The Library of the Dead, books 2 and 3 (Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments, The Mystery of Dunvegan Castle) Rothdas book review RSS
4.0 Stars

More of the same! Wide ranging language and accents, Scottish history, magical physics and magical system building, warm friends and family, and post-apocalyptic wizard politics. The main difference from the first book is that the plots have become considerably more complex. Oh and has a neat thermal/magical explanation for the second book's primary mystery. The MC continues to be energetic and precocious, but also deliriously rash and foolish at times. I'm convinced that she's employed by her Dumbledore mostly to stir up the waters and force other actors to reveal themselves, rather than to actually solve any conspiracies. The author also has a real talent for writing posh, condescending, manipulative, and aristocratic antagonists, which I consistently enjoyed. Actually wait I also enjoyed his diplomatic and persuasive peace keepers too. He's just really good at writing people, which I suppose is a useful talent for a novelist.