Adventure 7: Monsters:

Infected villagers

AC 16, HP 20 - defense: immune necrotic - defense: ignore pain and most mental effects - defense: regen, has to be burned or completely destroyed to stay down for long. otherwise their black goo will bring them back into the fight - attack: hatchet, +6, 1d8 - ability: black goo tendril, reaction, whips out to trip (DC 15 reflex to immobilize) or bind (DC 18) or intercept (DC 10 for them) -"join ussss"

Infected Martin and Sarah

AC 19, HP 60 - defense: immune necrotic - defense: ignore pain and most mental effects - defense: regen, has to be burned or completely destroyed to stay down for long. otherwise their black goo will bring them back into the fight - attack: arrow, +12, 2d6 - attack: saber, +10, 2d6 - ability: black goo tendril, reaction, whips out to trip (DC 15 reflex to immobilize) or bind (DC 18) or intercept (DC 10 for them) -"please, we do not want to kill you"

Infected Rocktree

AC 22, HP 70 - defense: immune necrotic - defense: ignore pain and most mental effects - defense: regen, has to be burned or completely destroyed to stay down for long. otherwise their black goo will bring them back into the fight - attack: axe, +10, 3d6 - ability: black goo tendril, reaction, whips out to trip (DC 15 reflex to immobilize) or bind (DC 18) or intercept (DC 10 for them) -""

Infected Wilberforce

AC 17, HP 50 - defense: immune necrotic - defense: ignore pain and most mental effects - defense: regen, has to be burned or completely destroyed to stay down for long. otherwise their black goo will bring them back into the fight - attack: Magic Missile: 2d4 +2 auto - ability: black goo tendril, reaction, whips out to trip (DC 15 reflex to immobilize) or bind (DC 18) or intercept (DC 10 for them) -""

Trap House

AC 0, HP 300 - defense: immune necrotic - defense: regen, has to be burned or completely destroyed to stay down for long - ability: black goo tendril, reaction, whips out to trip (DC 15 reflex to immobilize) or bind (DC 18) or intercept (DC 10 for them) - attack: tendril club +8 to hit, 1D10 - attack: tendril pierce, +8 to hit, 1d4, ongoing saves, failed saves lead to disadvantage, then take over

Ground Tendril

AC 17, HP 60 - defense: immune necrotic - defense: ignore pain and most mental effects - defense: regen, has to be burned or completely destroyed to stay down for long. otherwise their black goo will bring them back into the fight - attack: whack (x2), +8, 2d8, can hit 2 different targets - ability: black goo tendril, reaction, whips out to trip (DC 15 reflex to immobilize) or bind (DC 18) or intercept (DC 10 for them) - springs out of ground at in opportune moment - think you have a handle on them, then like 6 of them come out

Black beast

AC 18, HP 100 - like a bull, whose back is covered in waving tentacles - defense: immune necrotic - defense: ignore pain and most mental effects - defense: regen, has to be burned or completely destroyed to stay down for long. otherwise their black goo will bring them back into the fight - attack: whack (x2), +8, 2d8, can hit 2 different targets - ability: black goo binding tendril, strength save (+6 strength for it). After binding, chest springs open, and will try to inject goo - springs out of ground at in opportune moment. saved as beaters/hunters

Grandma Vern, form 1

AC 17, HP 200 - a giant, pallid, house sized face, lifted up on hundreds of thick, ropey black tentacles. Mishappen eyes, yards long gray hair - just a grandmother who did not want to die - defense: immune necrotic - defense: ignore pain and most mental effects - ability: surprisingly fast. makes excellent time on its tentacle legs - attack: Minor thwack: whack (x2), +8, 2d8, can hit 2 different targets - attack: Massive thwack: Dex 15 reflex save, 4d6, knockback 6 - attack: Goo flood from mouth: cone 7, leaves goo on ground that is treacherous, will immobilize and try to enter anyone caught in it. DC 14 strength check to not be immobilized. DC 14 con save to avoid infection. - attack: bite: DC 15 Dex save, 10D6 - one of its giant teeth will try to burrow underground if the main form is killed. - if found in silo, meet the back of its head, a wall of thick and dirty gray hair - "dirty, dirty littel witchammers, polluting my clean village" - what right do they have to rob me of my food? -

Grandma vern, form 2

- underground burrow, tooth has broken open and half of a small grandma is in the tunnel. Has a silver ring around her neck - so you've hunted me down. I just wanted to live you know. I just wanted to see my grandchildren grow up. - fine, you will end me, i suppose you are right to. I was selfish. Thank you. I will not stop you. Please though, just make sure that my granddaughter is taken care of.