(Sorry, due to a clerical mixup there are some initial repeats from last year. On the flip side, enjoy seeing some of the pictures twice!)
side yard, thought he looked cute
looking forward to seeing what we are eating
Halloween in the garage
Enjoying staying in the car during a rain shower
More side yard
waking up
sleeping on cars and exploring during a warm spell
me invading his personal napping space (part 1)
moderately happy
me invading his personal napping space (part 2)
enjoying the mosquito net
choosing violence
cute naps
me invading his personal napping space (part N)
cute nap
tolerating each other
cute nap
more tolerating each other
I always enjoy how striking he looks in fading day light
sultry winter nap
winter napping
fresh food bag
Action! jumping down from his nap perch
the long, long war between him and the tuxedo cat continues. For the moment they are just glaring at each other from their prospective properties.
just thought his profile looked cute
enjoying some late day warmth
sitting underneath a tree, watching me clean up leaves
napping in a spring tuft of grass
napping while waiting for the day to warm up
No cats, just some neat flowers and storm clouds
Not sure that this is really Spring yet
In his favorite car spot
In the summer, with the Halloween decorations
warming up with a favorite blanket
wondering why there is no chicken in this picture
summer naps
sharing a drink with me
summer sleeping
nice profile
waking up and wondering what year it is
Explorations in the car
helping out with yard work, and then taking a break to cool off
thinking about eating some rotisserie chicken
enjoying perching in the car
backyard chilling
backyard chilling 2
the hated foe
Yawning and enjoying some Autumnal temperatures
His present for me this morning. a true artist
trying some naan
puffed up on the bed, in front of a small space heater
Oh, Finnigan, no. you have fresh water I poured this morning
Him napping beside me on a bed
More winter light. I think it makes him look distinguished
Back to the fur chair
Cuddling with our new HEB tortilla blanket
Late december sun
Getting ready to celebrate the New Year
One bonus cat