A number of creatures, generated from the 'Botein' version/seed. This is player version of the information, and includes only a sketch of the Monster's full powers and stats.

Bleeding Goat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a small goat made up of warped flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying their Alpaca. Many of the dead were found hamstrung and ripped apart. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores. Additionally, dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with several dozen different causes of death. Blood had dried around their teeth and eyes while their skin and internal organs had been turned to pulp.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Malevolent Vibration power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an insatiable hunger for meat that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Idiran Ectoworm
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a worm made out of ectoplasm, this medium sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Loscos. The creature started its attacks by preying upon young children. Many of the dead were found with their flesh ripped open and strange sigils carved onto their undamaged bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Beetles were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with blackened and rotting wounds.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Blighted Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else, a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, and a severe vulnerability to Man Urine.

Thulian Flodhest
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a small hippo made up of warped flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Dornach Firth. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their horses. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found charred and electrocuted with their armor and weaponry melted down in rivulets all around them. A large pool of molten iron solidified around their feet where their greaves melted down.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Storm Lord power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could devour corpses to gain some of their power. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Western Witherspider
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a spider made out of mummified flesh, this large sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the elderly. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly trampled and crushed into ground.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Trample Maul power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun and a weakness for beautiful music.

Terrifying Phialcock
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge peacock made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Strathyre. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the men. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered flocks of vultures circled through the air for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found spread out over 100 yards of trail. They had terrible wounds in their back and were obviously killed while in panicked flight.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Scream power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could land devastating and fatal blows with regularity. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it twisted light around itself to be entirely invisible. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a weakness for song.

Eastern Necrotle
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a turtle made out of bone, this huge sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found savagely mauled.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Maul power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes and see its hunters from incredibly long distances. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an inability to taste or sense poison.

Abysian Horseberg
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a horse made out of living ice, this huge sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found with broken bones and horribly twisted bodies. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fiddle strings broke and drums became infested with insects. One man's trombone rusted straight through. Additionally, a giant toad stool was found behind a rotten tree and trails of smaller toad stools were found across the ground.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found sliced and cut into dozens of pieces. Hands and limbs littered the battlefield.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis and Crab Claws power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could nearly naked and bereft of any weapons and strike at great distance with its absurdly long neck. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it used its iron like hide to shattered many of their weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun, a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.

Royal Zemblan Gloomkong
Skill: ***
Muscle: **
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of living shadow in the shape of a gorilla. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Herbeset. The creature started its attacks by hunting down young children. Many of the dead were found stuffed into crude and shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found still alive although without any mind or volition left. They wasted away and died several weeks later despite the best efforts of the rescuers.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis and Soul Eat power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could summon up a poisonous mist out of the ground. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Man Urine and a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours.

Magnificent Zhaibarian Ratnight
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 749, the creature is a rat made out of living shadow. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Golspie. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering young children. Many of the dead were found with jagged wounds in their forehead and important pieces of brain missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found withered and dessicated as though they had aged 60 years and then been left out in the desert sun.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Breath of Death power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters and it was guarded and carried by a cyclone of living wind. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a deathly fear of Dogs.

Valusian Flame Buho
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large owl made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found impaled on tree branches and half eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with a charred and smoking stump where their neck once was.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fire Bolt power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could travel through the shadow-world, see in all directions using its many eyes, and move in small bursts of amazing speed. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was guarded and carried by a cyclone of living wind. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else and a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine.