1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed: Revised and Updated Rothdas book review RSS
2.0 Stars

DNF, due to a combination of A) this book is more about the dry science of archeology than it is about providing a history lesson, and B) what history that is built up seems based on the thinnest of reeds, and the narrative assembled seems so fragmentary and speculative that it's difficult to really pull anything remotely actionable from it and C) archeology professors apparently have the same sense of humor that computer science professors have, i.e. bad. It's been months? years? since I've heard jokes as tepid as those in this book. On the one hand it is impressive that we can say anything at all about civilizations and politics from 3500 years ago, on the other hand what we can say is really only a few pages, not an entire book.