Adventurer 4: GM Notes:
Basic plot
Go to the Wolf Lord, kill a Witch for her
The Beario
About a square mile of ramshackle wooden buildings, including a large barn when the artifacting work is being done. brown bears everywhere, some lethargically putting up an addition to an existing building, some face down in the lee of a buildings, some harvesting roots and berries in nearby garden fields
The party is on a circular plate of metal, also inscribed with intricate engraved lines
The Court
leaning, 2 story building. on the second story, 8 wolves dressed in red fineries, and a gigantic woman carried out on a rough wooden palenquin-throne by 4 brown bears. another brown bear is kept in chains
- the beast king, a giant of a woman, bulging muscles, club that turns people into animals. wears a wolf headdress & wolf furs
- 8 courtiers:
- we welcome you to the great kingdom. you have the honor of being in the prescence of the beast king, leader of our wondrous land
- We have heard much about you. And our agent has seen you in the South, in the lands of the Rose Petal Queen
Forest Encounters:
- migration of ghost lights through the woods
- endless flowers field, path to the moon if they sleep and dream there
- black mass by mass of black cats - dozens and dozens of figures in black robes trimmed with red. a rough stone altar, the size of a breadbox, with a mouse being sacrificed on it. can avoid, take part, or free the mouse
X another glass tree of emerald energy - energizes
Illusory Encounters once they enter Selath's realm:
- pressure and headaches and on Didi, will pop out her mindflayer podling. "not friend!"
- 2 elven women, practicing archery. hot springs near their cottage
- wall of stags, as per last encounter but real this time. stags up front, antler spiders in trees, large stag in reserve
- rose petal spiders will apply psychic pressure on characters to give them disadvantage or worse
- Wildflower (paladin's horse), but mean. Oh hey. You are the worst owner I've ever had. You are too fat and it hurts my back. have you thought about not wearing so much armor all the time? Why did you (dream)
Encounter 2 at Selath's home:
- wall of Rippling Entropic energy (false)
- Wall of spinning blades (true, 5d6)
- Wall of Fire (false) (inner wall)
- in between the walls, have psychic challenges:
- mean horse
- mind-flayer spawn coming out of Didi's head
fight selath
if she dies, home dissolves into webs and illusions. hot springs are muddy pits, villa is a rough lean-to of sticks
packing crate with items, coins inside
blackmind bow (+2)
(magical powder from earlier)
- proto-silk
- mirror of Achemar
- 18 smallish chests of Witch-gold. lighter than normal gold by ~15%
The trip back:
The Giving Tree:
- gigantic, ancient, live oak tree. Rich and green and vibrant
- hanging from its branches, half hidden by leaves, are dozens and dozens of nooses. bodies hanging from some, others are open. examination will show signs of use
- its leaves whisper "what do you want?" make a wish
- if they agree, will give them a Witch-seed. Like a sunflower seed, x3 size, rough and abrasive stone. If swallowed, will compel them to hang themselves on the tree and be re-born as a Witch after 13 days. Witch form will be based upon the desire they expressed
- to defend itself, can give curses, can uproot its shambling dead
Negotiates with wolves:
- large pavilion of black cloth set up in the middle of town, bears in somewhat more formal attire, having little bits of cloth and flower and shiny rocks on them
- spotted by raccoons
- will be met by 3 wolves, 3 bears, and Dexter the bear
- will give them another teleportation talisman & Dexter after getting their chest of gold coins
(teleport to North Shore, lobster fight next time
Witches at the Pavilion:
The Spindly Man
Wolf Lord
Flayed Man
Massive guy in black armor carrying his coffin behind him on chains
Skeletal arm man (Linden), cut off at the sleeves martial arts robes (like Karate kid)
Formless, shifting Shadow with emerald eyes
Warrior who's face is wrapped in bloody bandages
Void Ice lady, thin, naked, made of dark blue ice
- have them write up Dexter
What actually happened