Adventure 3: Monsters:
Tier 1
Blood bag
A sausage shaped sack of blood, wrapped in the misshapen skin of its former owner. Slorches along the ground.
- 30 HP, AC 15
- leaves slight blood ooze behind it
- attack: blood call - calls the blood out of the targets body and into the bag. 2d6, Con 13 save for half damage, range of 30
- attack: blood freeze - immobilize. Con 13 save to resist
- will lose coherence and spill out its blood on death
- drain the blood from the vulnerable and grow larger
- surround and drain the powerful
Fresh skeleton
A clean and acrobatic skeleton
- 10 HP, AC 19
- defense: resist piercing
- defense: acrobatic dodge, +5 defense once per combat
- attack: claw fingers - +4, 1D6
- smells oddly minty
- to dance and claw and dance
- to clown on their enemies, to do handstands and backflips to attack from odd angles
Lesser ghost
The pale ghost of the newly dead
- 1 HP, AC 17
- leaves cold wind behind it
- defense: insubstantial, ignores non-magic damage, fades through material objects, immune to cold
- ability: posses bodies that have been reduced to 1 or less HP
- attack: premonintion of death: Will 13 save or frightened
- attack: soul drain: 2d6 psychic, Will 13 save for half
- will solidify into a tiny ghost gem on death
- to terrify, drain, and posses
- to appear out of walls and ground when you feel safe
Tier 2
Blood wyrm (4 bloods combined)
very large, long blood sausage. The blood of 4 people, wrapped in their skins
- 80 HP, AC 16
- ability: can open holes in itself or separate itself briefly if it is to its advantage
- defense: when wounded, spawns tiny blood imp
- attack: big blood gulp: drains the target's blood out of their orifices and through the air, 4d6, Con save 15, range 30
- attack: spew possesed blood: spews blood on target, that runs into their pores and fights them. gives disadvantage, Con save 15, range 30
- on death splashes out into a giant pool of blood
- to ravage and rampage
Blood Ghost (2 bloods, 2 ghosts)
large ghost, eerie blood circulating in its translucent body
- 40 HP, AC 18
- defense: partially insubstantial, resists non-magic damage, fades through material objects, immune to cold
- attack: bloody scream: Will 15 save or frightened, hits 5x5 area
- attack: psycho-vortex: 1d6 blood drain + 1d6 psychic, Will 15 save for half, burst 5 on its hex
- to terrorize and drain masses of people
Ghost Skeleton (2 skeletons, 2 ghosts)
large, skeleton with ghosts wrapped around its hands
- 60 HP, AC 19
- defense: resist piercing
- defense: acrobatic dodge, +5 defense, move 20 feet
- attack: ghost punch: +6, 2d6 physical, 2d6 psychic, will 13 vs fear
- attack: ghost inject: +6, 2d6 physical, will 15 to resist possession
- charge, punch, possess
Tier 3
Grand Blood Beast (20 bloods combined & 1 ghost)
Giant coiled serpent of blood barely, bulging out of its human skins. A single ghost is spread across is face
- 150 HP, AC 16
- ability: ghost sight: can see life aura and ignores invis, illusions, etc
- attack: mass drain: drains 1d6 from everyone in a 10x10 burst
- attack: spitting blood: fires a high pressure stream of rotted blood at target within 100: +8 to hit, knockback 5, 6d6, leaves blood pool
- ability: reforge - brings all blood pools on battlefield to life as blood-spawns
- on death splashes out into a titanic pool of blood
- to stay behind lines, draining & spittin, then to reforge blood-pools at a key moment
The Orb (20 ghost)
A dense, floating ball of spectral light. About the size of a soccer ball
- 100 HP, AC 20
- ability: ghost sight: can see life aura and ignores invis, illusions, etc
- ability: death drain: rainbow tendrils extend from the dying to the Orb. invigorates the Orb with new light
- defense: resist almost all magical damage types
- attack: death merge: simply floats into a body, dealing 6d10 damage. Dex save 15 for half. Usually explodes the body in a spray of rainbow light and force. mostly used on NPCs. invigorates the Orb
- attack: Light Pulse 1: blinds everyone in a 10x10 area. Failed Perception save to avoid
- attack: Light Pulse 2: decays everyone in a 10x10 area. 2d6+3 necrotic damage, Con save 15 for half.
- attack: spectral beam: 4d6 necrotic damage, ongoing terrible pain (disadvantage). Dex 15 to avoid, Con save 15 to avoid pain
- to murder everyone, eerily and calmly
Bone shaker (10 skeletons, 10 ghosts)
A long centipede woven of small bone and ghost-matter. flows across the ground on innumerable tiny finger bones, rhymically shaking its body. covered in waving tendrils of ectoplasm
- 120 HP, AC 18
- ability: ghost sight: can see life aura and ignores invis, illusions, etc
- ability: bone dance: 10x10 area make a dc 15 save. on fail, at disadvantage and the GM moves you instead as your bones ignore your command
- defense: resist piercing, resist cold
- defense: ignore opportunity attacks smooth flow +5 defense against opportunity attacks
- defense: spirit drain: creatures that start or move adjacenct to the creature take 5 damage as its ghost tendrils drain their life. heals creature
- attack: rip and tear: +8, 5d6
- to dance through the battlefield murdering people
- sweep people up in its wake, forming a conga line of death
Witch - The Spindly Man
- 10 ft tall man with an absurdly bad posture, hunched up and bent over until he is only 7 feet tall. An old man, very thin, wears large over coat that covers his S-shaped form. Bowl cut black hair. Takes long, slow, delicate steps, strongly smells of mothballs and age and rotted blood
- backstory: creepy old man became creepier by going into the Forest
- creepy old weirdo, gives out candy, kills, refers to people as child
- burrows at night into a blood soaked hole, comes out with fog at twilight
- surrounded by dense fog. Difficult to see through for others (50ft), but acts as a sensory apparatus for him. The fog is basically part of his body/aura. Allows him to see invisible/see through illusions inthe area
- underneath the overcoat, body is flowing lines of spirit, blood, and bone
- attack: carries a triple cleaver in one hand, used to separate soul, bone, and blood.
+8 to hit, does 6d6 damage, x3 (once as physical, once as psychic, once as necrotic)
- On kill, generates a skeleton, a ghost, and a blood sausage
- attack: His other hand is an enormous skeletal claw, can send it out as an ultra-elongated arm, to grap and pull people in. range of 500 feet, dex 15 save, retracts 100 feet per round
- defense: bodily lines flare out to block incoming ranged in thematic manner?
Weakness: small children, blood & bone in large quantities will want to eat them up
Personal guard Monsters of the Spindly Man: zombie dwarf gleeful berserkers
- wears white robes over its short and stout body. inside, dense, armored, and carrying 2 cleavers. horribly scarred little face
- HP 40, AC 20
- cleaver - +4, 1d6+3
- bowl over - dex 14, prone