Adventure 5: Monsters:

The Beguiling Tand

- a complex, floating symbol of blue ice. 3x3 feet, softly chiming or playing some music just beyond the edge of hearing. you feel it signifies something but you do not know what - 20 HP, AC14, Will DC16 to attack it - ability: slowly entrances those who observe it. want to study more deeply. to pull out of this, takes DC 14 will, +2 for every turn spend studing it previously. - ability: on death, shatters into a single pure note that you both see and feel. DC16 will save to avoid stun, otherwise disadvantage Motivation - to entrance, to trap

Zombie Lumberjacks

- formidable men, now ice zombies armed with heavy iron axes. flesh is rotted and frozen, can see bone through the meat in many places - HP 60, AC 16 (mostly from armor of ice, flannel, and frozen flesh) - attack +5, 4d10 from axes Motivation: - to hide under the ice, and then omniously climb out and terrify - to singlemindedly chop a stunned person into bits with their axe

Mug of steaming cider. Poisoned

A sudden onset blizzard

An ice block with a silver ring

Ice beast, snow Pyramid?

Ice skeleton Husky

- bones of a large dog, encased in ice - HP 25, AC 16 (mostly from armor of ice and frozen flesh) - attack +5, 2d6 from bite - ability: pull to ground: if target has been attacked twice this round, can try to pull it to ground and drag 3 spaces. 1 damage, DC14 dex save or prone - ability: when "killed", slowly pull selves back together into single, larger dog-creature. Motivation: - to swarm & worry - to pull off and away from combat

Ice Sleigh

- A sleigh made of silvery looking ice - HP 50, AC 17 (where do you hit it?) - reaction: slam +8, 2d6 from collision & knock prone - attack: bisect the prone: +8, 2d6 Motivation: - to patiently wait for its moment and then slam an unsuspecting PC, thwarting their attack

Wicker Man

- captured villager, a tall handsome man, tightly wrapped in an animate cage of dead vines and sticks. burns when combat starts, loses 10 HP per turn - HP 60, AC 17 (where do you hit it?) - attack: burning punch, +7, 2d6. 2x attacks - attack: burning hands, 3d6, DC15 dex half damage, cone 2

Witch - Iapetus, winter lady

- beautiful, tall, sort of a starved-fashion model look of androgenous beauty. made of a pure, light-blue ice, wrapped in robes of snowy fur. wears a smooth silver mask over its face. emerald eyes - back story, a poet, an artist, a writer, that went searching for perfection in the forest - rides a sleigh pulled by her corpse hounds - collects beautiful things, eyes, hair, tongues, skin, fingers. all frozen through, yet preserved and life like. keeps them in a bag on her sleigh - AC 18 - defense, ice wall, length 15. bonus action - ability, pass through ice - ability, summon a wicker vine cage from the ground. requires target to be incapacitated - attack: touch of desire, dc 20Will, stun - attack: breath of winter, aoe 10, immobilize, exhaustion1, 1d6, con save 18 - attack: steal heart and heat and life, +10, 9d6 cold damage, disadvantage until healed - attack: ice thorns spring from every ice wall, dex 15 to save for half 4d6 - attack: ice barb: +10 to hit, immobilize as barb pins to wall - on death, turns into icy water. will return in 10 years unless water is contained & burned Weakness: beauty in any form

Witch - Iapetus, mad hobo-scientist

- very stout, wrapped in gore stained coats and robes - guarded by giant human centipede made from his victims. swallows enemies, then send them through the "gauntlet" - wait no save that for later