creature started its attacks by preying upon their Hog. Many of the dead were found torn and twisted together into horrific flesh-castles. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly burnt on the front half of their bodies. Their clothes were half burnt and the front of their armor was twisted in the extreme heat.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found burnt into smears of ash and melted equipment.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Immolation and Fire Breathe power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could gain increased power during Twilight and blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Lye, a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.