A number of creatures, generated from the 'Botein' version/seed. This is player version of the information, and includes only a sketch of the Monster's full powers and stats.

Eastern Barrow Maggot
Power Level: -17
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Poison
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 30
Health: 5
Init: -5
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: -5

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Poison Tipped Stinger
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Vestigial Wings: The creature has small, raggedy wings on its back
Appearance: The creature has a broken off noose of loose and heavy rope wrapped around its neck.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Fat Maggots can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Large polygons
Smell: Wet Dog
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.

Eastern Barrow Maggot
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a maggot made out of mummified flesh, this medium sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the elderly. Many of the dead were found with jagged wounds in their forehead and important pieces of brain missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Fat Maggots were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with stinger and poison wounds.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Poison Tipped Stinger power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Bleeding Goat
Power Level: -7
Sleep, Music, Mind, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 33
Health: 5
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Goat
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Malevolent Vibration: Emits an extremely low/high pitch vibration. Causes teeth and eye to bleed, and general cellular disruption when nearby. Good old bloody stool. Drives dogs and animals insane.
Weakness: Blinding hunger: Once it starts feeding, finds it extremely difficult to stop. If it is being attacked or is facing imminent harm, can make Hard Will Saves to break free of this compulsion. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
Spore: Dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.
SporePoop: Light Pinkish polygons with streaks of blood and bile
Smell: Burning Sugar
VictimChoice: Taste for Alpaca
VictimWound: Prefers to cripple its victims before eating them alive

Bleeding Goat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small goat made up of warped flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying their Alpaca. Many of the dead were found hamstrung and ripped apart. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores. Additionally, dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with several dozen different causes of death. Blood had dried around their teeth and eyes while their skin and internal organs had been turned to pulp.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Malevolent Vibration power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an insatiable hunger for meat that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Young Zemblan Gobcay
Power Level: -6
Nature, Vermin, Nature, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 15
Health: 25
Init: -5
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: -7

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Goblin
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Exit, Pursued by Bears: This creatures is accompanied by a pair of Wolf. These creatures are not super-natural, but they are under the mental control of the creature and will follow its mental commands even at the cost of their own life. The creature can control its pets up to a distance of ~1 mile. If the creature is killed, the animals will revert to their natural behavior.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Vulnerable to light: Hates all light. Depending on the severity of the light, takes -1 to -10 Malus. A torch or a full moon would be -2, full sun would be -10.
Appearance: Has an emaciated belly.
Appearance: Faceless. Does not have a face, just a rough mass of undifferentiated tissue.
NumAppearing: Packs of 4
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
SporePoop: Large Tan slugs that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Yeast
VictimChoice: Does not target beautiful men
VictimWound: Cracks the open the bones of its victims and eats their marrow

Young Zemblan Gobcay
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of fungus in the shape of a goblin. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying everyone but beautiful men. Many of the dead were found with their bones cracked open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and bitten to death by wild animals.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Exit, Pursued by Bears power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a severe weakness to light and illumination.

Zhaibarian Ratfrost
Power Level: -3
Ice, Entropy, Fear, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 25
Health: 5
Init: 0
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Rat
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Fear Aura: Has a fear aura over and above that most monsters do.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
Spore: The nearest creek runs blood-red for a night and a day. Fish and frogs turn up dead on its banks.
SporePoop: Enormous cubes with streaks of blood and bile
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Likes eating the eyes of its victims

Zhaibarian Ratfrost
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 705, the creature is a rat made out of living ice. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the magically talented. Many of the dead were found with their eyes missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days. Additionally, the creeks ran blood red before the attacks began.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with terrible wounds in their back and trails of tears wiping a clean trail down their faces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world.

Karpashian Rime Bull
Power Level: -2
Ice, Mind, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 15
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: -1

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Bull
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Mind Splinter: By deep-gazing or wounding, can infect target with a portion of its mind/desires. Tends to progress if monster is not killed.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Lair Soil: Needs to build lair and return to it once every 12 hours. Building a lair takes 12 hours. For every 4 hours over, takes -1 Malus and 1 health damage.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
SporePoop: Small Olive spherical pellets with streaks of blood and bile
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Likes to let prey rot for a few days before consuming

Karpashian Rime Bull
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium bull made up of living ice. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found rotted and left in the sun. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found laying in a heap together with their swords covered in each others blood. Several of them had stab wounds in the back.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mind Splinter power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine, a need to return to the soil of its lair every half-day, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Karpashian Sun Crawfish
Power Level: 0
Fire, Mind, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 47
Health: 5
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: -1

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Mind Splinter: By deep-gazing or wounding, can infect target with a portion of its mind/desires. Tends to progress if monster is not killed.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Never actually touches the ground. Floats a centimeter above the ground at all times.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Worms can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Ghostly spherical pellets with undigested bits of skin and cartilage
Smell: Yeast
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Removes the teeth from its victim before killing them. Keeps stolen teeth in its mouth where they merge with the monster; can display its hundreds of teeth later.

Karpashian Sun Crawfish
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a crawfish made out of animated fire, this small sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Bulco. The creature started its attacks by preying upon several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found with their teeth missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores. Additionally, Worms were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found laying in a heap together with their swords covered in each others blood. Several of them had stab wounds in the back.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mind Splinter power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Uqbarian Penguin
Power Level: 0
Ice, Ice, Nature, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 33
Health: 5
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 0

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Penguin
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Cheap Frills: The creature has a frill of many colors that extends out from its neck. The Frill is covered in shifting patterns of color that have a hypnotic effect and can lull people into a dazed, unconscious state.
Attack: Shredding Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Praise the Sun: The creature is confused idealist and ascribes to a somewhat counterproductive ideology. It believes itself to be evil and fears the good and true. It can sense those who have pure hearts, and against them it suffers a -1 to -10 Malus and it is unwilling/psychologically blocked from using its powers. The pureness of a given character's heart is a GM's decision, though NPCs can also be enlisted to help with this if the party doesn't have any particular moral explars.
Appearance: Glowing Green eyes
Appearance: One of its eyes is a Ruby
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
Spore: Crops wither and die in a 1 mile radius. Takes a few days to gradually come into effect.
SporePoop: Large Tar Black cubes with strange glowing bits of crystal
Smell: Burning Sugar
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Likes to make a nest/bed out of its victims. Naps there for a while after a kill.

Uqbarian Penguin
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 802, the creature is a penguin made out of living ice. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found with enormous cavities torn in their chest and abdomen. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days. Additionally, crops withered and died over several days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found lacerated with dozens of deep and bloody cuts. Their armor lay in shreds around them.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Shredding Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could uses it enticing colored salamander frills to beguile and daze foes. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine, and an unlikely fear of those with good and pure hearts.

Miserable Southern Goblin
Power Level: 2
Sleep, Music, Mind, Sleep
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 25
Health: 5
Init: 0
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Goblin
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Dream Marathon: Can exhaust and sap a character while they sleep. To begin, requires viewing and focusing on the character for ~1 minute, or a bit of their hair/nails/blood. Will then assail them in nightmares. After each night, takes a progressive -5 Malus from exhaustion. Character dies of exhaustion after the 3rd night of such attacks.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Appearance: Skin is burnt and charred and blackened
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Large toad stools grow up around the region in odd and out of the way spots. Smaller ones grow up near the areas the creature has been.
SporePoop: Tan cubes with undigested bits of skin and cartilage
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Collects bright and shiny objects from its attacks. Doesn't care about their value, just how sparkly they are.

Miserable Southern Goblin
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a goblin made out of warped flesh, this small sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and with all their valuables gone. The few survivors of the attacks remembered a giant toad stool was found behind a rotten tree and trails of smaller toad stools were found across the ground.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dead of seeming exhaustion. Their muscles were tense and their eyes were bloodshot.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Dream Marathon power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather dull and stupid mind and a fear and pain of the pure sound of bells.

Zhaibarian Phialblob
Power Level: 2
Mirror, Mystic, Agile, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 33
Health: 10
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Frame: Blob
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Shadow Plane Travel: The creature can travel between this world, and a negative-mirror of our world. Crossing over requires a full turn, and leaves behind a hole in reality that gradually closes over 3 turns. The creature can use this ability to ambush and to escape, and to travel between places in the Shadow Plane in order to avoid obstacles in the real world. The shadow plane is dark, cold, decayed, and mostly lifeless. Creatures with this ability are notoriously difficult to kill.
Attack: Glamour: The creature can create a glamour of beauty around itself, disguising its true nature. The glamour is entrancing, and those fooled by it will desire to protect and cherish the creature. Once a person has fallen under the glamour, its effect will steadily increase over the days until the victim is entirely devoted and slavish. Using the glamour does cause a strain to the creature, and it can only apply the glamour on a few creatures at a time.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Lead weapons: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Blood thirsty: Cannot resist the smell and taste of blood. Will continue to pursue and target a wounded character until they are dead. Once it has a source of blood, will continue drinking it until it is empty. To break free before finishing all the blood, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Wears knotted strings of human bone wrapped around its body: +1 Armor
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Small Tar Black coffee bean shaped pellets
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for Goat
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the feet of its victims

Zhaibarian Phialblob
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 791, the creature is a blob made out of flowing glass. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon their Goat. Many of the dead were found with their feet missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their blades in each other's guts.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Glamour power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could travel through the shadow-world. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Lead, an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Hyberborean Wormsoul
Power Level: 3
Entropy, Elusive, Entropy, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 15
Init: 0
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: -5

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Worm
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Ill Luck Aura: Bad luck plagues everyone within Long range of the creature. Impose a -2 Malus on all tasks. The aura is especially hard on equipment, causing it to break, leak, or malfunction. Especially deadly to complex or delicate machines.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Appearance: The creature's skin is covered in glowing Red runes.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Thick clouds blot out the sky in the region. There are no sunny days.
SporePoop: Small Oily slugs burning with a low Umber flame
Smell: Burning Bone
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's shin bones.

Hyberborean Wormsoul
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium sized creature, made up of ectoplasm in the shape of a worm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the men. Many of the dead were found without any shin bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, thick gray clouds blotted out the sky and there was no real sun for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn to pieces. At least two of them seem to have died from catastrophic malfunctions of their equipment.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Ill Luck Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine and a weakness for beautiful music.

Wretched Eastern Baublelin
Power Level: 6
Mystic, Mind, Mind, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 25
Health: 15
Init: 0
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 0

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Goblin
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Renfielder: The creature can claim the mind of a human being. The process takes 1-3 days, and leaves the unfortunate soul a willing and obedient (if somewhat scatterbrained and insane) tool of the creature. The creature can communicate telepathically with its Renfield, even over a distance of miles, and the Renfield will obey without hesitation. A creature will never have more than 3 Renfields at a time, as it appears to take an investment of power to maintain the connection. Renfields have poor combat stats, and are most useful for mis-directions, distractions, and other oblique tactics.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Spheresome: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Appearance: The creature's skin is covered in glowing Umber runes.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Storm clouds blow through but do not bring rain. The clouds have odd colors hiding in them, greens and purples.
SporePoop: Enormous Whitish patties
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Eats the fat off the victim, leaves most of the rest.

Wretched Eastern Baublelin
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a goblin made out of glowing gems and silver wire, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Sorriba. The creature started its attacks by hunting down those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found with their skin and fat chewed away. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Storm clouds with odd colors settled over head. However no rain came down at all.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and a strange but immense fear of spheres.

Thessal Worm
Power Level: 7
Sleep, Music, Entropy, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 15
Health: 10
Init: -5
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Worm
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Cheap Frills: The creature has a frill of many colors that extends out from its neck. The Frill is covered in shifting patterns of color that have a hypnotic effect and can lull people into a dazed, unconscious state.
Attack: Battle Rage: Goes into an increasing rage as it inflicts wounds on enemies. Each time it does 2 or more wounds, gains +1 Attack, +1 Init, and -1 Will Defense and -1 Agility Defense.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Appearance: Oily Skin: Always be secreting. Its skin is oily and very difficult to grab hold of.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Cracks start appearing in objects in the same region as the creature. The more related or associated or "touched" by the creature, the more and deeper the cracks. This includes mirrors, tables, walls, floors, ceilings, stone, farm equipment, plates, etc. It also includes skin, nails, teeth, etc. Only in the worst cases does this actually have a mechanical effect, it is more annoying than anything.
SporePoop: Tiny Tan patties that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the feet of its victims

Thessal Worm
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 791, the creature is a worm made out of warped flesh. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying the magically talented. Many of the dead were found with their feet missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered long and jagged cracks appearing in walls and floors and everyday objects.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn into a bloody ribbons. Their bodies were viciously mauled for long past the point of death.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Battle Rage power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun and a rather dull and stupid mind.

Accursed Northern Rat
Power Level: 7
Sleep, Music, Entropy, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 10
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 6
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 10
AttackMod: -1

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Rat
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Malevolent Vibration: Emits an extremely low/high pitch vibration. Causes teeth and eye to bleed, and general cellular disruption when nearby. Good old bloody stool. Drives dogs and animals insane.
Defense: Storm Child: Creature can summon a cyclone about their body that A) lifts them up to 10 feet off the ground and B) makes them nearly immune to missile attacks.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: It continually cries tears of Crimson blood.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Inscribes odd geometric patterns in the bark of trees
SporePoop: Tiny Yellowish sludge pile
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Chops the victim into slices, e.g. like packaged lunch meat

Accursed Northern Rat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of warped flesh in the shape of a rat. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their their bodies clawed apart into fine slices. The few survivors of the attacks remembered they found odd geometric inscribed in the bark of trees nearby.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with several dozen different causes of death. Blood had dried around their teeth and eyes while their skin and internal organs had been turned to pulp.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Malevolent Vibration power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Acherite Deodand
Power Level: 8
Sleep, Music, Mutant, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 30
Health: 45
Init: -5
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Man
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Night Vision: Can see in complete darkness without any difficulty.
Ability: Squeezable: Can squeeze itself into incredibly tight areas. Anything large then 2 inch by 2 inch is open to the creature, though it does move more slowly when squeezing
Attack: Gibbering Mouths: Has a score of mouths attached to its body, all gibbering insanities. Extra action slot for these attacks.
Weakness: Obsessive Gambler: Cannot resist the thrill of chance. If given the opportunity, will bet on any apparently fair outcome, even going so far as to spare a life or a village if it is defeated.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Wears an iron belt, festooned with the severed hands of its victims.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Leaves patches of Amber slime as it brushes past rocks and vegetation
Spore: Cloud-free. Clouds are never seen where this creature is.
SporePoop: Light Pinkish patties with strange glowing bits of crystal
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Acherite Deodand
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium sized creature, made up of warped flesh in the shape of a man. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Riopico. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found torn apart in a nearby cave. The few survivors of the attacks remembered scouts found weird patches of Amber slime brushed across rocks and trees and lintels. Additionally, not a single normal cloud was seen in the sky for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found having torn their own ears and eyes out.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Gibbering Mouths power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could squeeze through incredibly tight spaces. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Thessal Barrow Elf
Power Level: 8
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 5
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 3

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Elf
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Extra power during New Moon: Gains +10 atk/def during New Moon. Prefers to do its hunting then.
Ability: Shadow Plane Travel: The creature can travel between this world, and a negative-mirror of our world. Crossing over requires a full turn, and leaves behind a hole in reality that gradually closes over 3 turns. The creature can use this ability to ambush and to escape, and to travel between places in the Shadow Plane in order to avoid obstacles in the real world. The shadow plane is dark, cold, decayed, and mostly lifeless. Creatures with this ability are notoriously difficult to kill.
Weakness: Dog Fear: The creature is deathly afraid of Dogs. The more and the larger of these creatures the party has, the more shaken and fearful the creature will be.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Enormous slugs with strange metallic flakes
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Kills and then beheads its victims. It keeps their dried heads on a cord around its waist.

Thessal Barrow Elf
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a elf made out of mummified flesh, this medium sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could travel through the shadow-world. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a deathly fear of Dogs, a severe vulnerability to Man Urine, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Vanheim Ratoss
Power Level: 9
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 35
Health: 20
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Rat
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Combat Master: Inhumanely skilled at combat, with precise movements and immense speed. + atk/def, ++poise
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Ants can be found in much greater numbers.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Roaches can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Small Blackish spherical pellets with strange metallic flakes
Smell: Cinnamon
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Hangs victims from tree branches to make feeding easier.

Vanheim Ratoss
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Phrandal in 755, the creature is a rat made out of bone. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering young children. Many of the dead were found hung on tree branches and half eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Ants were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, Roaches were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found cut and pummeled to death. Several had been disarmed before death and had their weapons lying yards away.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Combat Master power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather impressive level of stupidity and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Thessal Scorpossifer
Power Level: 10
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Poison
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
TailStabGroup Action Deck
Printable TailStabGroup Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 5
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Scorpion
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Injecting Proboscis: This creature does not have a bite attack, but rather a proboscis that injects Blinding Poison.
Ability: Death Curse: As the creature dies, it will try to pull down a powerful curse upon its most hated foe. This requires that the creature has a turn before death, can speak, and can see its target, and that the target can hear the curse. The curse will cause the target health problems and ill luck, and is usually fatal in 13 to 41 days. Some clever people have been able to outwit a poorly worded or inexact curse.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature has horizontal pupils, like a goat does.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Showers of falling stars are seen at night, mostly in the hours just before dawn.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Gray Moths can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Small Yellowish cubes
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Victim's faces are chewed off

Thessal Scorpossifer
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 717, the creature is a scorpion made out of bone. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found their faces gruesomely chewed off. The few survivors of the attacks remembered showers of falling stars were seen in the hours just before dawn. Additionally, Gray Moths were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could place a baneful curse upon the WitchHammer who had defeated it. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world and a severe vulnerability to Man Urine.

Southern Peastal
Power Level: 10
Mirror, Mystic, Agile, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 5
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Oatmeal Air: The creature can "thicken" the air around it, making movement slow and laborious as in nightmare. Movement reduced by half for all enemies within Long range. Also imposes a -2 Malus to combat for creatures at Short range.
Ability: Light Bringer: The creature's body can shine with a blinding Green light. Looking at it is a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -8 Malus to all creatures at short range, and a -4 Malus to all creatures at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear or other abilities.
Attack: Deadly Tusks: Has sharp tusks that can be used for charges or impaling or ripping bites
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will flee from its reflection in blind fear and panic.
Appearance: Has an emaciated belly.
Appearance: It has shark teeth in its mouth.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.
Spore: Bats swarm thickly at night, harassing people, cattle, and windows with unusual fierceness.
SporePoop: Tiny coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Victim's faces are chewed off

Southern Peastal
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small peacock made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Nairn. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found their faces gruesomely chewed off. The few survivors of the attacks remembered dogs bark and whine all night for no reason. Additionally, bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death with multiple tusk wounds.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Deadly Tusks power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors.

Nauseating Scorpion
Power Level: 13
Sleep, Music, Entropy, Acid
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
TailStabGroup Action Deck
Printable TailStabGroup Action Deck

Poise: 20
Health: 5
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 1
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Scorpion
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Acid Blood: Attacks that do 5+ health dmg cause a splashback acid attack
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Dream Lilt: Continually sings a soft, haunting melody that lulls people into a deep sleep. If in short range, must make an easy will save at end of each round or fall asleep.
Defense: Immune to pain: This creatures takes 1/3 the normal Malus for health damage.
Weakness: Over-calculator: Has difficulty sorting out scenes with many moving objects. A fall of leaves or a spray of marbles are extremely distracting to the creature and prevent it from focusing. Takes a -1 to -10 Malus depending on amount of visual chaff it is facing.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.
Spore: The nearest creek runs blood-red for a night and a day. Fish and frogs turn up dead on its banks.
SporePoop: Maroon tubes with strange glowing bits of crystal
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Collects bright and shiny objects from its attacks. Doesn't care about their value, just how sparkly they are.

Nauseating Scorpion
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a scorpion made out of warped flesh, this small sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying the women. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and with all their valuables gone. The few survivors of the attacks remembered dogs bark and whine all night for no reason. Additionally, the creeks ran blood red before the attacks began.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with both hands dissolved away too the wrist.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found resting peacefully with their eyes closed and their throat cut.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Acid Blood and Dream Lilt power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could summon up a poisonous mist out of the ground. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was completely immune to the pain of its wounds. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an obsessive mind that forced it to count and calculate small objects, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours.

Detestable Northern Witherblob
Power Level: 13
Entropy, Fear, Vermin, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 33
Health: 20
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 0

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Blob
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Mermogenic Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Obsessive Gambler: Cannot resist the thrill of chance. If given the opportunity, will bet on any apparently fair outcome, even going so far as to spare a life or a village if it is defeated.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Beetles can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: spherical pellets
Smell: Yeast
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.

Detestable Northern Witherblob
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small blob made up of mummified flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found with jagged wounds in their forehead and important pieces of brain missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores. Additionally, Beetles were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found warped into the semblance of strange hybrids that were half man and half fish.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mermogenic Touch power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets.

Estovokian Hundlant
Power Level: 14
Nature, Poison, Mind, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 10
Init: 6
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Hound
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Control Plants: Able to control plants and roots. Extra action slot for this. More difficult to spot in nature.
Ability: Caustic Mist Aura: Caustic mist seeps out of the creature. The mist can first causes depilation, then skin burns, until finally the skin just sloughs and melts off.
Defense: Tree Merge: Can enter and merge with a tree. Merging takes a full round; once merged can either stay in the tree or gate to another tree within 100 yards. Has limited senses while inside the tree; like looking through a pane of thick dark glass.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Dog Fear: The creature is deathly afraid of Dogs. The more and the larger of these creatures the party has, the more shaken and fearful the creature will be.
Appearance: Has long, thin spikes of iron piercing all the way through its body. The spikes stick out a few inches from the skin on either side, but do not seem to impede its movement.
Appearance: Tiny Horns: The creature has a small set of devil horns on its head
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fruit in the region rots into piles of mold and sludge over the course of a few hours.
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
SporePoop: Small Yellowish slugs burning with a low Amber flame
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Likes to make a nest/bed out of its victims. Naps there for a while after a kill.

Estovokian Hundlant
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 813, the creature is a hound made out of vines. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Arisaig. The creature started its attacks by preying upon several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found with enormous cavities torn in their chest and abdomen. The few survivors of the attacks remembered apples and pears rotted over night into piles of putrid sludge. Additionally, fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in roots and vines that were slowly drawing their bodies into the ground.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Control Plants power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could exudes a caustic mist around itself. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it merged into and hid within trees. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a deathly fear of Dogs.

Nervous Carcworm
Power Level: 16
Entropy, Entropy, Poison, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 5
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Worm
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Sickly Aura: All Con/Poison/Disease saves are 1 step harder for all creatures in medium range.
Attack: Ink Vomit: Vomits a viscous black ink when threatened. The ink blinds, encumbers, and makes the ground slippery. Takes hours to scrub out of skin and clothes.
Defense: Poisonous Skin: This creature's skin emits secretions that are highly dangerous. Touching the skin with so much as a single hand inflicts one dose of Choking Poison
Weakness: Vulnerable to Urine: Cannot stand Urine. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Enormous Maroon tubes
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Grinds up the teeth of its victims and then eats the dust.

Nervous Carcworm
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 713, the creature is a worm made out of rotting flesh. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Fochabers. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their teeth missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with plague boils across their bodies and poison distending their veins.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in a slippery black ichor.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Sickly Aura and Ink Vomit power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as its skin proved to be fatally poisonous. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Urine and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Damnable Valusian Marmashell
Power Level: 17
Mutant, Acid, Agile, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 48
Health: 15
Init: 2
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Silver Ooze: Made out of a Silver jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Snail
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Ability: Long Neck: The creature's neck is absurdly elongated and agile. It can use bite attacks from medium range.
Attack: Multiple Mouths: Makes more than one bite attack. On more than one success, target is immobilized as one of the maws holds the target in place.
Attack: Control Cockatiel: Able to control Cockatiel and direct them to swarm, buffet, and attack.
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Has an emaciated belly.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Unsettled earth; there are minor quakes and trembles in the ground every few hours. They are losely correlated with the creature's activity/emotional state/feeding.
Spore: Leaves patches of Ice Blue slime as it brushes past rocks and vegetation
SporePoop: Enormous Tan spherical pellets that contains small chunks of Mithril
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Hides remains in shallow graves. Sometimes never found, sometimes found by dogs or other animals.

Damnable Valusian Marmashell
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 755, the creature is a snail made out of caustic ooze. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying alcoholics. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered small but persistent earthquakes and tremblors. Additionally, scouts found weird patches of Ice Blue slime brushed across rocks and trees and lintels.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and crushed into the ground as though a great weight had landed upon them.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in dozens of small bloody bite marks.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gruesomely pecked to death by hundreds of small bird bites.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Deadly Leap, Multiple Mouths, and Control Cockatiel power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Acherite Scorpsoul
Power Level: 18
Entropy, Elusive, Entropy, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
TailStabGroup Action Deck
Printable TailStabGroup Action Deck

Poise: 47
Health: 10
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Scorpion
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Long Neck: The creature's neck is absurdly elongated and agile. It can use bite attacks from medium range.
Ability: Wreathe of Eyes: The creature has a band of 5 eyes around its head. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and is quite difficult to surprise.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Acid: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Perfectly reflective Amber eyes
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Inscribes odd geometric patterns in walls. If it has the time for it, will scrawl these patterns across an entire wall or room.
SporePoop: Enormous Grayish coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's shin bones.

Acherite Scorpsoul
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a scorpion made out of ectoplasm, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Ciutat. The creature started its attacks by preying upon a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found without any shin bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, they found odd geometric inscribed in dense patterns along walls and stones.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could strike at great distance with its absurdly long neck and see in all directions using its many eyes. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and a severe vulnerability to Acid.

Entropic Wormnight
Power Level: 19
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 47
Health: 30
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: -1

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Worm
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Bone Crafter: Will try to gather corpses. Will use their bones and flesh to craft weaker versions of itself that will go on to cause more havoc.
Attack: Entropic Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Weakness: Dog Fear: The creature is deathly afraid of Dogs. The more and the larger of these creatures the party has, the more shaken and fearful the creature will be.
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Appearance: Its tongue is long and deeply forked.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 4
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
Spore: Frogs proliferate on land. They can be found by the dozens along the road, or hopping amongst the fields.
SporePoop: Small Greenish coffee bean shaped pellets
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Snack Saver: Saves tasty bits of people by burying bits in small holes a few feet deep. Rarely leaves these snacks for more than 48 hours.

Entropic Wormnight
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small worm made up of living shadow. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Lanzahita. The creature started its attacks by slaying the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs. Additionally, frogs came out of the creeks and onto the land. In croaking swarms they hopped along roads and fields.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found withered and aged beyond all recognition. Their shields and other armor was rusted as though it had been left out in the elements for months or years.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Entropic Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could create new versions of itself out of the corpses of its victims. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a weakness for beautiful music, a deathly fear of Dogs, and a rather impressive level of stupidity.

Odious Horny Hippbush
Power Level: 19
Nature, Poison, Brutal, Acid
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 20
Init: 1
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 0

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Hippo
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Bull Horns: Has sharp horns that can be used for charges, goring, and tossing
Ability: Death Stench: As the creature dies, it explosively dissolves into a cloud of caustic gasses. Creatures at Medium range make an Easy agility save, at Short range make a hard agility save. On failure, takes 3 points of Health damage from the gas. Armor and thick clothing can help block this. The gasses tends to leave ugly, pock-marked scars.
Defense: Regeneration 2: Regenerates 4 health and 8 poise per turn.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Appearance: Has two sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
NumAppearing: Packs of 4
Spore: Heavy and unseasonal fogs sweep the area, only burning off by midday.
Spore: Crops wither and die in a 1 mile radius. Takes a few days to gradually come into effect.
SporePoop: Small Blackish tubes with streaks of blood and bile
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Victim's head is twisted around 180 degrees. Neck broken too of course.

Odious Horny Hippbush
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium hippo made up of vines. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their necks brutally broken. The few survivors of the attacks remembered heavy and unseasonal fogs appeared which would not burn off until midday. Additionally, crops withered and died over several days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death by small horns.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Bull Horns power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could explode on death into a cloud of caustic gas. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it rapidly regenerated any wounds they had dealt it. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and a rather dull and stupid mind.

Vanheim Ubungsflugzeug
Power Level: 20
Sleep, Music, Ice, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 33
Health: 10
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 6
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 5
AttackMod: -5

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Penguin
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Dream Marathon: Can exhaust and sap a character while they sleep. To begin, requires viewing and focusing on the character for ~1 minute, or a bit of their hair/nails/blood. Will then assail them in nightmares. After each night, takes a progressive -5 Malus from exhaustion. Character dies of exhaustion after the 3rd night of such attacks.
Ability: Vertigo Aura: The creature has an aura of disorientation and vertigo around it. Each turn, make an Easy Will save if within medium range. Once failed, overcome by vertigo until away from the creature for several minutes. When moving or turning, 50/50 chance of character actually moving in opposite direction.
Attack: Tentacle Control: The creature can extend long, finger-width tentacles from its belly. The creature will attempt to jump on the back of its target, where the sharpened tips of these tentacles will then plunge into the neck and spine of victim. This allows the creature to integrate with and take control of the target's nervous system. On a successful attack, gives the creature control of the target and grants it an extra attack. Difficult to hit the creature so long as it is riding its victim. Can only be separated by the creature's willing choice, the victim's death, or by applying one of the creature's weaknesses to it (which forces it off the victim and onto the ground).
Attack: Razor Sharp Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Defense: Displacement: Is in a subtly different position than it appears to be. Difficult to hit, especially with ranged weapons.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Weakness: Greedy: Cannot resist Mithril, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such treasure, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Mithril, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of treasure.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: Has thin, luminous threads of Gold running through its skin
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Cold Weather, -10 to -20 degrees in region
SporePoop: Large Mud colored polygons with strange glowing bits of crystal
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Victim's head is twisted around 180 degrees. Neck broken too of course.

Vanheim Ubungsflugzeug
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small penguin made up of warped flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with their necks brutally broken. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the weather became unseasonably cold and harsh winds wailed.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dead of seeming exhaustion. Their muscles were tense and their eyes were bloodshot.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with stab wounds in their front and finger sized gory holes dug out of their backs.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Dream Marathon and Tentacle Control power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could twists perception like a bow causing the WitchHammers to drunkenly stumble and collide. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it magically distorted its appearance to dodge many fatal blows. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else, an incurable greed for Mithril that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Hunter Crab
Power Level: 21
Sleep, Music, Nature, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 53
Health: 45
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 7
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Crab
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Tremor Sense: Can sense vibrations passing through the ground and uses that to locate hidden prey.
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Blood thirsty: Cannot resist the smell and taste of blood. Will continue to pursue and target a wounded character until they are dead. Once it has a source of blood, will continue drinking it until it is empty. To break free before finishing all the blood, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Appearance: The creature has bull-frog shaped sac at the base of the neck which inflates and deflates at odd moments. The sac is a vivid Red color.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Old injuries act up. The elderly suffer from limps, aches, and pains.
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
SporePoop: Enormous Tar Black polygons that slowly eats its way into the ground
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Cracks the open the bones of its victims and eats their marrow

Hunter Crab
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a crab made out of warped flesh, this large sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Ruente. The creature started its attacks by preying upon alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with their bones cracked open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered old men and women complained especially bitterly about pain from their aches and old wounds. Additionally, fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could sense opponents by their footfalls on the ground. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a weakness for beautiful music, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Callow Thessal Kugel Blekksprut
Power Level: 22
Mutant, Acid, Mutant, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main6 Action Deck
Printable Main6 Action Deck
Main7 Action Deck
Printable Main7 Action Deck

Poise: 20
Health: 10
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 1
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Gray Ooze: Made out of a Gray jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Octopod
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Second Head: Has an extra action slot for bite/breath actions. +5 Health
Ability: One Mean Cat: Visually, the creature appears to be a cute/appealing animal, such as a Squirrel. This is true even if the creature attacks. A character can try to dispel the illusion with a Medium will save, once per turn.
Attack: Heart Ripper: This creature can rip the heart out of a person's chest. Difficult to land the attack though, the target usually must be restrained or badly injured for it to hit. (-10 attack)
Defense: Cowardly: In combat, flee if things seem remotely dangerous.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Tasteless: Has no mouth feel; cannot taste or other wise use its mouth to tell what it is eating.
Appearance: The creature has wide and staring fish eyes that never blink.
Appearance: Its entrails hang out of its belly.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Mirrors shatter where it goes
SporePoop: Whitish tubes
Smell: Mold
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's shin bones.

Callow Thessal Kugel Blekksprut
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a small octopod made up of caustic ooze. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found without any shin bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their mirrors shattered in the days before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their hearts messily removed from their chests.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Heart Ripper power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could make itself appear to be a Squirrel until they saw through the illusion. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it immediately fled once it realized it was in danger. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and an inability to taste or sense poison.

Minor Blink Ubungsflugzeug
Power Level: 23
Nature, Vermin, Ice, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 63
Health: 30
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 3
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Penguin
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Aetheric Step: Has a short-range teleport action. Also +3 defense.
Attack: Shredding Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Crops wither and die in a 1 mile radius. Takes a few days to gradually come into effect.
Spore: At Noon and for several minutes after, a pillar of darkness surrounds this creature. Pillar is large enough to cover out to Short range away from the creature, and the pillar stretches for miles up into the air.
SporePoop: Oily patties burning with a low Silver flame
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Never eats the Intestines of its victims

Minor Blink Ubungsflugzeug
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of fungus in the shape of a penguin. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their horses. Many of the dead were found with only their Intestines remaining. The few survivors of the attacks remembered crops withered and died over several days. Additionally, a fearful pillar of darkness that was seen in the distance. The pillar faded a few minutes after midday.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found lacerated with dozens of deep and bloody cuts. Their armor lay in shreds around them.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Shredding Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could teleport across short distance or to avoid harm. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Vanheim Pestihound
Power Level: 23
Nature, Vermin, Nature, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 15
Init: 8
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Hound
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Cheap Frills: The creature has a frill of many colors that extends out from its neck. The Frill is covered in shifting patterns of color that have a hypnotic effect and can lull people into a dazed, unconscious state.
Attack: Mind Wipe: A hard mind save that is conveyed by touch. Failed saves disables all of the person's memories over a 3 round period. If the person survives, they will start to regain their lost memories (or at least most of them) will after a 72 hour period.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Has large iron pins embedded in its face and head at regular intervals. There are dozens of these pens, but they do not seem to impede the creatures actions.
Appearance: Its eyes are made of Pearls
NumAppearing: Packs of 4
Spore: Leaves deer-like pellets that are a bright Ice Blue color.
SporePoop: Large Light Pinkish patties
Smell: Rotting meat
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's shin bones.

Vanheim Pestihound
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a hound made out of fungus, this medium sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the magically talented. Many of the dead were found without any shin bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered scouts found pellets colored a garish Ice Blue color.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their throats cut. They had a look of panic and confusion on their faces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mind Wipe power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Lesser Seeing Eye Larvagaunt
Power Level: 23
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 30
Health: 15
Init: -5
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Oatmeal Air: The creature can "thicken" the air around it, making movement slow and laborious as in nightmare. Movement reduced by half for all enemies within Long range. Also imposes a -2 Malus to combat for creatures at Short range.
Ability: Wreathe of Eyes: The creature has a band of 99 eyes around its head. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and is quite difficult to surprise.
Attack: Mermogenic Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Appearance: Blind white eyes
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Tiny Tar Black tubes
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Grinds up the teeth of its victims and then eats the dust.

Lesser Seeing Eye Larvagaunt
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a maggot made out of mummified flesh, this medium sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found with their teeth missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found warped into the semblance of strange hybrids that were half man and half fish.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mermogenic Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could thicken the very air so that its foes were unable to move or escape and see in all directions using its many eyes. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights, and a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else.

Northern Baublelion
Power Level: 24
Mystic, Mind, Mind, Ice
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 30
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: -1

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Lion
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Soundless world aura: There is no sound when within short range of the creature. Eerie. +3 creature attack as this throws off the normal cues a person would use to defend. Also interferes with attempts to coordinate while fighting the creature. (optional, up to GM) As a meta-game effect, players who's PCs who are inside the aura can't talk with other players. They can gesticulate wildly, write notes, but not communicate about battle.
Attack: Frost Bite Claw: This attack is applied by Claw.
Defense: Mask form: Can assume a human form. Transforming to human or back takes 1 full round.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Weakness: Obsessive Gamer: Cannot resist games of skill, and will happily play them against a worthy opponent in lieu of combat. At least for a while. Can be bargined with to a certain extent, e.g. if the human wins they will walk away unharmed, but if they lose they will be eaten. Will pursue these games even if it is tactically disadvantageous. The creature enjoys the challenge, and enjoys proving itself superior. Can on occasion become enraged and hungry if it loses the game or feels it is cheated.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: It has shark teeth in its mouth.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Toads rain from the sky every 2-3 days.
Spore: Cold Weather, -10 to -20 degrees in region
SporePoop: Enormous Mud colored cubes burning with a low Red flame
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Eats the flesh and muscles, and then carves strange sigils on the bones of the victim.

Northern Baublelion
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 651, the creature is a lion made out of glowing gems and silver wire. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Newtonmore. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their flesh ripped open and strange sigils carved onto their undamaged bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered toads rained from the sky before its predations. Additionally, the weather became unseasonably cold and harsh winds wailed.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their limbs frozen and blackened by extreme cold.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Frost Bite Claw power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could drain all sound from the air around it. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else, an obsessive desire to play games of skill against worthy opponents, and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Thessal Shellelatin
Power Level: 25
Mutant, Acid, Mutant, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 30
Init: 4
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: -1

Aspect: Ice Blue Ooze: Made out of a Ice Blue jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Snail
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Mutant Eyes: The creature's body is dotted with a random selection of eyes of different sizes, types, and colors. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Attack: Paralyzing Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Attack: Dehydrating Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Weakness: Dog Fear: The creature is deathly afraid of Dogs. The more and the larger of these creatures the party has, the more shaken and fearful the creature will be.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Beetles can be found in much greater numbers.
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Tiny Light Pinkish cubes burning with a low Amber flame
Smell: Burning Pine Wood
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Likes to tear prey limb from limb, leaves parts scattered over a tennis-court sized area

Thessal Shellelatin
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a small snail made up of caustic ooze. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Hinojales. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the magically talented. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and scattered. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Beetles were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dessicated and sere with all the liquid drained from their body.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Dehydrating Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a deathly fear of Dogs and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Zhaibarian Withergoat
Power Level: 25
Entropy, Fear, Fear, Brutal
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 48
Health: 40
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Goat
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Fear Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Limned with a glow of black power
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 4
Spore: Most birds flee the region the creature is in.
Spore: Cloud-free. Clouds are never seen where this creature is.
SporePoop: Enormous Grayish spherical pellets
Smell: Cinnamon
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Zhaibarian Withergoat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium sized creature, made up of mummified flesh in the shape of a goat. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Sienra. The creature started its attacks by slaying young children. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks. Additionally, not a single normal cloud was seen in the sky for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found spread out over 100 yards of trail. They had terrible wounds in their back and were obviously killed while in panicked flight. They had expressions of utmost horror on their dead visages.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Thessal Spookrat
Power Level: 25
Entropy, Elusive, Entropy, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 45
Health: 10
Init: 0
DefenseMod: -1
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Rat
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Fear Itself: Can create fearful illusions in the targets mind. The victim sees predators, crazed attackers, zombies, ghosts, insects in their skin, and other fears made real before them, disrupting their concentration or chasing them from the battlefield.
Weakness: Gaudy: Cannot resist shiny and pretty things, and specifically Well crafted utensils, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such fripperies, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Well crafted utensils, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of finely styled goods.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
SporePoop: Large Whitish spherical pellets with small bits of crunched up bone
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Removes and eats the bones from victims, leaving limp and splayed open bodies.

Thessal Spookrat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large rat made up of ectoplasm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying the magically talented. Many of the dead were found without any bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found wounds on their back and expressions of terror on their faces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Itself power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an incurable greed for Well crafted utensils that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine.

Chelgrian Larvabauble
Power Level: 25
Mystic, Mind, Entropy, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 5
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Oatmeal Air: The creature can "thicken" the air around it, making movement slow and laborious as in nightmare. Movement reduced by half for all enemies within Long range. Also imposes a -2 Malus to combat for creatures at Short range.
Ability: Puppet Master: Does not kill all of its victims. Some its sucks the life and will out of, turning them into gray-skinned minions that serve blindly until death. Puppets take a -5 Malus to their normal rolls, die painfully when their master dies, and usually only live a few weeks before their bodies completely break down. Puppets are rather dumb, and usually can't communicate except through anguished moans.
Defense: Spell Immunity 2: No damage from spells, +10 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Vulnerable to light: Hates all light. Depending on the severity of the light, takes -1 to -10 Malus. A torch or a full moon would be -2, full sun would be -10.
Weakness: Gaudy: Cannot resist shiny and pretty things, and specifically Distinctive Sashes, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such fripperies, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Distinctive Sashes, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of finely styled goods.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 4
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Roaches can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Tar Black polygons with small bits of crunched up bone
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Eats the flesh and muscles, and then carves strange sigils on the bones of the victim.

Chelgrian Larvabauble
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small maggot made up of glowing gems and silver wire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found with their flesh ripped open and strange sigils carved onto their undamaged bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, Roaches were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could thicken the very air so that its foes were unable to move or escape and enslave the bodies of those it killed and use the dead as its puppets. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it simply shrugged off all mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe weakness to light and illumination and an incurable greed for Distinctive Sashes that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Nariscene Baublelin
Power Level: 26
Mystic, Mind, Entropy, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 5
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Goblin
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Soul Drinking Blade: This cursed and fearsome blade drains the souls from those it wounds. Even a scratch from this weapon can be fatal.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Gaudy: Cannot resist shiny and pretty things, and specifically Well crafted utensils, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such fripperies, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Well crafted utensils, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of finely styled goods.
Appearance: Crown of Steel
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Cracks start appearing in objects in the same region as the creature. The more related or associated or "touched" by the creature, the more and deeper the cracks. This includes mirrors, tables, walls, floors, ceilings, stone, farm equipment, plates, etc. It also includes skin, nails, teeth, etc. Only in the worst cases does this actually have a mechanical effect, it is more annoying than anything.
Spore: Fowl Murder: The dead bodies of ducks and geese are found in the morning. The animals heads are missing.
SporePoop: Tiny Oily cubes
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands and feet of its victims

Nariscene Baublelin
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 802, the creature is a goblin made out of glowing gems and silver wire. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the magically talented. Many of the dead were found with their hands and feet missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered long and jagged cracks appearing in walls and floors and everyday objects. Additionally, finding every duck and geese in the region dead one morning. The fowl's heads were bitten off.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with small cuts that never the less seemed fatal. Their bodies were dessicated and seemed drained of all life and hope.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Soul Drinking Blade power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an incurable greed for Well crafted utensils that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Azadian Cubesore
Power Level: 26
Nature, Vermin, Poison, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 30
Init: -2
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Cube
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Ability: Death Stench: As the creature dies, it explosively dissolves into a cloud of caustic gasses. Creatures at Medium range make an Easy agility save, at Short range make a hard agility save. On failure, takes 3 points of Health damage from the gas. Armor and thick clothing can help block this. The gasses tends to leave ugly, pock-marked scars.
Defense: Danger Sense: Excellent ability to detect immediate threats. It is not that its senses are necessarily better; rather it just has a sharp mind for detecting danger and putting warning signs together.
Weakness: Blood thirsty: Cannot resist the smell and taste of blood. Will continue to pursue and target a wounded character until they are dead. Once it has a source of blood, will continue drinking it until it is empty. To break free before finishing all the blood, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature has bull-frog shaped sac at the base of the neck which inflates and deflates at odd moments. The sac is a vivid Red color.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Frogs proliferate on land. They can be found by the dozens along the road, or hopping amongst the fields.
Spore: Fruit in the region rots into piles of mold and sludge over the course of a few hours.
SporePoop: Tiny Yellowish patties with undigested bits of skin and cartilage
Smell: Burning Sugar
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Hangs victims from tree branches to make feeding easier.

Azadian Cubesore
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a cube made out of fungus, this large sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found hung on tree branches and half eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered frogs came out of the creeks and onto the land. In croaking swarms they hopped along roads and fields. Additionally, apples and pears rotted over night into piles of putrid sludge.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could explode on death into a cloud of caustic gas. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was a wary and cunning foe. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Idiran Bullseed
Power Level: 26
Nature, Poison, Nature, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 33
Health: 50
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Bull
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Tremor Sense: Can sense vibrations passing through the ground and uses that to locate hidden prey.
Ability: Cheap Frills: The creature has a frill of many colors that extends out from its neck. The Frill is covered in shifting patterns of color that have a hypnotic effect and can lull people into a dazed, unconscious state.
Attack: Monstrous Horn: This attack is applied by Horn.
Weakness: Over-calculator: Has difficulty sorting out scenes with many moving objects. A fall of leaves or a spray of marbles are extremely distracting to the creature and prevent it from focusing. Takes a -1 to -10 Malus depending on amount of visual chaff it is facing.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Salt Water: Cannot stand Salt Water. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: This creature is luminescent, and at night can be seen with flickering patterns of fire-fly light running across its body.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Frogs proliferate on land. They can be found by the dozens along the road, or hopping amongst the fields.
Spore: Mirrors warp where ever it goes. They will vibrate and bend until they crack and eventually shatter. This happens all over the region, at least to a slight degree. The closer the creature is, the more pronounced the effect.
SporePoop: Blood Red coffee bean shaped pellets
Smell: Yeast
VictimChoice: Does not target children
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Idiran Bullseed
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of vines in the shape of a bull. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Orito. The creature started its attacks by preying upon everyone but children. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered frogs came out of the creeks and onto the land. In croaking swarms they hopped along roads and fields. Additionally, their mirrors warped and cracked before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found several villages over. The WitchHammers had been transformed into half-human and half monster hybrids.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Monstrous Horn power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could sense opponents by their footfalls on the ground and uses it enticing colored salamander frills to beguile and daze foes. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an obsessive mind that forced it to count and calculate small objects, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a severe vulnerability to Salt Water.

Beguiling Tigcaust
Power Level: 27
Fire, Mystic, Fire, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 5
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Tiger
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Bright Eyes: The creature's eyes can shine with a blinding Gray light. Looking at its face a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -6 Malus to all creatures in its facing at short range, and a -3 Malus to all creatures in its facing at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear, avoiding/blocking its gaze, or other abilities.
Attack: Entrancing Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Weakness: Tasteless: Has no mouth feel; cannot taste or other wise use its mouth to tell what it is eating.
Weakness: Spheresome: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Weakness: Obsessive Gambler: Cannot resist the thrill of chance. If given the opportunity, will bet on any apparently fair outcome, even going so far as to spare a life or a village if it is defeated.
Appearance: Has a thick and distended abdomen.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
SporePoop: puddles with small knots of hair
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.

Beguiling Tigcaust
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 755, the creature is a tiger made out of animated fire. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Iona. The creature started its attacks by hunting down young children. Many of the dead were found with jagged wounds in their forehead and important pieces of brain missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with expressions of bliss in their dead eyes despite the fact their chests were torn open.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Entrancing Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an inability to taste or sense poison, a strange but immense fear of spheres, and an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets.

Hyberborean Seargoat
Power Level: 27
Fire, Poison, Fire, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 5
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Goat
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Exploding fire disease: This attack is applied by Touch.
Attack: Second Head: Has an extra action slot for bite/breath actions. +5 Health
Weakness: Blinding hunger: Once it starts feeding, finds it extremely difficult to stop. If it is being attacked or is facing imminent harm, can make Hard Will Saves to break free of this compulsion. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Has two sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
Appearance: Continually screams
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: Oily slugs
Smell: Wet Dog
VictimChoice: Does not target virgins
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Hyberborean Seargoat
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 705, the creature is a goat made out of animated fire. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Torrepadre. The creature started its attacks by slaying everyone but virgins. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with violent bite marks on their head and shoulders.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Second Head power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could inflict victims with a feverish infection that finishes with fiery fatalness. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an insatiable hunger for meat that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Akkadian Urserime
Power Level: 27
Ice, Ice, Fear, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 45
Init: 0
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: -5

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Bear
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Flash Freeze Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Attack: Punishment Bag: The creature carries a gore-soaked burlap bag full of squirming, writhing horrors. The bag exudes and aura of fear and terror. Humans within Medium range must make an easy Fear save or lose their turn to quaking fear. Humans within Short range must make a Medium Fear Save for same. If punctured/opened, the bag proves empty but for some noisesome smoke.
Weakness: Dog Fear: The creature is deathly afraid of Dogs. The more and the larger of these creatures the party has, the more shaken and fearful the creature will be.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Blinding hunger: Once it starts feeding, finds it extremely difficult to stop. If it is being attacked or is facing imminent harm, can make Hard Will Saves to break free of this compulsion. Can make one such save per round.
Appearance: Wears a rough and blood stained burlap bag over its head(s).
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Toads rain from the sky every 2-3 days.
Spore: Dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.
SporePoop: Large Olive coffee bean shaped pellets
Smell: Mold
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Face smoother: People killed by the creature have their faces turn into smooth skin without features, eyes, noses, etc.

Akkadian Urserime
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a bear made out of living ice, this medium sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with their faces perfectly smooth. The few survivors of the attacks remembered toads rained from the sky before its predations. Additionally, dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their hair white from pure and formless fear.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Punishment Bag power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a deathly fear of Dogs, a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, and an insatiable hunger for meat that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Idiran Vine Tiger
Power Level: 29
Nature, Poison, Mind, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 35
Init: 0
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Tiger
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Attack: Siren Call: Draws the target to the monster in a trance like state, unless target resists.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Lair Soil: Needs to build lair and return to it once every 12 hours. Building a lair takes 12 hours. For every 4 hours over, takes -1 Malus and 1 health damage.
Appearance: Wears a featureless Gold mask over its face.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Creepy cats are seen out at night. They congregate in groups of 20-40, quickly dispersing when anyone notices them.
SporePoop: Whitish polygons
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Eats the fat off the victim, leaves most of the rest.

Idiran Vine Tiger
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Phrandal in 642, the creature is a tiger made out of vines. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the women. Many of the dead were found with their skin and fat chewed away. The few survivors of the attacks remembered cats started acting odd and were seen roaming in large packs at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found isolated and alone. It appears that the hunters split up before being individually killed.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Siren Call power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a need to return to the soil of its lair every half-day.

Nariscene Shadow Maggot
Power Level: 29
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 63
Health: 25
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Rust Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Ability: Power from corpses: Gains power from corpses. Estimate of 1 Atk/Def, and 2 Poise per corpse consumed in the last day.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Sweet Tooth: Cannot resist Pear Jelly, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to partake. To break free before finishing all the sweet food, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. While it prefers Pear Jelly, it also has a fierce appetite for any kind of sweet food.
Appearance: The creature has a broken off noose of loose and heavy rope wrapped around its neck.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Fat Maggots can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Blood Red tubes with streaks of blood and bile
Smell: Peaches
VictimChoice: Taste for Ostrich
VictimWound: Drains every drop of blood from its victims.

Nariscene Shadow Maggot
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge maggot made up of living shadow. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their Ostrich. Many of the dead were found without a single drop of blood left in their body. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Fat Maggots were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found most of their weapons and armor entirely gone. The hunters were covered in a fine layer of red rust.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Rust Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could devour corpses to gain some of their power. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and an incurable appetite for SweetFruitVariants Jelly that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Western Larvaorpse
Power Level: 30
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 80
Health: 25
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 9
AttackMod: 7

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Filth Fever Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Defense: Partial Invisibility (except eyes) : The creature is invisible, with the exception of its eyes. Can move and attack while in this state.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Gaudy: Cannot resist shiny and pretty things, and specifically Bold Hats, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such fripperies, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Bold Hats, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of finely styled goods.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: The creature has horizontal pupils, like a goat does.
Appearance: Wears a featureless Gold mask over its face.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Fruit in the region rots into piles of mold and sludge over the course of a few hours.
SporePoop: Tiny Greenish coffee bean shaped pellets that contains small chunks of Silver
Smell: Wet Dog
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Hides remains in shallow graves. Sometimes never found, sometimes found by dogs or other animals.

Western Larvaorpse
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large maggot made up of bone. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Beveraso. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the elderly. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, apples and pears rotted over night into piles of putrid sludge.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found in pools of their own bodily fluids. They seem to have bled/dehydrated out from all available orifices.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Filth Fever Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it twisted light around itself to hide all but its eyes. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, an incurable greed for Bold Hats that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Poisonous Cubeulp
Power Level: 30
Mutant, Acid, Poison, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 20
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 3

Aspect: Silver Ooze: Made out of a Silver jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Cube
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Jellyfish Hair: Head is covered with waving, angel hair strands that deliver Thirst Poison. The "hair" can reach out to several yards away, though it is not particularly swift in attacking. Adds an extra attack against enemies at short range.
Ability: Reality Melter: The creature can focus its gaze and its will on an object in order to change it. A staff can be remade into a snake that wriggles away, or a gleaming sword into a flock of doves, or a set of black-spiked armor into a mass of beetles. Mechanically, this attack destroys one piece of equipment without any save.
Attack: Snake-mouth Tail: Has a tail with a snake mouth on the end. The tail can make its own attacks.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sweet Tooth: Cannot resist Sugar, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to partake. To break free before finishing all the sweet food, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. While it prefers Sugar, it also has a fierce appetite for any kind of sweet food.
Appearance: Has large iron pins embedded in its face and head at regular intervals. There are dozens of these pens, but they do not seem to impede the creatures actions.
Appearance: Shadow moves slightly differently than creature itself, and can expand/shrink without regard to lighting
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fruit in the region rots into piles of mold and sludge over the course of a few hours.
SporePoop: Light Pinkish puddles
VictimChoice: Taste for Hog
VictimWound: Cripples victims before burying them alive. Comes back to eat the buried body in a few days, after it has ripened.

Poisonous Cubeulp
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium sized creature, made up of caustic ooze in the shape of a cube. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Ferrero. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their Hog. Many of the dead were found stuffed into crude and shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered apples and pears rotted over night into piles of putrid sludge.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with hundreds of tiny and inflamed insect bites on their hands and face.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with multiple snake bites on their face and throat. Black lines of poison flowed out from the bites.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Jellyfish Hair and Snake-mouth Tail power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could nearly naked and bereft of any weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and an incurable appetite for Sugar that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Lemurian Baublecock
Power Level: 30
Mystic, Mind, Air, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 30
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Cheap Frills: The creature has a frill of many colors that extends out from its neck. The Frill is covered in shifting patterns of color that have a hypnotic effect and can lull people into a dazed, unconscious state.
Attack: Dominate Minor Animal: Lets the creature take control of one type of animal, e.g. dogs, cats, birds, lizards, livestock, etc.
Attack: Force Strike: Can carry out its attacks at a short/moderate distance. No physical contact needed to wound/choke/stab/etc.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Gaudy: Cannot resist shiny and pretty things, and specifically Ribbons, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such fripperies, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Ribbons, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of finely styled goods.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
Appearance: Glowing Gray eyes
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
SporePoop: Tan spherical pellets
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Taste for Dog
VictimWound: Takes the skulls of victims and piles them in little pyramids.

Lemurian Baublecock
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of glowing gems and silver wire in the shape of a peacock. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their Dog. Many of the dead were found with their skulls were piled in heaps. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found bitten and pecked to death by small animals.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with brutal contusions and broken bones as though hit by a sledge hammer. The skin was not broken and they seem to have succumbed to internal injuries.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Dominate Minor Animal and Force Strike power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could uses it enticing colored salamander frills to beguile and daze foes. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a fear and pain of the pure sound of bells, a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, and an incurable greed for Ribbons that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Estovokian Peagloom
Power Level: 33
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 15
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 9

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Attack: Filth Fever Claw: This attack is applied by Claw.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
Spore: The nearest creek runs blood-red for a night and a day. Fish and frogs turn up dead on its banks.
SporePoop: Mud colored slugs that contains small chunks of Silver
Smell: Sulfur
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Loves to eat its victim's intestines.

Estovokian Peagloom
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium peacock made up of living shadow. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the magically talented. Many of the dead were found without their intestines and stomach. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days. Additionally, the creeks ran blood red before the attacks began.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found in pools of their own bodily fluids. They seem to have bled/dehydrated out from all available orifices.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Filth Fever Claw power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Estovokian Leongloom
Power Level: 33
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 47
Health: 10
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Lion
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Fear Itself: Can create fearful illusions in the targets mind. The victim sees predators, crazed attackers, zombies, ghosts, insects in their skin, and other fears made real before them, disrupting their concentration or chasing them from the battlefield.
Ability: Keen Nose: Extremely good sense of smell. Can easily track most prey, and is usually warned of approaching creatures.
Attack: Shredding Claw: This attack is applied by Claw.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Motion Sight: Cannot see creatures that are motionless. The less motion/movement a person makes, the more difficult it will be for this creature to see/target them. Can use scent and sound and intuition if it knows/suspects a character is at a certain area but "invisible".
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Bibliophile: Cannot resist books and reading, and will rarely pass up a chance to read a story. To break free before finishing a story, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Has large iron pins embedded in its face and head at regular intervals. There are dozens of these pens, but they do not seem to impede the creatures actions.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Birds commit suicide. They collide with windows and house walls, or commit mass drownings in ponds. They really seem to want to die.
Spore: Most birds flee the region the creature is in.
SporePoop: Tiny Oily sludge pile burning with a low Silver flame
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Consumes victims entirely, except for their hair.

Estovokian Leongloom
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a lion made out of living shadow, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the women. Many of the dead were found with only the hair remaining uneaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds killed themselves in a steady stream of collisions with walls and trees. Some drowned themselves in ponds and wells. Additionally, birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found wounds on their back and expressions of terror on their faces.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found lacerated with dozens of deep and bloody cuts. Their armor lay in shreds around them.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Itself and Shredding Claw power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could smell its hunters from incredibly long distances. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and an incurable appetite for books that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Climbing Carctoad
Power Level: 33
Entropy, Agile, Mutant, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 75
Health: 15
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 7
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Toad
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Wall Crawling: Can climb vertical surfaces. Can move on vertical surfaces and ceilings without any penalties.
Defense: Regeneration: Regenerates 1 health and 2 poise per turn.
Weakness: Motion Sight: Cannot see creatures that are motionless. The less motion/movement a person makes, the more difficult it will be for this creature to see/target them. Can use scent and sound and intuition if it knows/suspects a character is at a certain area but "invisible".
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Bats swarm thickly at night, harassing people, cattle, and windows with unusual fierceness.
SporePoop: Small Oily slugs
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Chops the victim into slices, e.g. like packaged lunch meat

Climbing Carctoad
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large toad made up of rotting flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Elgin. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the men. Many of the dead were found with their their bodies clawed apart into fine slices. The few survivors of the attacks remembered bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could climb on walls and ceilings as easily as walking. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.

Idiran Ectoworm
Power Level: 34
Entropy, Elusive, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 40
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Worm
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Attack: Blighted Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Beetles can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Maroon spherical pellets with streaks of blood and bile
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Eats the flesh and muscles, and then carves strange sigils on the bones of the victim.

Idiran Ectoworm
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 781, the creature is a worm made out of ectoplasm. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Montrose. The creature started its attacks by preying upon young children. Many of the dead were found with their flesh ripped open and strange sigils carved onto their undamaged bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Beetles were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with blackened and rotting wounds.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Blighted Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else, a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, and a severe vulnerability to Man Urine.

Thulian Flodhest
Power Level: 34
Sleep, Music, Entropy, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 15
Init: 12
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Hippo
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Power from corpses: Gains power from corpses. Estimate of 1 Atk/Def, and 2 Poise per corpse consumed in the last day.
Attack: Storm Lord: Can summon down a bolt of lightning, even out of a clear blue sky. Usable 2 times per day. The lightning is inaccurate, and as with natural lightning will be drawn to any trees, water, metal, etc. that is nearby. Can be targeted up to Medium range away from the creature. Does health and poise damage to all targets within medium range, save for half. Does double that at close range, and quadruple that if it hits a target directly.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Has a thick and distended abdomen.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Bats swarm thickly at night, harassing people, cattle, and windows with unusual fierceness.
SporePoop: Large puddles
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Hides remains in shallow graves. Sometimes never found, sometimes found by dogs or other animals.

Thulian Flodhest
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a hippo made out of warped flesh, this small sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their horses. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found charred and electrocuted with their armor and weaponry melted down in rivulets all around them. A large pool of molten iron solidified around their feet where their greaves melted down.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Storm Lord power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could devour corpses to gain some of their power. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Hyberborean Blazlarva
Power Level: 34
Fire, Entropy, Agile, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 75
Health: 30
Init: 16
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 7

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Fast: Moves 2x human speed. ++Init
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Motion Sight: Cannot see creatures that are motionless. The less motion/movement a person makes, the more difficult it will be for this creature to see/target them. Can use scent and sound and intuition if it knows/suspects a character is at a certain area but "invisible".
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Never actually touches the ground. Floats a centimeter above the ground at all times.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Glass and porcelain cracks more often. You might wake up in the morning to find a window with a long crack in it, or an old plate that has split in half.
Spore: Toads rain from the sky every 2-3 days.
SporePoop: spherical pellets with whole bones and skulls mixed in
Smell: Yeast
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Kills and then beheads its victims. It keeps their dried heads on a cord around its waist.

Hyberborean Blazlarva
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small maggot made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their horses. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered good glass windows and porcelain plates cracked for no reason. One family woke up and found their whole plate collection cracked in half. Additionally, toads rained from the sky before its predations.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could run and act with incredible quickness and could hear the very thoughts of nearby people. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless.

Southern Elephacier
Power Level: 35
Ice, Mutant, Entropy, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 85
Health: 45
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Elephant
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Long Neck: The creature's neck is absurdly elongated and agile. It can use bite attacks from medium range.
Attack: Spine Blade: This strange blade is formed out of a sharpened spinal column is surprisingly durable. It can cut cleanly through steel or human beings and will not break until its owner does.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Wears a featureless Mithril mask over its face.
NumAppearing: Packs of 3
Spore: Birds commit suicide. They collide with windows and house walls, or commit mass drownings in ponds. They really seem to want to die.
SporePoop: Large Light Pinkish cubes
VictimChoice: Taste for Babies
VictimWound: Face smoother: People killed by the creature have their faces turn into smooth skin without features, eyes, noses, etc.

Southern Elephacier
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 625, the creature is a elephant made out of living ice. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Majalobas. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering babies. Many of the dead were found with their faces perfectly smooth. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds killed themselves in a steady stream of collisions with walls and trees. Some drowned themselves in ponds and wells.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with ugly stab wounds and tears across their bodies.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Spine Blade power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could strike at great distance with its absurdly long neck. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Valusian Hippnight
Power Level: 36
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 10
Init: 6
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 4

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Hippo
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Shadow Spawn: At Midnight, malevolent shadows spawn from the bodies of those that this creature has killed. The shadows are not all that bright, and most will die from torches or sunlight. A few might survive and grow stronger over time. Alternatively, once per day the creature can force the spawning of these shadows. The shadows will be weaker as they have not had time to properly gestate, but they will still blindly fight for their parent.
Attack: Heart Freeze Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Blood thirsty: Cannot resist the smell and taste of blood. Will continue to pursue and target a wounded character until they are dead. Once it has a source of blood, will continue drinking it until it is empty. To break free before finishing all the blood, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Tramps down odd geometric patterns in crops and fields
Spore: Storm clouds blow through but do not bring rain. The clouds have odd colors hiding in them, greens and purples.
SporePoop: Yellowish patties
Smell: Sulfur
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Removes and eats the bones from victims, leaving limp and splayed open bodies.

Valusian Hippnight
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium sized creature, made up of living shadow in the shape of a hippo. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the magically talented. Many of the dead were found without any bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered they found odd geometric patterns in their crops and fields before the attacks occurred. Additionally, Storm clouds with odd colors settled over head. However no rain came down at all.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their bodies red and swollen. On further examination their hearts were found to be black and lacerated.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Heart Freeze Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could spawn shadow monsters from the bodies of those it killed. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it blended in nearly perfectly with the surrounding woods. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Lemurian Gobfire
Power Level: 37
Fire, Fire, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 75
Health: 5
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Goblin
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Fire Blood: Attacks that do 5+ health dmg cause a splashback fire attack
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Weakness: Song Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful singing. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by song. The human voice is best for this, but even birds can have some effect.
Weakness: Sweet Tooth: Cannot resist Pastries, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to partake. To break free before finishing all the sweet food, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. While it prefers Pastries, it also has a fierce appetite for any kind of sweet food.
Weakness: Greedy: Cannot resist Gold, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such treasure, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Gold, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of treasure.
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Leaves deer-like pellets that are a bright Gray color.
Spore: Unsettled earth; there are minor quakes and trembles in the ground every few hours. They are losely correlated with the creature's activity/emotional state/feeding.
SporePoop: Small coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Lemurian Gobfire
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a goblin made out of animated fire, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered scouts found pellets colored a garish Gray color. Additionally, small but persistent earthquakes and tremblors.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with terrible burns on both hands. The fingerbones could be seen through the melted mail gloves.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fire Blood power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could could hear the very thoughts of nearby people. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a weakness for song, an incurable appetite for Pastries that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, and an incurable greed for Gold that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Nariscene Baboon
Power Level: 37
Sleep, Music, Entropy, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 47
Health: 5
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 4

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Baboon
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Death Curse: As the creature dies, it will try to pull down a powerful curse upon its most hated foe. This requires that the creature has a turn before death, can speak, and can see its target, and that the target can hear the curse. The curse will cause the target health problems and ill luck, and is usually fatal in 13 to 41 days. Some clever people have been able to outwit a poorly worded or inexact curse.
Ability: Oatmeal Air: The creature can "thicken" the air around it, making movement slow and laborious as in nightmare. Movement reduced by half for all enemies within Long range. Also imposes a -2 Malus to combat for creatures at Short range.
Attack: Paralyzing Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Defense: Shadow Armor: Wears armor made out of solid shadows. Touching the armor drains heat from you, like a strong wind in Alaska.
Weakness: Sensitive nose: Strong odors cause this creature distraction and pain. Depending on the strength and offensiveness of the odor, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Weakness: Cat Fear: The creature is deathly afraid of Cats. The more and the larger of these creatures the party has, the more shaken and fearful the creature will be.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: Has long, thin spikes of iron piercing all the way through its body. The spikes stick out a few inches from the skin on either side, but do not seem to impede its movement.
Appearance: Wears a featureless white mask over its face.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Crops wither and die in a 1 mile radius. Takes a few days to gradually come into effect.
SporePoop: cubes with streaks of blood and bile
VictimChoice: Taste for Alpaca
VictimWound: Likes to make a nest/bed out of its victims. Naps there for a while after a kill.

Nariscene Baboon
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 811, the creature is a baboon made out of warped flesh. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their Alpaca. Many of the dead were found with enormous cavities torn in their chest and abdomen. The few survivors of the attacks remembered crops withered and died over several days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their wrists and throat cut by a single claw.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Paralyzing Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could place a baneful curse upon the WitchHammer who had defeated it. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was protected by a layer of cold and shadowy armor. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an overly fragile sense of smell that could cause it pain from strong odors, a deathly fear of Cats, and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Akkadian Skelatinous Rat
Power Level: 38
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Vermin
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 63
Health: 45
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Rat
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Vermin Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Ability: Extra Arm Joints: The creature's arms have an extra set of joints, allowing them to reach and bend much further than normal.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Mirrors warp where ever it goes. They will vibrate and bend until they crack and eventually shatter. This happens all over the region, at least to a slight degree. The closer the creature is, the more pronounced the effect.
SporePoop: Large Oily coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Face smoother: People killed by the creature have their faces turn into smooth skin without features, eyes, noses, etc.

Akkadian Skelatinous Rat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge rat made up of bone. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Scone. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their faces perfectly smooth. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their mirrors warped and cracked before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn apart by scores of small animals and insects. The vermin infested every part of the corpses from the mouth to the intestines.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Vermin Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and a severe vulnerability to Man Urine.

Inescapable Withershell
Power Level: 39
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Brutal
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 25
Init: -3
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 3

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Snail
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Power from corpses: Gains power from corpses. Estimate of 1 Atk/Def, and 2 Poise per corpse consumed in the last day.
Attack: Iron Grip: The creature's grip is extremely powerful, and almost impossible for a human to escape. Can easily crush a person to death.
Defense: Unyielding: This creatures takes no Malus for health damage. It is deadly until the moment it is dead.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: Wears heavy iron chains wrapped around its body
Appearance: Wears a featureless white mask over its face.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Toads rain from the sky every 2-3 days.
SporePoop: Light Pinkish polygons
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Snack Saver: Saves tasty bits of people by burying bits in small holes a few feet deep. Rarely leaves these snacks for more than 48 hours.

Inescapable Withershell
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large snail made up of mummified flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered toads rained from the sky before its predations.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their muscles crushed to pulp and their bones crushed to splinters. One warrior had his waist reduced to the size of a donut. The jelly filling was spilling out of his mouth and other orifices.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Iron Grip power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it showed no pain or ill result from its wounds right up until it died. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine.

Uqbarian Ghost Spider
Power Level: 39
Entropy, Elusive, Entropy, Agile
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main3 Action Deck
Printable Main3 Action Deck
Main4 Action Deck
Printable Main4 Action Deck

Poise: 45
Health: 15
Init: 1
DefenseMod: -1
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Spider
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Fast: Moves 2x human speed. ++Init
Ability: Keen Nose: Extremely good sense of smell. Can easily track most prey, and is usually warned of approaching creatures.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Weakness: Vulnerable to Glass weapons: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Has three sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
Appearance: Eyes are surrounded by a lambent Red flame
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Enormous Maroon puddles
Smell: Cinnamon
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Uqbarian Ghost Spider
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large spider made up of ectoplasm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down young children. Many of the dead were found torn apart in a nearby cave. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could run and act with incredible quickness. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it blended in nearly perfectly with the surrounding woods. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather dull and stupid mind and a severe vulnerability to Glass.

Valusian Peabauble
Power Level: 40
Mystic, Mind, Air, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 45
Health: 30
Init: -5
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Ability: Lucky: The creature is unnaturally lucky. Whenever something could go the creature's way it does. Gains a +1 bonus on all rolls, and in addition the GM should try to be especially bastardish when adjudicating events associated with it.
Ability: Helper Spirit: The creature has bound a smaller and weaker creature of air and darkness to it. The smaller creature will generally obey its controller, and can carry out thefts, distractions, arson, etc.
Attack: Flensing Lightning: A blast of blue lightning that cooks muscle and strips away flesh. Creatures killed by the blast immediately come back as skinless undead. Usable 3 times per day.
Weakness: Bibliophile: Cannot resist books and reading, and will rarely pass up a chance to read a story. To break free before finishing a story, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Wears dried bits of human hide over its body
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Vultures follow a few hours behind the creature.
SporePoop: Tiny patties with small knots of hair
Smell: Burning Bone
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Victims are torn into two pieces, with the middle eaten out.

Valusian Peabauble
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge peacock made up of glowing gems and silver wire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found bloodily torn into two pieces. The few survivors of the attacks remembered flocks of vultures circled through the air for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found burnt through and skinless. The bodies were contorted in agony.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Flensing Lightning power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could benefit from an improbably series of lucky events and call on the assistance of a small air-spirit. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an incurable appetite for books that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Abysian Gelatinous Snail
Power Level: 40
Mutant, Acid, Mutant, Brutal
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 55
Init: 4
DefenseMod: 9
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Black Ooze: Made out of a Black jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Snail
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Wreathe of Eyes: The creature has a band of 5 eyes around its head. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and is quite difficult to surprise.
Attack: Ink Vomit: Vomits a viscous black ink when threatened. The ink blinds, encumbers, and makes the ground slippery. Takes hours to scrub out of skin and clothes.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Worms can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Tiny Tan polygons with strange metallic flakes
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Cracks all the bones of its victims and then twists their body into spirals.

Abysian Gelatinous Snail
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large snail made up of caustic ooze. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the men. Many of the dead were found with broken bones and horribly twisted bodies. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Worms were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in a slippery black ichor.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Ink Vomit power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Zemblan Bushippo
Power Level: 40
Nature, Poison, Poison, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 50
Init: 6
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Hippo
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Caustic Mist Aura: Caustic mist seeps out of the creature. The mist can first causes depilation, then skin burns, until finally the skin just sloughs and melts off.
Attack: Injecting Proboscis: This creature does not have a bite attack, but rather a proboscis that injects Emetic Poison.
Weakness: Avoidance Water: Strongly avoids and will not approach Water
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Appearance: Wears knotted strings of human bone wrapped around its body: +1 Armor
Appearance: Has a thick and distended abdomen.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
Spore: Enormous flocks of Amber butterflies migrate through the region. They settle on plants and roofs in thick layers as they rest, and travel through the woods in dense clouds.
SporePoop: Grayish sludge pile with whole bones and skulls mixed in
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Hides remains in shallow graves. Sometimes never found, sometimes found by dogs or other animals.

Zemblan Bushippo
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of vines in the shape of a hippo. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns. Additionally, seeing enormous flocks of Amber butterflies migrating through the region.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could exudes a caustic mist around itself. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an immense antipathy to WarMaterialVariants and a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours.

Eastern Hippherb
Power Level: 40
Nature, Poison, Air, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 55
Init: 8
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 3

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Hippo
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Helper Spirit: The creature has bound a smaller and weaker creature of air and darkness to it. The smaller creature will generally obey its controller, and can carry out thefts, distractions, arson, etc.
Attack: Jellyfish Back-Hair: The back of the creature is covered with gently waving, angel hair strands that deliver Paralyzing Poison. The "hair" can reach out to several yards away, though it is not particularly swift in attacking. Adds an extra attack against enemies at short range.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Appearance: Tiny Horns: The creature has a small set of devil horns on its head
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Makes weird stick-dolls and hangs them from trees before it rests for the day.
SporePoop: Tiny slugs
Smell: Ozone
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.

Eastern Hippherb
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 690, the creature is a hippo made out of vines. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their cattle. Many of the dead were found with jagged wounds in their forehead and important pieces of brain missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered finding odd stick-dolls hanging in trees nearby.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with hundreds of tiny and inflamed strings on their hands and face.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Jellyfish Back-Hair power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could call on the assistance of a small air-spirit. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain.

Eastern Slime Crawfish
Power Level: 40
Mutant, Acid, Mutant, Poison
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 50
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: -1

Aspect: Black Ooze: Made out of a Black jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Monstrous Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Attack: Jellyfish Back-Hair: The back of the creature is covered with gently waving, angel hair strands that deliver Paralyzing Poison. The "hair" can reach out to several yards away, though it is not particularly swift in attacking. Adds an extra attack against enemies at short range.
Defense: Mask form: Can assume a human form. Transforming to human or back takes 1 full round.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Lair Soil: Needs to build lair and return to it once every 12 hours. Building a lair takes 12 hours. For every 4 hours over, takes -1 Malus and 1 health damage.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Appearance: Its entrails hang out of its belly.
Appearance: Continually cries Amber tears
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Cattle go mad, braining them selves against trees and writhing in agonized heaps on the ground.
Spore: Its passing drains the water from plants and trees, leaving brown and dehydrated husks. In areas where it has spent time the vegetation is particularly dry and dead.
SporePoop: Tiny slugs
Smell: Burning Pine Wood
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Only eats the Hands of its victims

Eastern Slime Crawfish
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium crawfish made up of caustic ooze. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Rodoñá. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their Hands missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their cattle went mad and began braining them selves against trees and writhing in agonized heaps on the ground. Additionally, crops and trees became withered and dry. They would crumble at the slightest touch.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found several villages over. The WitchHammers had been transformed into half-human and half monster hybrids.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with hundreds of tiny and inflamed strings on their hands and face.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Monstrous Gaze and Jellyfish Back-Hair power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, a need to return to the soil of its lair every half-day, and a fear and pain of the pure sound of bells.

Azadian Turacier
Power Level: 41
Ice, Mystic, Brutal, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 20
Init: 4
DefenseMod: 16
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Turtle
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Attack: Combat Master: Inhumanely skilled at combat, with precise movements and immense speed. + atk/def, ++poise
Defense: Spell Immunity 2: No damage from spells, +10 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Song Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful singing. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by song. The human voice is best for this, but even birds can have some effect.
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Nearby Metal rusts. The effect is very slight one mile out, but becomes stronger as you get closer to the creature. Spending more than a minute in combat will make metal weapons and armor brittle.
Spore: Creepy cats are seen out at night. They congregate in groups of 20-40, quickly dispersing when anyone notices them.
SporePoop: Olive tubes
Smell: Week old dumpster
VictimChoice: Taste for Alpaca
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands of its victims

Azadian Turacier
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of living ice in the shape of a turtle. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Augustus. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their Alpaca. Many of the dead were found with their hands and wrists missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered metal plows and other implments rusted and became unusable. Additionally, cats started acting odd and were seen roaming in large packs at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found cut and pummeled to death. Several had been disarmed before death and had their weapons lying yards away.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Combat Master power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a weakness for song and a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights.

Uqbarian Larvacay
Power Level: 42
Nature, Vermin, Entropy, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 50
Health: 75
Init: -2
DefenseMod: -3
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Corrupting Spores: The creature sheds small, purplish spores into the air. These spores can colonize the human body, and if not promptly treated they can develop into an infection that will gradually enslave the host. The afflicted move and think slowly and become insensible to pain. While in this state they will obey the creature's phermonic promptings. Eventually the fungal infection grows to the point that the victim is rooted to the ground, and become an uneven pillar of spores and molting flesh. If the creature has been in an inhabited area for 1+ weeks, it will be aided by 3-6 of these afflicted humans.
Attack: Control Plants: Able to control plants and roots. Extra action slot for this. More difficult to spot in nature.
Defense: Mask form: Can assume a human form. Transforming to human or back takes 1 full round.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Fetish: Carries a Small gem stone that is enormously precious to it. If this can be taken, the creature will be frantic, fearful, and unable to use abilities.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Nearby Metal rusts. The effect is very slight one mile out, but becomes stronger as you get closer to the creature. Spending more than a minute in combat will make metal weapons and armor brittle.
SporePoop: patties
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Uqbarian Larvacay
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of fungus in the shape of a maggot. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered metal plows and other implments rusted and became unusable.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in roots and vines that were slowly drawing their bodies into the ground.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Control Plants power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could uses it fungal spores to infect and enslave human servitors. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours, and a small Small gem stone that it cannot live without.

Azadian Pengrime
Power Level: 42
Ice, Ice, Ice, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 50
Health: 35
Init: -2
DefenseMod: -3
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Penguin
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Unstoppable strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. Even a glancing blow from the creature can be fatal. +6 atk, +15 dmg.
Attack: Ice Now: Can touch a body of water to rapidly turn it into ice. Can freeze anything a creek size or smaller in 1 round, trapping anyone inside in ice.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Has long, thin spikes of iron piercing all the way through its body. The spikes stick out a few inches from the skin on either side, but do not seem to impede its movement.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
Spore: Cold Weather, -10 to -20 degrees in region
SporePoop: Whitish patties that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Kills and then beheads its victims. It keeps their dried heads on a cord around its waist.

Azadian Pengrime
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge penguin made up of living ice. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days. Additionally, the weather became unseasonably cold and harsh winds wailed.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found turned into a perfect ice statue.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Ice Now power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours, and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.

Hyberborean Wolfchar
Power Level: 43
Fire, Fire, Poison, Fire
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 48
Health: 25
Init: 4
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Wolf
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Fire Breathe: Breathes a torrent of elemental damage. Medium range, wide cone.
Ability: Exploding fire disease: This attack is applied by Touch.
Defense: Regeneration 2: Regenerates 4 health and 8 poise per turn.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Fire: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
Appearance: Casts no shadow
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Showers of falling stars are seen at night, mostly in the hours just before dawn.
SporePoop: Blood Red cubes
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Victim's head is twisted around 180 degrees. Neck broken too of course.

Hyberborean Wolfchar
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium wolf made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the magically talented. Many of the dead were found with their necks brutally broken. The few survivors of the attacks remembered showers of falling stars were seen in the hours just before dawn.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found burnt into smears of ash and melted equipment.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fire Breathe power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could inflict victims with a feverish infection that finishes with fiery fatalness. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it rapidly regenerated any wounds they had dealt it. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Fire and a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours.

Akkadian Gloomlarva
Power Level: 44
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 33
Health: 15
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 8
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 10
AttackMod: -5

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Dominate Minor Animal: Lets the creature take control of one type of animal, e.g. dogs, cats, birds, lizards, livestock, etc.
Ability: Fade: Can Phase out of this reality, for 1-3 turns. While phased out, is visible in outline, but is untouchable by normal means. Can move through walls and other barriers. Usable once per hour on itself. If it wishes, can apply this effect to enemies that it wounds.
Ability: Bright Eyes: The creature's eyes can shine with a blinding Amber light. Looking at its face a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -6 Malus to all creatures in its facing at short range, and a -3 Malus to all creatures in its facing at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear, avoiding/blocking its gaze, or other abilities.
Attack: Mind Fog: The creature exudes a thick mist that clouds the mind. So long as you are in the mist and breathing it/have significant skin contact with it, must make an easy Will Save at start of round or forget what you are doing for the round. If the creature is moving quickly, the mist will not be able to gather and pool enough to have an effect. If the creature stays in an area for 3 rounds, the mist will build up and extend to Short range around the creature. Staying in an area of 5 minutes or longer will extend the mist to Medium range, while a full day is required for Long range. The mist impairs sight and will cause a -1 to -5 penalty for ranged attacks/senses depending on how far through the mist you are peering.
Attack: Fury X: Can attack multiple enemies within range all at once.
Defense: Prudent: In combat, will retreat if things do not look good. Will try again later when the odds are better.
Defense: Ice Armor: Creatures has an inch thick layer of living ice that shields it from blows.
Defense: Gusting Winds: Creature is continually surrounded by strong gusting winds. The wind and whipping dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-10).
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Obsessive Gambler: Cannot resist the thrill of chance. If given the opportunity, will bet on any apparently fair outcome, even going so far as to spare a life or a village if it is defeated.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Has stumps instead of hands/feet. Does not interfere with its deadliness.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
SporePoop: Tiny Light Pinkish slugs that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Burning Sugar
VictimChoice: Does not target sinners, robberers, and murderers
VictimWound: Cripples victims before burying them alive. Comes back to eat the buried body in a few days, after it has ripened.

Akkadian Gloomlarva
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 644, the creature is a maggot made out of living shadow. It is of a small size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting everyone but sinners, robberers, and murderers. Many of the dead were found stuffed into crude and shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found bitten and pecked to death by small animals.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found laying in a rough semi-circle on the ground. Several of them seem to have died from one blow.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Dominate Minor Animal and Fury X power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could fade out of sync with the world and avoid all harm and blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it fled once it realized the battle had turned against it, it was protected by a a layer of living ice armor, and it was surrounded by constant whipping winds. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Wolf Urine, an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Western Ectoswan
Power Level: 44
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 45
Health: 60
Init: 0
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Swan
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Bite of Death: This attack is applied by Bite.
Ability: Extra power during Rain: Gains +10 atk/def during Rain. Prefers to do its hunting then.
Attack: Soul Eat: Deals death blow by eating the soul of its target. Gains the target's knowledge, and a portion of its strength. Leaves a mindless, soulless, vegetative husk behind. Might or might not eat the husk too.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Over-calculator: Has difficulty sorting out scenes with many moving objects. A fall of leaves or a spray of marbles are extremely distracting to the creature and prevent it from focusing. Takes a -1 to -10 Malus depending on amount of visual chaff it is facing.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Creeks and streams run dry for no reason.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Centipedes can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Enormous Blackish sludge pile that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Week old dumpster
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Consumes victims entirely, except for their hair.

Western Ectoswan
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 781, the creature is a swan made out of ectoplasm. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with only the hair remaining uneaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the creeks and streams all ran dry. Additionally, Centipedes were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found withered and dessicated as though they had aged 60 years and then been left out in the desert sun.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found still alive although without any mind or volition left. They wasted away and died several weeks later despite the best efforts of the rescuers.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Bite of Death and Soul Eat power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an obsessive mind that forced it to count and calculate small objects.

Seeing Eye Urseseed
Power Level: 45
Nature, Poison, Nature, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 20
Health: 30
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Bear
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Tooth Spitter: Can spit its teeth in a surprisingly adept manner. Can hit 2 targets out to medium range.
Ability: Spider Eyes: The creature has a cluster of compound eyes that take up much of its face. The eyes give it amazing vision (and great peripheral vision) and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Ability: Aura of Reliable Murder: If this creature rolls a 5 or less on a D20, re-rolls and takes the next roll.
Attack: Multiple Mouths: Makes more than one bite attack. On more than one success, target is immobilized as one of the maws holds the target in place.
Attack: Exit, Pursued by Bears: This creatures is accompanied by a pair of Wolf. These creatures are not super-natural, but they are under the mental control of the creature and will follow its mental commands even at the cost of their own life. The creature can control its pets up to a distance of ~1 mile. If the creature is killed, the animals will revert to their natural behavior.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Its eyes are made of Amethysts
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Leaves a trail of bloody footprints on the ground. Does not need to have stepped in blood, this is just a mystical reaction between its monstrous essence and the ground. The footprints are not always present; they tend to appear around times when the creature is agitated or exerting itself.
SporePoop: Yellowish patties that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Sulfur
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Drains every drop of blood from its victims.

Seeing Eye Urseseed
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of vines in the shape of a bear. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Toldaos. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found without a single drop of blood left in their body. The few survivors of the attacks remembered long trails of bloody footprints were found criss crossing the land.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in dozens of small bloody bite marks.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and bitten to death by wild animals.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Multiple Mouths and Exit, Pursued by Bears power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes and always seem to hit the target it was aiming at with at least a glancing blow. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else, and sensitive eyes that make bright lights very painful.

Maddening Jamcraw
Power Level: 46
Mutant, Acid, Mutant, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 50
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Red Ooze: Made out of a Red jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Extra Arm Joints: The creature's arms have an extra set of joints, allowing them to reach and bend much further than normal.
Attack: Gibbering Mouths: Has a score of mouths attached to its body, all gibbering insanities. Extra action slot for these attacks.
Defense: Detachable limbs: Even when separated, limbs will continue to fight. Claws will scrabble along like spiders, will scamper into brush, etc. Can rejoin with main body if given a few minutes of peace.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Has stumps instead of hands/feet. Does not interfere with its deadliness.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: By ones and twos, children grow sick. Some waste away for weeks, others die. Will get better if the creature is killed.
SporePoop: Tiny tubes
Smell: Smoke
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Prefers to cripple its victims before eating them alive

Maddening Jamcraw
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium crawfish made up of caustic ooze. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found hamstrung and ripped apart. The few survivors of the attacks remembered children wasted away and often died.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found having torn their own ears and eyes out.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Gibbering Mouths power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could attack at odd angles using an extra set of arm joints. The beast was even more difficult to kill as its limbs refused to stop fighting even after being severed. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Zemblan Craworpse
Power Level: 46
Entropy, Acid, Brutal, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 50
Health: 70
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 3
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Death Explosion: As the creature dies, it explosively dissolves into a steaming pile of acidic goo. Creatures at Medium range make an Easy agility save, at Short range make a hard agility save. On failure, takes 3 points of Health damage as the acid flies. Armor and thick clothing can help block this. The acid tends to leave ugly, pock-marked scars.
Attack: Heart Ripper: This creature can rip the heart out of a person's chest. Difficult to land the attack though, the target usually must be restrained or badly injured for it to hit. (-10 attack)
Attack: Monstrous Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Poison: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Vestigial Wings: The creature has small, raggedy wings on its back
Appearance: Has three sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
SporePoop: Large Grayish spherical pellets
Smell: Wet Dog
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Snack Saver: Saves tasty bits of people by burying bits in small holes a few feet deep. Rarely leaves these snacks for more than 48 hours.

Zemblan Craworpse
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge crawfish made up of rotting flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their horses. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their hearts messily removed from their chests.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found several villages over. The WitchHammers had been transformed into half-human and half monster hybrids.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Heart Ripper and Monstrous Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could explode on death into a pool of baneful acid. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun and a severe vulnerability to Poison.

Vampiric Carcrow
Power Level: 47
Entropy, Air, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 70
Health: 15
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Crow
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Attack: Life Draining Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Ability: Dome of Night: This creature can extend an intangible, aetheric dome out to medium range. This dome will block all sun light and other light from passing the dome. From outside, the dome appears completely dark. From inside the Dome, the outside world appears completely dark. Note that if there are no light sources within the Dome, the area inside the Dome will also be completely dark.
Defense: Poisonous Skin: This creature's skin emits secretions that are highly dangerous. Touching the skin with so much as a single hand inflicts one dose of Agonizing Poison
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Creepy cats are seen out at night. They congregate in groups of 20-40, quickly dispersing when anyone notices them.
SporePoop: Large polygons with whole bones and skulls mixed in
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Cripples victims before burying them alive. Comes back to eat the buried body in a few days, after it has ripened.

Vampiric Carcrow
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium crow made up of rotting flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the elderly. Many of the dead were found stuffed into crude and shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered cats started acting odd and were seen roaming in large packs at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dried up to little more than cicada-like husks with no blood or lymph or water left in them.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Life Draining Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could block out all light around itself. The beast was even more difficult to kill as its skin proved to be fatally poisonous. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and sensitive eyes that make bright lights very painful.

Chelgrian Seedswine
Power Level: 47
Nature, Poison, Mind, Poison
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 100
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 1
AttackMod: -2

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Pig
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Poison Bolt: Spits a bolt of Thirst Poison. Long range, single target.
Defense: False Death: When it is killed, only seems to die. It heart stops, its blood and organs spill out. However, unless thoroughly chopped, burned, and desecrated, its remains will reform at the beginning of the next night and it will hunt again.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will flee from its reflection in blind fear and panic.
Appearance: Perfectly reflective Amber eyes
Appearance: Has large iron pins embedded in its face and head at regular intervals. There are dozens of these pens, but they do not seem to impede the creatures actions.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
Spore: Cold Weather, -10 to -20 degrees in region
SporePoop: Large Maroon coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Does not target men
VictimWound: Tickles them until their hearts give out.

Chelgrian Seedswine
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge pig made up of vines. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Kenmore. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering everyone but men. Many of the dead were found with their faces blue and gasping. It seems their hearts completely gave out. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns. Additionally, the weather became unseasonably cold and harsh winds wailed.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found splashed with a half gallon of poison.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Poison Bolt power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it faked its death and then returned to the fight on the next day. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights, and a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors.

Uqbarian Creepurse
Power Level: 47
Nature, Poison, Brutal, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 47
Health: 50
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Bear
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Blood Belly: The creature stores the blood of its victims in a reservoir about its stomach. Until that reservoir has been emptied, will not take Malus from damage. Depending on how successful the creature's hunting has been, can contains up to 10 gallons (30 Health) worth of blood. Will rapidly lose these excess HP if the blood-belly is punctured.
Attack: Siren Call: Draws the target to the monster in a trance like state, unless target resists.
Defense: Danger Sense: Excellent ability to detect immediate threats. It is not that its senses are necessarily better; rather it just has a sharp mind for detecting danger and putting warning signs together.
Defense: Fast-clotting: This creature's wounds clot extremely quickly. It never takes more than 1 point of bleed damage from a wound.
Defense: Tree Merge: Can enter and merge with a tree. Merging takes a full round; once merged can either stay in the tree or gate to another tree within 100 yards. Has limited senses while inside the tree; like looking through a pane of thick dark glass.
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Has long, thin spikes of iron piercing all the way through its body. The spikes stick out a few inches from the skin on either side, but do not seem to impede its movement.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Crops wither and die in a 1 mile radius. Takes a few days to gradually come into effect.
Spore: No fish are caught at all. They seem to have deserted the creeks and streams.
SporePoop: Small polygons
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Uqbarian Creepurse
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small sized creature, made up of vines in the shape of a bear. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Loch Lomond. The creature started its attacks by slaying the men. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered crops withered and died over several days. Additionally, fisherman came back with empty catches and the fish seemed to have deserted the water entirely.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found isolated and alone. It appears that the hunters split up before being individually killed.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Siren Call power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could store the blood and powers of its victims in a giant reservoir in its belly. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was a wary and cunning foe and it merged into and hid within trees. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Idiran Pestiopus
Power Level: 47
Nature, Vermin, Mind, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main6 Action Deck
Printable Main6 Action Deck
Main7 Action Deck
Printable Main7 Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 45
Init: -2
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Octopod
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Attack: Glamour: The creature can create a glamour of beauty around itself, disguising its true nature. The glamour is entrancing, and those fooled by it will desire to protect and cherish the creature. Once a person has fallen under the glamour, its effect will steadily increase over the days until the victim is entirely devoted and slavish. Using the glamour does cause a strain to the creature, and it can only apply the glamour on a few creatures at a time.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Appearance: The creature's heart emits a Amber glow that shines through its skin and slowly pulses.
Appearance: Is grossly fat.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Water nearby goes bad. Has a foul, rotten egg smell
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
SporePoop: Large Light Pinkish sludge pile that slowly eats its way into the ground
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Consumes victims entirely, except for their hair.

Idiran Pestiopus
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 781, the creature is a octopod made out of fungus. It is of a large size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the elderly. Many of the dead were found with only the hair remaining uneaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the town well went bad and gave off a terribly foul stench. Additionally, fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their blades in each other's guts.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Glamour power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather dull and stupid mind and a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights.

Azadian Bush Goat
Power Level: 48
Nature, Poison, Nature, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 30
Health: 35
Init: -5
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Goat
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Attack: Tooth Spitter: Can spit its teeth in a surprisingly adept manner. Can hit 2 targets out to medium range.
Attack: Mind Wipe: A hard mind save that is conveyed by touch. Failed saves disables all of the person's memories over a 3 round period. If the person survives, they will start to regain their lost memories (or at least most of them) will after a 72 hour period.
Defense: Swarmin Vermin: Creature is surrounded/clothed by a swarm of Beetles. The swarm can act as a defense, or can be split and then sent to attack. Can be sent to attack anywhere in the region, though will not then be available for defense. Any losses to the swarm are repaired in 24 hours.
Defense: Fast-clotting: This creature's wounds clot extremely quickly. It never takes more than 1 point of bleed damage from a wound.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Appearance: Its tongue is long and deeply forked.
NumAppearing: Packs of 2
Spore: Mirrors warp where ever it goes. They will vibrate and bend until they crack and eventually shatter. This happens all over the region, at least to a slight degree. The closer the creature is, the more pronounced the effect.
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
SporePoop: Tiny Oily slugs with strange glowing bits of crystal
Smell: Rotting meat
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's shin bones.

Azadian Bush Goat
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a goat made out of vines, this medium sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found without any shin bones. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their mirrors warped and cracked before the attacks. Additionally, fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their throats cut. They had a look of panic and confusion on their faces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mind Wipe power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was guarded by a swarm of Beetles and its wounds would quickly seal up and refuse to bleed. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, a soft underbelly that was easily wounded, and a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain.

Western Witherspider
Power Level: 49
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Brutal
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main3 Action Deck
Printable Main3 Action Deck
Main4 Action Deck
Printable Main4 Action Deck

Poise: 72
Health: 70
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Spider
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Trample Maul: When attacking a prone opponent, can use sharp rear-leg claws for terrible damage.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: tubes
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Snack Saver: Saves tasty bits of people by burying bits in small holes a few feet deep. Rarely leaves these snacks for more than 48 hours.

Western Witherspider
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 690, the creature is a spider made out of mummified flesh. It is of a large size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Toranzo. The creature started its attacks by preying upon the elderly. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly trampled and crushed into ground.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Trample Maul power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun and a weakness for beautiful music.

Vanheim Crocoumbra
Power Level: 50
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 67
Health: 20
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Crocodile
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Ill Luck Aura: Bad luck plagues everyone within Long range of the creature. Impose a -2 Malus on all tasks. The aura is especially hard on equipment, causing it to break, leak, or malfunction. Especially deadly to complex or delicate machines.
Ability: Long: The mid section of this creature is absurdly elongated (e.g. dachshund). More Health, more agility.
Ability: Hover: Floats 6-12 inches off the ground. Has normal movement speed, but is not impeded by ice, coals, bear traps, or any similar obstacle. Its feet still move as though they were walking/running on solid ground.
Attack: Mind Wipe: A hard mind save that is conveyed by touch. Failed saves disables all of the person's memories over a 3 round period. If the person survives, they will start to regain their lost memories (or at least most of them) will after a 72 hour period.
Defense: Partial Invisibility (except eyes) : The creature is invisible, with the exception of its eyes. Can move and attack while in this state.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Fetish: Carries a Dried up organ that is enormously precious to it. If this can be taken, the creature will be frantic, fearful, and unable to use abilities.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Creepy cats are seen out at night. They congregate in groups of 20-40, quickly dispersing when anyone notices them.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Beetles can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Large Maroon slugs that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Wet Dog
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Hides remains in shallow graves. Sometimes never found, sometimes found by dogs or other animals.

Vanheim Crocoumbra
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a crocodile made out of living shadow, this large sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the women. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered cats started acting odd and were seen roaming in large packs at night. Additionally, Beetles were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn to pieces. At least two of them seem to have died from catastrophic malfunctions of their equipment.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their throats cut. They had a look of panic and confusion on their faces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Ill Luck Aura and Mind Wipe power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could twist and crush its victims with its absurdly long body and move across the ground without ever touching it as though carried on a river of air. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it twisted light around itself to hide all but its eyes. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a small Dried up organ that it cannot live without.

Valusian Etherbeetle
Power Level: 50
Entropy, Elusive, Entropy, Vermin
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 30
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Beetle
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Bug Spray: Fires a cone of Worms out of its mouth at high pressure, hitting targets at up to Medium distance. The Worms then proceed to act as a mook. Usable twice per day.
Ability: Ventriloquism: Can throw its voice at up to Long range. Can use the voice for dialog, or to fake sounds such as a cry for help or the cracking of branches and the like.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 1: Half damage from normal weapons
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will flee from its reflection in blind fear and panic.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
SporePoop: patties with strange glowing bits of crystal
Smell: Mold
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Valusian Etherbeetle
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small beetle made up of ectoplasm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the women. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores. Additionally, burned circles and trails were found in the turf.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found chewed to death by thousands and thousands of tiny bites and stings.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Bug Spray power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could pitch its voice as though it were in a different location. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it seemed barely hurt by their normal weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, a weakness for beautiful music, and a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors.

Akkadian Crabossifer
Power Level: 51
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 105
Health: 20
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 16
AttackMod: 11

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Crab
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Puppet Master: Does not kill all of its victims. Some its sucks the life and will out of, turning them into gray-skinned minions that serve blindly until death. Puppets take a -5 Malus to their normal rolls, die painfully when their master dies, and usually only live a few weeks before their bodies completely break down. Puppets are rather dumb, and usually can't communicate except through anguished moans.
Ability: Helper Spirit: The creature has bound a smaller and weaker creature of air and darkness to it. The smaller creature will generally obey its controller, and can carry out thefts, distractions, arson, etc.
Defense: Detachable head: The creature can separate its head from its body, with the head floating and attacking on its own. The body will become inactive if the head is more than a Medium distance away from it.
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Appearance: Glowing Black eyes
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: Mud colored cubes
VictimChoice: Rot Hungry: Cannot resist carrion. Will seek out rotting meat and plants. If it can, will let victim's bodies rot before consuming.
VictimWound: Removes the teeth from its victim before killing them. Keeps stolen teeth in its mouth where they merge with the monster; can display its hundreds of teeth later.

Akkadian Crabossifer
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of bone in the shape of a crab. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found with their teeth missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could enslave the bodies of those it killed and use the dead as its puppets. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it separated its head from its body to attack us and to avoid a final destruction. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a soft underbelly that was easily wounded, a severe vulnerability to the sun, and a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world.

Elder Zhaibarian Babelly
Power Level: 52
Mutant, Acid, Entropy, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 90
Health: 30
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 14

Aspect: Ice Blue Ooze: Made out of a Ice Blue jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Baboon
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Life Sense: Can sense all living creatures within 1 mile.
Attack: Spine Blade: This strange blade is formed out of a sharpened spinal column is surprisingly durable. It can cut cleanly through steel or human beings and will not break until its owner does.
Weakness: Obsessive Gamer: Cannot resist games of skill, and will happily play them against a worthy opponent in lieu of combat. At least for a while. Can be bargined with to a certain extent, e.g. if the human wins they will walk away unharmed, but if they lose they will be eaten. Will pursue these games even if it is tactically disadvantageous. The creature enjoys the challenge, and enjoys proving itself superior. Can on occasion become enraged and hungry if it loses the game or feels it is cheated.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature has wide and staring fish eyes that never blink.
Appearance: Continually gibbers
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Quiet, too quiet: Wild animals desert the area within a few mile radious of the creature. Birds, deer, small animals, cats, squirrels; they all flee to less unsettling climes. Traveling outdoors becomes unsettling and eerie without the normal sounds.
Spore: Likes to nest in ponds and underwater
SporePoop: Blood Red puddles
Smell: Wet Dog
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Elder Zhaibarian Babelly
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 693, the creature is a baboon made out of caustic ooze. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Oykel. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their horses. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered all the wild animals and game in the area disappearing. Additionally, strange smells coming from a nearby pond.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with ugly stab wounds and tears across their bodies.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Spine Blade power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an obsessive desire to play games of skill against worthy opponents, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and a severe vulnerability to Wolf Urine.

Imperial Thulian Rot Maggot
Power Level: 52
Entropy, Entropy, Poison, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 63
Health: 50
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: 11

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Ability: Night Vision: Can see in complete darkness without any difficulty.
Attack: Poison Tipped Stinger
Weakness: Fetish: Carries a Gold Ring that is enormously precious to it. If this can be taken, the creature will be frantic, fearful, and unable to use abilities.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Cracks start appearing in objects in the same region as the creature. The more related or associated or "touched" by the creature, the more and deeper the cracks. This includes mirrors, tables, walls, floors, ceilings, stone, farm equipment, plates, etc. It also includes skin, nails, teeth, etc. Only in the worst cases does this actually have a mechanical effect, it is more annoying than anything.
SporePoop: patties
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Imperial Thulian Rot Maggot
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of rotting flesh in the shape of a maggot. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Killin. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found torn apart in a nearby cave. The few survivors of the attacks remembered long and jagged cracks appearing in walls and floors and everyday objects.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with stinger and poison wounds.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Poison Tipped Stinger power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see its hunters even in the dimmest of light. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a small Gold Ring that it cannot live without and a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine.

Terrible Chelgrian Cryscock
Power Level: 52
Mirror, Mystic, Agile, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 53
Health: 20
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 1
AttackMod: 4

Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Ability: Helper Spirit: The creature has bound a smaller and weaker creature of air and darkness to it. The smaller creature will generally obey its controller, and can carry out thefts, distractions, arson, etc.
Attack: Maul: Makes 2 attacks against same target. If both attacks hit, does extra damage.
Defense: Danger Sense: Excellent ability to detect immediate threats. It is not that its senses are necessarily better; rather it just has a sharp mind for detecting danger and putting warning signs together.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Bear Urine: Cannot stand Bear Urine. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Avoidance Mercury: Strongly avoids and will not approach Mercury
Appearance: Perfectly reflective Umber eyes
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Enormous flocks of Umber butterflies migrate through the region. They settle on plants and roofs in thick layers as they rest, and travel through the woods in dense clouds.
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
SporePoop: Tiny Grayish puddles burning with a low Green flame
Smell: Cabbage
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Snack Saver: Saves tasty bits of people by burying bits in small holes a few feet deep. Rarely leaves these snacks for more than 48 hours.

Terrible Chelgrian Cryscock
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large peacock made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered seeing enormous flocks of Umber butterflies migrating through the region. Additionally, birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and crushed into the ground as though a great weight had landed upon them.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Deadly Leap power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could call on the assistance of a small air-spirit. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was a wary and cunning foe. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine and an immense antipathy to WarMaterialVariants.

Magnificent Southern Ursecay
Power Level: 54
Nature, Vermin, Poison, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 75
Init: -2
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Bear
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Poison Tipped Stinger
Attack: Tooth Spitter: Can spit its teeth in a surprisingly adept manner. Can hit 2 targets out to medium range.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Has three eyes.
Appearance: Glowing Red eyes
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Enormous flocks of Amber butterflies migrate through the region. They settle on plants and roofs in thick layers as they rest, and travel through the woods in dense clouds.
SporePoop: Small Yellowish coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Drains every drop of blood from its victims.

Magnificent Southern Ursecay
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of fungus in the shape of a bear. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found without a single drop of blood left in their body. The few survivors of the attacks remembered seeing enormous flocks of Amber butterflies migrating through the region.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with stinger and poison wounds.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with terrible piercing wounds. Upon examination a single large tooth was found embedded in each wound.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Poison Tipped Stinger and Tooth Spitter power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could summon up a poisonous mist out of the ground. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Azadian Larvagloom
Power Level: 54
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 65
Health: 70
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 3
AttackMod: 9

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Attack: Sickly Aura: All Con/Poison/Disease saves are 1 step harder for all creatures in medium range.
Weakness: Song Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful singing. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by song. The human voice is best for this, but even birds can have some effect.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature has a broken off noose of loose and heavy rope wrapped around its neck.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Large spherical pellets
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Cripples victims before burying them alive. Comes back to eat the buried body in a few days, after it has ripened.

Azadian Larvagloom
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of living shadow in the shape of a maggot. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down young children. Many of the dead were found stuffed into crude and shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with plague boils across their bodies and poison distending their veins.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Sickly Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could could hear the very thoughts of nearby people. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a weakness for song, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine.

Northern Baubleboon
Power Level: 54
Mystic, Mind, Agile, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 55
Init: 1
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Baboon
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Fast: Moves 2x human speed. ++Init
Weakness: Avoidance Hearths: Strongly avoids and will not approach Hearths
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Tar Black polygons
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Northern Baubleboon
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Phrandal in 805, the creature is a baboon made out of glowing gems and silver wire. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their cattle. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an immense antipathy to WarMaterialVariants and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Seeing Eye Wormsore
Power Level: 55
Nature, Vermin, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 25
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Worm
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Attack: Rust Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Ability: Spider Eyes: The creature has a cluster of compound eyes that take up much of its face. The eyes give it amazing vision (and great peripheral vision) and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Ability: Power from corpses: Gains power from corpses. Estimate of 1 Atk/Def, and 2 Poise per corpse consumed in the last day.
Attack: Blighted Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Weakness: Over-calculator: Has difficulty sorting out scenes with many moving objects. A fall of leaves or a spray of marbles are extremely distracting to the creature and prevent it from focusing. Takes a -1 to -10 Malus depending on amount of visual chaff it is facing.
Appearance: The creature's pores exude a black and tarry substance. Especially noticeable when the creature exerts itself.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
SporePoop: Large Olive coffee bean shaped pellets
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Likes eating the eyes of its victims

Seeing Eye Wormsore
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a worm made out of fungus, this medium sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering young children. Many of the dead were found with their eyes missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found most of their weapons and armor entirely gone. The hunters were covered in a fine layer of red rust.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Rust Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes and devour corpses to gain some of their power. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else and an obsessive mind that forced it to count and calculate small objects.

Thulian Snoboon
Power Level: 55
Ice, Mutant, Mind, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 75
Health: 15
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 7
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Baboon
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Spider Eyes: The creature has a cluster of compound eyes that take up much of its face. The eyes give it amazing vision (and great peripheral vision) and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Ability: Keen Nose: Extremely good sense of smell. Can easily track most prey, and is usually warned of approaching creatures.
Attack: Unspeakable Word: Speaks a word from the Void. Shatters understanding and sanity of a single target at up to Medium Range. Target makes a hard Will save, and on fail suffers -5 Malus and cannot regain poise for 10 rounds. Can be stacked. Using it is a Stance action.
Defense: Prudent: In combat, will retreat if things do not look good. Will try again later when the odds are better.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: A half dozen grape-sized gems float and orbit around the creature's head.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
SporePoop: Enormous Blood Red coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Kills and then beheads its victims. It keeps their dried heads on a cord around its waist.

Thulian Snoboon
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of living ice in the shape of a baboon. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Castralvo. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the women. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their eyes torn out and their faces lacerated by small cuts. Their fingernails were covered in their own blood.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Unspeakable Word power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could smell its hunters from incredibly long distances. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it fled once it realized the battle had turned against it. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world.

Elder Beguiling Phlogswine
Power Level: 55
Fire, Mind, Mind, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 62
Health: 45
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Pig
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Immense Intelligence: These creatures are extremely intelligent, so much so that they are often thought to have magical or oracular powers. In practice, the difference is somewhat moot, as their vast knowledge, perfect recall, and incisive thinking allows them to be one or three steps ahead of most opponents. Will see through almost all traps, and can be expected to have contingency plans set up for most events. You should try to have at least 3 three surprises set up when facing these creatures, as it will usually predict the first two.
Attack: Entrancing Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Weakness: Praise the Sun: The creature is confused idealist and ascribes to a somewhat counterproductive ideology. It believes itself to be evil and fears the good and true. It can sense those who have pure hearts, and against them it suffers a -1 to -10 Malus and it is unwilling/psychologically blocked from using its powers. The pureness of a given character's heart is a GM's decision, though NPCs can also be enlisted to help with this if the party doesn't have any particular moral explars.
Weakness: Greedy: Cannot resist Jewelry, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such treasure, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Jewelry, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of treasure.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Appearance: Crown of fire
Appearance: Casts no shadow
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Cows stop giving milk
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: Mud colored cubes with strange glowing bits of crystal
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Elder Beguiling Phlogswine
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium pig made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Uterga. The creature started its attacks by slaying their cattle. Many of the dead were found torn apart in a nearby cave. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their cows stopped giving milk. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with expressions of bliss in their dead eyes despite the fact their chests were torn open.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Entrancing Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could reason and think at levels far beyond the common cunning of a beast. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an unlikely fear of those with good and pure hearts, an incurable greed for Jewelry that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.

Horny Pengberg
Power Level: 55
Ice, Ice, Brutal, Brutal
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 77
Health: 100
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 9
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Penguin
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Attack: Combat Antlers: Has large antlers that can be used for charges, goring, and tossing
Ability: Blood Belly: The creature stores the blood of its victims in a reservoir about its stomach. Until that reservoir has been emptied, will not take Malus from damage. Depending on how successful the creature's hunting has been, can contains up to 10 gallons (30 Health) worth of blood. Will rapidly lose these excess HP if the blood-belly is punctured.
Defense: Ice Armor: Creatures has an inch thick layer of living ice that shields it from blows.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby goes bad. Has a foul, rotten egg smell
Spore: Most birds flee the region the creature is in.
SporePoop: Enormous patties
Smell: Mold
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Cripples victims and lays worm sized young inside of them.

Horny Pengberg
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *************

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 802, the creature is a penguin made out of living ice. It is of a large size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Sardas. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with strange worms crawling inside them. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the town well went bad and gave off a terribly foul stench. Additionally, birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death. One of the bodies had a large chunk of antler broken off in its chest cavity.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Combat Antlers power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could store the blood and powers of its victims in a giant reservoir in its belly. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was protected by a a layer of living ice armor. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Thulian Rot Hund
Power Level: 57
Entropy, Poison, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 30
Health: 40
Init: -4
DefenseMod: 1
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 15
AttackMod: 3

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Hound
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Attack: Poisoned Quills: Body is covered in poisoned quills, which give +3 defense. Can launch quill at a single target in Medium range, inflicting Embalming Poison.
Defense: Gale Winds: When the creature becomes agitated, gale force winds grow up around it and whip the landscape. The wind and screaming dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-15). Even staying up right requires an easy strength save at the end of each round.
Weakness: Lair Soil: Needs to build lair and return to it once every 12 hours. Building a lair takes 12 hours. For every 4 hours over, takes -1 Malus and 1 health damage.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature has horizontal pupils, like a goat does.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Small Mud colored patties with undigested bits of skin and cartilage
Smell: Sulfur
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Victims are torn into two pieces, with the middle eaten out.

Thulian Rot Hund
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium hound made up of rotting flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found bloodily torn into two pieces. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found punctured by several dozen quills.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Poisoned Quills power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it could summon gale-force winds to protect itself from attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a need to return to the soil of its lair every half-day and a rather dull and stupid mind.

Ancient Uqbarian Ghost Spider
Power Level: 57
Entropy, Elusive, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main3 Action Deck
Printable Main3 Action Deck
Main4 Action Deck
Printable Main4 Action Deck

Poise: 67
Health: 10
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 3

Aspect: Ghost: Made out of ectoplasm and a cold and drifting light. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Spider
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Attack: Gaze of Death: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Ability: Grows from corpses: Gains additional Health and Poise by consuming corpses. Estimate that each corpse consumed in the last week adds 1 Health and 2 Poise. The creature grows slightly larger as well.
Defense: Mask form: Can assume a human form. Transforming to human or back takes 1 full round.
Defense: Dark Aura: Shrouded in shadow. Torches and fires are extinguished, even sun seems dimmer.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Weakness: Motion Sight: Cannot see creatures that are motionless. The less motion/movement a person makes, the more difficult it will be for this creature to see/target them. Can use scent and sound and intuition if it knows/suspects a character is at a certain area but "invisible".
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: At Noon and for several minutes after, a pillar of darkness surrounds this creature. Pillar is large enough to cover out to Short range away from the creature, and the pillar stretches for miles up into the air.
SporePoop: Tar Black spherical pellets
Smell: Burning Sugar
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Loves to eat its victim's intestines.

Ancient Uqbarian Ghost Spider
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large spider made up of ectoplasm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the men. Many of the dead were found without their intestines and stomach. The few survivors of the attacks remembered a fearful pillar of darkness that was seen in the distance. The pillar faded a few minutes after midday.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found withered and dessicated as though they had aged 60 years and then been left out in the desert sun.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Gaze of Death power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters, it was surrounded by an aura of shadow and darkness that made it difficult to see, and it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an inability to see creatures that are perfectly still and motionless and a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world.

Ancient Northern Penguin
Power Level: 58
Ice, Ice, Ice, Agile
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 45
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 4

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Penguin
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Ice Breathe: Breathes a torrent of elemental damage. Medium range, wide cone.
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Defense: Skeleton War Conscript: When the creature dies, its skeleton then rips free of its body and continues to fight.
Defense: Danger Sense: Excellent ability to detect immediate threats. It is not that its senses are necessarily better; rather it just has a sharp mind for detecting danger and putting warning signs together.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Acid: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Blinding hunger: Once it starts feeding, finds it extremely difficult to stop. If it is being attacked or is facing imminent harm, can make Hard Will Saves to break free of this compulsion. Can make one such save per round.
Appearance: A half dozen grape-sized gems float and orbit around the creature's head.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
Spore: Dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.
SporePoop: Enormous spherical pellets
Smell: Rotting meat
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Grinds up the teeth of its victims and then eats the dust.

Ancient Northern Penguin
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium penguin made up of living ice. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Dornach Firth. The creature started its attacks by slaying broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found with their teeth missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days. Additionally, dogs bark and whine all night for no reason.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and crushed into the ground as though a great weight had landed upon them.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Deadly Leap power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as once killed its skeleton ripped from from its body and went on a rampage and it was a wary and cunning foe. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Acid, a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, and an insatiable hunger for meat that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Abysian Wormherb
Power Level: 58
Nature, Poison, Entropy, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 50
Health: 90
Init: -5
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: 2

Aspect: Vines: Made out of animated vines, leaves, and flowers. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Worm
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Cheap Frills: The creature has a frill of many colors that extends out from its neck. The Frill is covered in shifting patterns of color that have a hypnotic effect and can lull people into a dazed, unconscious state.
Attack: Exit, Pursued by Bears: This creatures is accompanied by a pair of Hog. These creatures are not super-natural, but they are under the mental control of the creature and will follow its mental commands even at the cost of their own life. The creature can control its pets up to a distance of ~1 mile. If the creature is killed, the animals will revert to their natural behavior.
Weakness: Music Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful and intricate music. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by music. Wind instruments and stringed instruments are best for this, but even drums can have some effect.
Weakness: Blinding hunger: Once it starts feeding, finds it extremely difficult to stop. If it is being attacked or is facing imminent harm, can make Hard Will Saves to break free of this compulsion. Can make one such save per round.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Plants and trees grow thorns on its passing
Spore: Paranoia Aura: Over time, people in the region become distrustful, fearful, and aggressive. At its peak, can lead to assaults and murders.
SporePoop: tubes
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Likes to make a nest/bed out of its victims. Naps there for a while after a kill.

Abysian Wormherb
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of vines in the shape of a worm. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Greenlaw. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the men. Many of the dead were found with enormous cavities torn in their chest and abdomen. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fruit trees and other crops grew wicked thorns. Additionally, angry and fearful looks from their neighbors even before the killings began.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and bitten to death by wild animals.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Exit, Pursued by Bears power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a weakness for beautiful music and an insatiable hunger for meat that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Hunter Octoulp
Power Level: 59
Mutant, Acid, Nature, Vermin
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main6 Action Deck
Printable Main6 Action Deck
Main7 Action Deck
Printable Main7 Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 55
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Green Ooze: Made out of a Green jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Octopod
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Tremor Sense: Can sense vibrations passing through the ground and uses that to locate hidden prey.
Attack: Mermogenic Tentacle: This attack is applied by Tentacle.
Defense: Turtle Shell: Carries a large, thick, turtle like shell on its back.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Appearance: Speaks a stream of nonsense phrases as it attacks. Doesn't seem to understand the words; seems to be parroted phrases that it has overheard.
Appearance: Its entrails hang out of its belly.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby goes bad. Has a foul, rotten egg smell
SporePoop: Large Olive coffee bean shaped pellets
Smell: Ozone
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Twists and crushes victims together to make horrific flesh-castles.

Hunter Octoulp
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium octopod made up of caustic ooze. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Poolewe. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the women. Many of the dead were found torn and twisted together into horrific flesh-castles. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the town well went bad and gave off a terribly foul stench.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found warped into the semblance of strange hybrids that were half man and half fish.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mermogenic Tentacle power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could sense opponents by their footfalls on the ground. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was covered in a thick bone-shell. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain.

Abysian Snowl
Power Level: 59
Ice, Air, Air, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 48
Health: 10
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 2
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 7

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Owl: Does not actually fly. Instead it hop-walks along the ground.
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Ability: Helper Spirit: The creature has bound a smaller and weaker creature of air and darkness to it. The smaller creature will generally obey its controller, and can carry out thefts, distractions, arson, etc.
Ability: Puppet Master: Does not kill all of its victims. Some its sucks the life and will out of, turning them into gray-skinned minions that serve blindly until death. Puppets take a -5 Malus to their normal rolls, die painfully when their master dies, and usually only live a few weeks before their bodies completely break down. Puppets are rather dumb, and usually can't communicate except through anguished moans.
Attack: Fear Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Attack: Dominate Minor Animal: Lets the creature take control of one type of animal, e.g. dogs, cats, birds, lizards, livestock, etc.
Defense: Gusting Winds: Creature is continually surrounded by strong gusting winds. The wind and whipping dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-10).
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Weakness: Lair Soil: Needs to build lair and return to it once every 12 hours. Building a lair takes 12 hours. For every 4 hours over, takes -1 Malus and 1 health damage.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Most birds flee the region the creature is in.
Spore: Vultures follow a few hours behind the creature.
SporePoop: Tiny slugs
Smell: Cinnamon
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Victims are torn into two pieces, with the middle eaten out.

Abysian Snowl
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium owl made up of living ice. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying their cattle. Many of the dead were found bloodily torn into two pieces. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks. Additionally, flocks of vultures circled through the air for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found spread out over 100 yards of trail. They had terrible wounds in their back and were obviously killed while in panicked flight. They had expressions of utmost horror on their dead visages.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could call on the assistance of a small air-spirit and enslave the bodies of those it killed and use the dead as its puppets. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was surrounded by constant whipping winds. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather impressive level of stupidity and a need to return to the soil of its lair every half-day.

Azadian Gloombeetle
Power Level: 59
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 85
Health: 25
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 12

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Beetle
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Breath of Unlife: Can breathe into a corpse's mouth, and have it raise as a zombie in seconds. Can badly damage an incapacitated person by breathing into their mouth.
Defense: Partial Invisibility (except features): The creature is invisible, with the exception of its eyes and mouth. Can move and attack while in this state.
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: Spider Hairs: The creature's body is covered in thick and bristly hair, like a tarantula
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Most birds flee the region the creature is in.
SporePoop: Tiny Oily spherical pellets with whole bones and skulls mixed in
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Eats the fat off the victim, leaves most of the rest.

Azadian Gloombeetle
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Phrandal in 713, the creature is a beetle made out of living shadow. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Livingstone. The creature started its attacks by hunting down a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found with their skin and fat chewed away. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found as shambling zombies who had joined the creature in its hunt.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Breath of Unlife power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights and a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine.

Terrifying Phialcock
Power Level: 62
Mirror, Mystic, Agile, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 85
Health: 20
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 9

Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Sickly: This creature is in terrible condition, and can be pushed into the grave with a few good shoves. -10 health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Aura of Doom: When attacking, add 10 to the attack roll when rolling a 17, 18, 19, or 20. This supersedes the normal critical hit bonuses.
Attack: Fear Scream: Has a banshee like scream that causes save vs flee in terror.
Defense: Full Invisibility: Completely invisible, even when moving or attacking.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Song Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful singing. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by song. The human voice is best for this, but even birds can have some effect.
Appearance: Ram Horns: The creature has a thick and curling set of ram's horns on its head
Appearance: Tiny Horns: The creature has a small set of devil horns on its head
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Vultures follow a few hours behind the creature.
SporePoop: Light Pinkish polygons
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Terrifying Phialcock
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a peacock made out of flowing glass, this huge sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Villatuerta. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the men. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered flocks of vultures circled through the air for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found spread out over 100 yards of trail. They had terrible wounds in their back and were obviously killed while in panicked flight.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Scream power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could land devastating and fatal blows with regularity. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it twisted light around itself to be entirely invisible. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a weakness for song.

Western Owlchar
Power Level: 62
Fire, Air, Fire
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 58
Health: 70
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 1
AttackMod: 4

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Owl: Does not actually fly. Instead it hop-walks along the ground.
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Immolation: Can send out a pulse of heat that sets all flammable objects within Medium Range on fire. This includes hair, papers, dry leaves, etc. Depending on the object and how difficult it is to light, might just be singed or smoldering. Usable twice per day.
Ability: Extra power during Noon Hour: Gains +10 atk/def during Noon Hour. Prefers to do its hunting then.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Weakness: Spheresome: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Weakness: Sweet Tooth: Cannot resist Sugar, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to partake. To break free before finishing all the sweet food, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. While it prefers Sugar, it also has a fierce appetite for any kind of sweet food.
Appearance: Continually gibbers
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Showers of falling stars are seen at night, mostly in the hours just before dawn.
SporePoop: slugs
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Takes a large hank of the victim's hair. Does not usually kill, but drains their life force over time and at a distance using the link of the hair.

Western Owlchar
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large owl made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the women. Many of the dead were found shriveled and dry with much of their hair missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered showers of falling stars were seen in the hours just before dawn.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly burnt on the front half of their bodies. Their clothes were half burnt and the front of their armor was twisted in the extreme heat.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Immolation power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could gain increased power during Noon Hour. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a rather dull and stupid mind, a strange but immense fear of spheres, and an incurable appetite for Sugar that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Nariscene Gloomilla
Power Level: 63
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 30
Init: 12
DefenseMod: 15
AttackMod: 9
DamageMod: 4

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Gorilla
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Attack: Paralyzing Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Attack: Glamour: The creature can create a glamour of beauty around itself, disguising its true nature. The glamour is entrancing, and those fooled by it will desire to protect and cherish the creature. Once a person has fallen under the glamour, its effect will steadily increase over the days until the victim is entirely devoted and slavish. Using the glamour does cause a strain to the creature, and it can only apply the glamour on a few creatures at a time.
Defense: Mist Form: Can turn into mist to escape attack or for maneuver. Usable twice per day.
Defense: Elusive: Deceptively fast. bonus to dodge and move
Weakness: Avoidance Mercury: Strongly avoids and will not approach Mercury
Weakness: Vulnerable to strobing or flashing light: Movements will be jerky and imprecise. -5 Malus, and acts last in round.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Cloud-free. Clouds are never seen where this creature is.
SporePoop: Enormous Blackish cubes that slowly eats its way into the ground
Smell: Burning Pine Wood
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Nariscene Gloomilla
Skill: ****
Muscle: **
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a small gorilla made up of living shadow. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found torn apart in a nearby cave. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, not a single normal cloud was seen in the sky for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their wrists and throat cut by a single claw.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their blades in each other's guts.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Paralyzing Breath and Glamour power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could could hear the very thoughts of nearby people. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it turned to mist to escape their assault. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an immense antipathy to WarMaterialVariants, a severe weakness to flashing or strobing lights, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Lemurian Witherbeetle
Power Level: 63
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 40
Health: 10
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 9
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Beetle
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Dome of Night: This creature can extend an intangible, aetheric dome out to medium range. This dome will block all sun light and other light from passing the dome. From outside, the dome appears completely dark. From inside the Dome, the outside world appears completely dark. Note that if there are no light sources within the Dome, the area inside the Dome will also be completely dark.
Ability: Grows from corpses: Gains additional Health and Poise by consuming corpses. Estimate that each corpse consumed in the last week adds 1 Health and 2 Poise. The creature grows slightly larger as well.
Ability: Monstrous Reflexes: +5 initiative, +5 defense
Attack: Shadow Spirit: The creature's shadow can dis-engage from it, and then move and attack on its own. The shadow has the same stats as the original, but has .2X of its Health and a -5 Malus. Both the Creature and its Shadow can exist independently of each other, and if one is killed the other can re-generate its partner with 24 hours.
Attack: Bull Horns: Has sharp horns that can be used for charges, goring, and tossing
Attack: Sickly Aura: All Con/Poison/Disease saves are 1 step harder for all creatures in medium range.
Defense: 20 lbs of Vermin in 10 lbs bag: Creature is full of Rats. When the creature is damaged, these vermin will pour out of it and attack anything nearby.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
Appearance: Has an emaciated belly.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Small Snakes can be found in much greater numbers.
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Olive cubes with small bits of crunched up bone
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands of its victims

Lemurian Witherbeetle
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a beetle made out of mummified flesh, this medium sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their hands and wrists missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Small Snakes were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dried and dessicated and drained of all life.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death by small horns.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with plague boils across their bodies and poison distending their veins.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Shadow Spirit, Bull Horns, and Sickly Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could block out all light around itself, devour corpses to add their bone and muscle to its own, and fight and dodge with unearthly speed. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Wolf Urine, a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Snap Carcbeetle
Power Level: 64
Entropy, Entropy, Entropy, Agile
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 63
Health: 50
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Beetle
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Paralyzing Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Ability: Anti-light: This creature can snuff out light with its gaze or touch. As a free action can snuff out a torch,fire,etc.
Ability: Sudden burst of Speed: Once per combat gains +10 init. Once per day can move 3x normal movement speed
Defense: Turtle Shell: Carries a large, thick, turtle like shell on its back.
Weakness: Obsessive Gambler: Cannot resist the thrill of chance. If given the opportunity, will bet on any apparently fair outcome, even going so far as to spare a life or a village if it is defeated.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Likes to nest in ponds and underwater
SporePoop: Small Light Pinkish spherical pellets with small knots of hair
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Likes to make a nest/bed out of its victims. Naps there for a while after a kill.

Snap Carcbeetle
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Phrandal in 625, the creature is a beetle made out of rotting flesh. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found with enormous cavities torn in their chest and abdomen. The few survivors of the attacks remembered strange smells coming from a nearby pond.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their wrists and throat cut by a single claw.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Paralyzing Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could extinguish torches or fires with a single glance and move in small bursts of amazing speed. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was covered in a thick bone-shell. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Estovokian Baublecock
Power Level: 65
Mystic, Mind, Air, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 80
Health: 60
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 14

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Attack: Hallucinations: Causes unsettling hallucinations to those nearby. Worms and ants under the skin. The sense that you are already dead and rotting. Color inversion. Wild and strong emotions
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Weakness: Obsessive Gambler: Cannot resist the thrill of chance. If given the opportunity, will bet on any apparently fair outcome, even going so far as to spare a life or a village if it is defeated.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: It has shark teeth in its mouth.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Most birds flee the region the creature is in.
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
SporePoop: Tiny Tar Black puddles
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Prefers to cripple its victims before eating them alive

Estovokian Baublecock
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium peacock made up of glowing gems and silver wire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Melrose. The creature started its attacks by preying upon a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found hamstrung and ripped apart. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks. Additionally, birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their skin a bloody mess. They seem to have clawed themselves to death with some assistance from the creature's jaws.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Hallucinations power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a soft underbelly that was easily wounded, an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets, and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Lemurian Pengfrost
Power Level: 65
Ice, Ice, Mirror, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 85
Health: 45
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 12

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Penguin
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Mirror Travel: The creature can travel through mirrors. It can step easily into any mirror, and then exit through any mirror within 12 miles. Exiting a mirror is slower and takes a full 3 rounds. Does not work if there are no other mirrors within range.
Ability: Shadow Plane Travel: The creature can travel between this world, and a negative-mirror of our world. Crossing over requires a full turn, and leaves behind a hole in reality that gradually closes over 3 turns. The creature can use this ability to ambush and to escape, and to travel between places in the Shadow Plane in order to avoid obstacles in the real world. The shadow plane is dark, cold, decayed, and mostly lifeless. Creatures with this ability are notoriously difficult to kill.
Attack: Limb Enervation: Affected area is enervated for rest of combat. Arm is weak and useless, leg is crippled, etc.
Defense: False Death: When it is killed, only seems to die. It heart stops, its blood and organs spill out. However, unless thoroughly chopped, burned, and desecrated, its remains will reform at the beginning of the next night and it will hunt again.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Cold Weather, -10 to -20 degrees in region
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
SporePoop: Tiny puddles
Smell: Peaches
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Likes eating the eyes of its victims

Lemurian Pengfrost
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of living ice in the shape of a penguin. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their eyes missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the weather became unseasonably cold and harsh winds wailed. Additionally, the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their limbs horribly blackened and twisted. It was as though parts of their body had just rotted and decayed away.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Limb Enervation power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could travel through the shadow-world. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it faked its death and then returned to the fight on the next day. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine, a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours, and a rather impressive level of stupidity.

Hunter Corrupcube
Power Level: 66
Nature, Vermin, Mind, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 58
Health: 90
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 1
AttackMod: 7

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Cube
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Attack: Control Plants: Able to control plants and roots. Extra action slot for this. More difficult to spot in nature.
Ability: Heat Vision: Can see heat, and uses that to locate prey.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Appearance: Vestigial Wings: The creature has small, raggedy wings on its back
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fruit in the region rots into piles of mold and sludge over the course of a few hours.
Spore: Crops wither and die in a 1 mile radius. Takes a few days to gradually come into effect.
SporePoop: Large Olive puddles
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Victims are torn into two pieces, with the middle eaten out.

Hunter Corrupcube
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 693, the creature is a cube made out of fungus. It is of a large size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down alcoholics. Many of the dead were found bloodily torn into two pieces. The few survivors of the attacks remembered apples and pears rotted over night into piles of putrid sludge. Additionally, crops withered and died over several days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found covered in roots and vines that were slowly drawing their bodies into the ground.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Control Plants power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could sense opponents just by their body heat. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else and sensitive eyes that make bright lights very painful.

Zemblan Bone Scorpion
Power Level: 67
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Vermin
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
TailStabGroup Action Deck
Printable TailStabGroup Action Deck

Poise: 75
Health: 35
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 15

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Scorpion
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Attack: Vermin Claw: This attack is applied by Claw.
Defense: False Death: When it is killed, only seems to die. It heart stops, its blood and organs spill out. However, unless thoroughly chopped, burned, and desecrated, its remains will reform at the beginning of the next night and it will hunt again.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Small Snakes can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Enormous Greenish patties with small knots of hair
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Prefers to drown victims, and then eats the water-logged bodies.

Zemblan Bone Scorpion
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a medium scorpion made up of bone. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Beveraso. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found drowned and half-eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Small Snakes were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn apart by scores of small animals and insects. The vermin infested every part of the corpses from the mouth to the intestines.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Vermin Claw power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it faked its death and then returned to the fight on the next day. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a fear and pain of the pure sound of bells, heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Eastern Necrotle
Power Level: 68
Entropy, Brutal, Brutal, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 70
Health: 65
Init: 4
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 12

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Turtle
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Attack: Maul: Makes 2 attacks against same target. If both attacks hit, does extra damage.
Ability: Mutant Eyes: The creature's body is dotted with a random selection of eyes of different sizes, types, and colors. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Ability: Keen Eyes: Extremely good eye sight. Can see prey that is miles away, and usually notices hidden or camouflaged creatures.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Tasteless: Has no mouth feel; cannot taste or other wise use its mouth to tell what it is eating.
Appearance: Has three eyes.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Enormous Whitish tubes
Smell: No smell at all
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Kills and then beheads its victims. It keeps their dried heads on a cord around its waist.

Eastern Necrotle
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge turtle made up of bone. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Ali. The creature started its attacks by slaying the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found savagely mauled.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Maul power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see its hunters from incredibly long distances. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it and an inability to taste or sense poison.

Zemblan Swamp Crawfish
Power Level: 69
Nature, Vermin, Poison, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 63
Health: 70
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 6

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Poison Tipped Stinger
Attack: Snake Hair: Head is covered in snakes. The snakes get their own action slot for biting people and poisoning them.
Defense: Turtle Shell: Carries a large, thick, turtle like shell on its back.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Appearance: Blind white eyes
Appearance: The creature has bull-frog shaped sac at the base of the neck which inflates and deflates at odd moments. The sac is a vivid Black color.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Enormous flocks of Silver butterflies migrate through the region. They settle on plants and roofs in thick layers as they rest, and travel through the woods in dense clouds.
SporePoop: Enormous puddles
VictimChoice: Taste for elderly people
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands of its victims

Zemblan Swamp Crawfish
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 705, the creature is a crawfish made out of fungus. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the elderly. Many of the dead were found with their hands and wrists missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered seeing enormous flocks of Silver butterflies migrating through the region.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with stinger and poison wounds.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Poison Tipped Stinger power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was covered in a thick bone-shell. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain.

Acherite Frostaffe
Power Level: 71
Ice, Ice, Ice
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 50
Health: 95
Init: -2
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 7

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Giraffe
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Terrifying strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. +5 atk, +12 dmg.
Attack: Ice Breathe: Breathes a torrent of elemental damage. Medium range, wide cone.
Weakness: Dumb: IQ 70
Weakness: Dipsomaniac: Cannot resist Beer, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to partake. To break free before finishing all the drink, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. While it prefers Beer, it also has a fierce appetite for any kind of alcohol.
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Showers of falling stars are seen at night, mostly in the hours just before dawn.
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
SporePoop: Large Ghostly sludge pile
Smell: Burning Sugar
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Acherite Frostaffe
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large giraffe made up of living ice. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their horses. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered showers of falling stars were seen in the hours just before dawn. Additionally, the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their arms and chest frozen through into a solid block of ice.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Ice Breathe power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a rather dull and stupid mind and an incurable appetite for Beer that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Imperial Lemurian Gloomrat
Power Level: 74
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 5
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 14
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Rat
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Attack: Flash Freeze Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Attack: Malevolent Vibration: Emits an extremely low/high pitch vibration. Causes teeth and eye to bleed, and general cellular disruption when nearby. Good old bloody stool. Drives dogs and animals insane.
Defense: Full Invisibility: Completely invisible, even when moving or attacking.
Defense: Shadow Armor: Wears armor made out of solid shadows. Touching the armor drains heat from you, like a strong wind in Alaska.
Weakness: Sensitive nose: Strong odors cause this creature distraction and pain. Depending on the strength and offensiveness of the odor, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: Wears dried bits of human hide over its body
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Gray Moths can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Oily polygons
VictimChoice: Taste for Babies
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the feet of its victims

Imperial Lemurian Gloomrat
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ****

Historical Notes:
The beast is a small rat made up of living shadow. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting babies. Many of the dead were found with their feet missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, Gray Moths were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their extremities swollen and blackened. They seem to have been frozen (and clawed) to death.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with several dozen different causes of death. Blood had dried around their teeth and eyes while their skin and internal organs had been turned to pulp.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Flash Freeze Breath and Malevolent Vibration power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it twisted light around itself to be entirely invisible and it was protected by a layer of cold and shadowy armor. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an overly fragile sense of smell that could cause it pain from strong odors and a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine.

Abysian Horseberg
Power Level: 75
Ice, Poison, Mutant, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 85
Init: 1
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 5
DamageMod: 3

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Horse
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Injecting Proboscis: This creature does not have a bite attack, but rather a proboscis that injects Paralyzing Poison.
Ability: Reality Melter: The creature can focus its gaze and its will on an object in order to change it. A staff can be remade into a snake that wriggles away, or a gleaming sword into a flock of doves, or a set of black-spiked armor into a mass of beetles. Mechanically, this attack destroys one piece of equipment without any save.
Ability: Long Neck: The creature's neck is absurdly elongated and agile. It can use bite attacks from medium range.
Attack: Crab Claws: The creature has oversized crab-pincers instead of the normal hands/paws. Does massive health dmg on hit.
Defense: Iron Skin: Skin appears normal, until you hit it. Then it is like hitting a cast iron skillet.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Appearance: The creature has wide and staring fish eyes that never blink.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Musical instruments warp. Even when repaired, they go out of tune again within minutes.
Spore: Large toad stools grow up around the region in odd and out of the way spots. Smaller ones grow up near the areas the creature has been.
SporePoop: Enormous patties with undigested bits of skin and cartilage
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Cracks all the bones of its victims and then twists their body into spirals.

Abysian Horseberg
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge horse made up of living ice. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found with broken bones and horribly twisted bodies. The few survivors of the attacks remembered fiddle strings broke and drums became infested with insects. One man's trombone rusted straight through. Additionally, a giant toad stool was found behind a rotten tree and trails of smaller toad stools were found across the ground.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found sliced and cut into dozens of pieces. Hands and limbs littered the battlefield.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis and Crab Claws power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could nearly naked and bereft of any weapons and strike at great distance with its absurdly long neck. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it used its iron like hide to shattered many of their weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to the sun, a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.

Ancient Chelgrian Pillarsore
Power Level: 76
Nature, Vermin, Vermin, Mirror
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 35
Health: 65
Init: -5
DefenseMod: -3
AttackMod: 3

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Caterpillar
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Attack: Vermin Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Ability: Mirror Twin: Can reach into a mirror, pond, or other reflective surface and pull out a twin of itself. The mirror twin has the same stats as the original, but will "pop" after taking a single wound. Can summon 2 mirror twins per day. Mirror twins fade at sunrise.
Ability: Rotting Stench: A gagging, rotting stench causes enemies within short range to take -5 Atk and Def.
Defense: Mask form: Can assume a human form. Transforming to human or back takes 1 full round.
Defense: False Death: When it is killed, only seems to die. It heart stops, its blood and organs spill out. However, unless thoroughly chopped, burned, and desecrated, its remains will reform at the beginning of the next night and it will hunt again.
Weakness: Sensitive ears: Loud, jarring sounds cause this creature to distraction and pain. Depending on the loudness and dissonance of the sound, takes a -1 to a -10 Malus and cannot use abilities.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
Appearance: Glowing Green eyes
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Cloud-free. Clouds are never seen where this creature is.
SporePoop: Large slugs
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Never eats the Nose of its victims

Ancient Chelgrian Pillarsore
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: *******

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a large caterpillar made up of fungus. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found with only their Nose remaining. The few survivors of the attacks remembered not a single normal cloud was seen in the sky for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn apart by scores of small animals and insects. The vermin infested every part of the corpses from the mouth to the intestines.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Vermin Touch power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could pull a twin of itself out of mirrors. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters and it faked its death and then returned to the fight on the next day. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were sensitive eyes that make bright lights very painful and a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain.

Hateful Northern Gloomowl
Power Level: 76
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 68
Health: 80
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 0
AttackMod: 1

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Owl: Does not actually fly. Instead it hop-walks along the ground.
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Bone Crafter: Will try to gather corpses. Will use their bones and flesh to craft weaker versions of itself that will go on to cause more havoc.
Ability: Shadow Plane Travel: The creature can travel between this world, and a negative-mirror of our world. Crossing over requires a full turn, and leaves behind a hole in reality that gradually closes over 3 turns. The creature can use this ability to ambush and to escape, and to travel between places in the Shadow Plane in order to avoid obstacles in the real world. The shadow plane is dark, cold, decayed, and mostly lifeless. Creatures with this ability are notoriously difficult to kill.
Attack: Life Draining Claw: This attack is applied by Claw.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Gaudy: Cannot resist shiny and pretty things, and specifically Bold Hats, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such fripperies, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Bold Hats, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of finely styled goods.
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
Spore: Most birds flee the region the creature is in.
SporePoop: Yellowish patties
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Likes to tear prey limb from limb, leaves parts scattered over a tennis-court sized area

Hateful Northern Gloomowl
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a owl made out of living shadow, this huge sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and scattered. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs. Additionally, birds fled several days before the attacks and were not seen again for weeks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dried up to little more than cicada-like husks with no blood or lymph or water left in them.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Life Draining Claw power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could create new versions of itself out of the corpses of its victims and travel through the shadow-world. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it blended in nearly perfectly with the surrounding woods. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an incurable greed for Bold Hats that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, a rather impressive level of stupidity, and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Idiran Orugo
Power Level: 76
Sleep, Music, Mystic, Nature
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 85
Health: 35
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 6
AttackMod: 18

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Caterpillar
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Terrifying strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. +5 atk, +12 dmg.
Attack: Petrifying Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Defense: Spell Immunity 2: No damage from spells, +10 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
Appearance: Continually gibbers
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Quiet, too quiet: Wild animals desert the area within a few mile radious of the creature. Birds, deer, small animals, cats, squirrels; they all flee to less unsettling climes. Traveling outdoors becomes unsettling and eerie without the normal sounds.
SporePoop: Large Maroon cubes that slowly eats its way into the ground
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Likes eating the eyes of its victims

Idiran Orugo
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a caterpillar made out of warped flesh, this huge sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Nairn. The creature started its attacks by assaulting alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with their eyes missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered all the wild animals and game in the area disappearing.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found turned into perfect granite statues.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Petrifying Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it simply shrugged off all mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Western Ice Beetle
Power Level: 76
Ice, Air, Mind, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 73
Health: 100
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Ice: Made out of animated ice and frost-bitten flesh. Bonus to resist ice. Freezes anything in close contact with it. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Bug
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Hover: Floats 6-12 inches off the ground. Has normal movement speed, but is not impeded by ice, coals, bear traps, or any similar obstacle. Its feet still move as though they were walking/running on solid ground.
Attack: Petrifying Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Obsessive Gamer: Cannot resist games of skill, and will happily play them against a worthy opponent in lieu of combat. At least for a while. Can be bargined with to a certain extent, e.g. if the human wins they will walk away unharmed, but if they lose they will be eaten. Will pursue these games even if it is tactically disadvantageous. The creature enjoys the challenge, and enjoys proving itself superior. Can on occasion become enraged and hungry if it loses the game or feels it is cheated.
Weakness: Gaudy: Cannot resist shiny and pretty things, and specifically Bold Hats, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such fripperies, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Bold Hats, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of finely styled goods.
Appearance: Wears heavy iron chains wrapped around its body
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Likes to nest in ponds and underwater
SporePoop: Large Maroon slugs
VictimChoice: Taste for Women
VictimWound: Eats the skin from victims.

Western Ice Beetle
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: *************

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 805, the creature is a bug made out of living ice. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Thulian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the women. Many of the dead were found without any skin. The few survivors of the attacks remembered strange smells coming from a nearby pond.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found turned into perfect granite statues.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Petrifying Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could move across the ground without ever touching it as though carried on a river of air. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, an obsessive desire to play games of skill against worthy opponents, and an incurable greed for Bold Hats that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Horny Baubleswine
Power Level: 76
Mystic, Mind, Mind, Brutal
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 90
Health: 50
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 16
AttackMod: 19

Aspect: Gems: Made out of an assemblage of animated gems and wire. Bonus to resist fire. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Pig
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Unstoppable strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. Even a glancing blow from the creature can be fatal. +6 atk, +15 dmg.
Attack: Mono Razor Horn: Has a single sharpened horn that can be used for charging and impaling. Gives it a deadly first attack.
Ability: Bright Eyes: The creature's eyes can shine with a blinding Gray light. Looking at its face a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -6 Malus to all creatures in its facing at short range, and a -3 Malus to all creatures in its facing at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear, avoiding/blocking its gaze, or other abilities.
Defense: Danger Oracle: Has magical warning of the one, next thing that threatens its life.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Being near this creature interferes with the creation of short term memory. After ~1 minute, creatures within long range of it have to make a hard Will save or forget the events of previous minute.
Weakness: Avoidance Mercury: Strongly avoids and will not approach Mercury
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Large toad stools grow up around the region in odd and out of the way spots. Smaller ones grow up near the areas the creature has been.
SporePoop: Enormous Grayish cubes
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Does not target men
VictimWound: Likes eating the eyes of its victims

Horny Baubleswine
Skill: *******
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a medium pig made up of glowing gems and silver wire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Ayones. The creature started its attacks by slaying everyone but men. Many of the dead were found with their eyes missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered a giant toad stool was found behind a rotten tree and trails of smaller toad stools were found across the ground.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death by a giant tusk and with massive impact wounds.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mono Razor Horn power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it could befog the minds and memory of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an immense antipathy to WarMaterialVariants, a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Hateful Karpashian Gloomworm
Power Level: 76
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 105
Health: 35
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 18

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Worm
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Death Curse: As the creature dies, it will try to pull down a powerful curse upon its most hated foe. This requires that the creature has a turn before death, can speak, and can see its target, and that the target can hear the curse. The curse will cause the target health problems and ill luck, and is usually fatal in 13 to 41 days. Some clever people have been able to outwit a poorly worded or inexact curse.
Ability: Rotting Stench: A gagging, rotting stench causes enemies within short range to take -5 Atk and Def.
Attack: Rampage: Starts battle with +3 attk/def. This bonus decreases by 1 at end of each round, as the creature tires. So it would be +3 at first round, +1 after 2 rounds, -1 after 4 rounds, etc.
Defense: Prudent: In combat, will retreat if things do not look good. Will try again later when the odds are better.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Greedy: Cannot resist Gold, and will rarely pass up any opportunity to collect them. To not immediately try to grab all such treasure, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round. And while it prefers Gold, it also has a fierce desire for any kind of treasure.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature has horizontal pupils, like a goat does.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Cattle go mad, braining them selves against trees and writhing in agonized heaps on the ground.
Spore: By ones and twos, children grow sick. Some waste away for weeks, others die. Will get better if the creature is killed.
SporePoop: Enormous Greenish slugs
Smell: Cabbage
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Takes a large hank of the victim's hair. Does not usually kill, but drains their life force over time and at a distance using the link of the hair.

Hateful Karpashian Gloomworm
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge worm made up of living shadow. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their horses. Many of the dead were found shriveled and dry with much of their hair missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their cattle went mad and began braining them selves against trees and writhing in agonized heaps on the ground. Additionally, children wasted away and often died.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn into pieces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Rampage power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could place a baneful curse upon the WitchHammer who had defeated it and exude a rotting stench that choked all nearby. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it fled once it realized the battle had turned against it. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, and an incurable greed for Gold that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety.

Royal Zemblan Gloomkong
Power Level: 77
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Poison
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 77
Health: 30
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 13
DamageMod: 4

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Gorilla
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Normal Health: This creature has no health advantages, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Poison Mist Aura: Poisonous mist seeps up out of the ground near the creature. Its lair will be dangerous with this mist. Can "send" the mist a limited distance (miles) if it concentrates for extended period of time.
Attack: Injecting Proboscis: This creature does not have a bite attack, but rather a proboscis that injects Petrifying Poison.
Attack: Soul Eat: Deals death blow by eating the soul of its target. Gains the target's knowledge, and a portion of its strength. Leaves a mindless, soulless, vegetative husk behind. Might or might not eat the husk too.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
Spore: Bats swarm thickly at night, harassing people, cattle, and windows with unusual fierceness.
SporePoop: Mud colored tubes with small knots of hair
Smell: Sulfur
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Cripples victims before burying them alive. Comes back to eat the buried body in a few days, after it has ripened.

Royal Zemblan Gloomkong
Skill: ***
Muscle: **
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of living shadow in the shape of a gorilla. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Western Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting young children. Many of the dead were found stuffed into crude and shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf. Additionally, bats plagued them. They would swarm at night and harass any person or animal outside at night.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found still alive although without any mind or volition left. They wasted away and died several weeks later despite the best efforts of the rescuers.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis and Soul Eat power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could summon up a poisonous mist out of the ground. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Man Urine and a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours.

Terrifying Witherboon
Power Level: 77
Entropy, Fear, Fear, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 77
Health: 55
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 13

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Baboon
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Attack: Fear Aura: Has a fear aura over and above that most monsters do.
Ability: Bone Crafter: Will try to gather corpses. Will use their bones and flesh to craft weaker versions of itself that will go on to cause more havoc.
Attack: Bane Blade: The creature wields a sword infused with the fire of the dead. The Blade grows with a sickening greenish light, and the wounds it inflicts will fester and rot. The touch of the blade will eat away at and corrupt any living matter that comes too close to it.
Weakness: Blinding hunger: Once it starts feeding, finds it extremely difficult to stop. If it is being attacked or is facing imminent harm, can make Hard Will Saves to break free of this compulsion. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Praise the Sun: The creature is confused idealist and ascribes to a somewhat counterproductive ideology. It believes itself to be evil and fears the good and true. It can sense those who have pure hearts, and against them it suffers a -1 to -10 Malus and it is unwilling/psychologically blocked from using its powers. The pureness of a given character's heart is a GM's decision, though NPCs can also be enlisted to help with this if the party doesn't have any particular moral explars.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Crown of shadow
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves patches of charred and blackened ground in areas where it has stayed for more than a few minutes.
SporePoop: Small Blackish spherical pellets
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Victim's head is twisted around 180 degrees. Neck broken too of course.

Terrifying Witherboon
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 755, the creature is a baboon made out of mummified flesh. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering their horses. Many of the dead were found with their necks brutally broken. The few survivors of the attacks remembered burned circles and trails were found in the turf.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with slash wounds that have turned a sickening greenish-purple color and are overflowing with rot.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Bane Blade power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could create new versions of itself out of the corpses of its victims. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an insatiable hunger for meat that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, an unlikely fear of those with good and pure hearts, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Karpashian Crawelatin
Power Level: 78
Mutant, Acid, Mystic, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 100
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 7
AttackMod: 5

Aspect: Black Ooze: Made out of a Black jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Life Sense: Can sense all living creatures within 1 mile.
Ability: Reality Melter: The creature can focus its gaze and its will on an object in order to change it. A staff can be remade into a snake that wriggles away, or a gleaming sword into a flock of doves, or a set of black-spiked armor into a mass of beetles. Mechanically, this attack destroys one piece of equipment without any save.
Attack: Mermogenic Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Defense: Ice Armor: Creatures has an inch thick layer of living ice that shields it from blows.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Eyes are surrounded by a lambent Green flame
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fowl Murder: The dead bodies of ducks and geese are found in the morning. The animals heads are missing.
SporePoop: Large Whitish slugs
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Hides remains in shallow graves. Sometimes never found, sometimes found by dogs or other animals.

Karpashian Crawelatin
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of caustic ooze in the shape of a crawfish. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered finding every duck and geese in the region dead one morning. The fowl's heads were bitten off.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found warped into the semblance of strange hybrids that were half man and half fish.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mermogenic Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could could sense the very life essence of the hunting WitchHammers and nearly naked and bereft of any weapons. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was protected by a a layer of living ice armor. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Terrible Southern Caraftiger
Power Level: 79
Mirror, Mystic, Agile, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 95
Health: 45
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 13
AttackMod: 16

Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Frame: Tiger
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Ability: Puppet Master: Does not kill all of its victims. Some its sucks the life and will out of, turning them into gray-skinned minions that serve blindly until death. Puppets take a -5 Malus to their normal rolls, die painfully when their master dies, and usually only live a few weeks before their bodies completely break down. Puppets are rather dumb, and usually can't communicate except through anguished moans.
Attack: Rampage: Starts battle with +3 attk/def. This bonus decreases by 1 at end of each round, as the creature tires. So it would be +3 at first round, +1 after 2 rounds, -1 after 4 rounds, etc.
Defense: Weapon shattering body: Metal weapons will shatter upon striking the creature. They will still do damage, but are only good for one successful attack. Works via Karma.
Weakness: Song Appreciator: The creature can be hypnotized by the sound of beautiful singing. The creature becomes lost in the notes, and inattentive to combat and threats to its life. Malus' range from -1 to -10, depending on the quality of the music. If the creature is not actively in combat, it can also be lulled into complete inaction by song. The human voice is best for this, but even birds can have some effect.
Weakness: Bell Fear: The creature hates and fears the sound of bells. The larger and purer the bell tone, the more the creature will quake and the more pain it feels in its bones. Malus ranges from -1 to -10, depending on the size and closeness of the bell tone.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Glass and porcelain cracks more often. You might wake up in the morning to find a window with a long crack in it, or an old plate that has split in half.
Spore: Large toad stools grow up around the region in odd and out of the way spots. Smaller ones grow up near the areas the creature has been.
SporePoop: Grayish polygons
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands and feet of its victims

Terrible Southern Caraftiger
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of flowing glass in the shape of a tiger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying their cattle. Many of the dead were found with their hands and feet missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered good glass windows and porcelain plates cracked for no reason. One family woke up and found their whole plate collection cracked in half. Additionally, a giant toad stool was found behind a rotten tree and trails of smaller toad stools were found across the ground.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn into pieces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Rampage power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could enslave the bodies of those it killed and use the dead as its puppets. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it employed some strange magic that shattered their weapons whenever they touched its body. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a weakness for song and a fear and pain of the pure sound of bells.

Vanheim Night Hound
Power Level: 81
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 85
Init: 1
DefenseMod: -2
AttackMod: 7

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Hound
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Human Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of an average, active human being.
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Ability: Wreathe of Eyes: The creature has a band of 5 eyes around its head. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and is quite difficult to surprise.
Ability: Long: The mid section of this creature is absurdly elongated (e.g. dachshund). More Health, more agility.
Ability: Shadow Plane Travel: The creature can travel between this world, and a negative-mirror of our world. Crossing over requires a full turn, and leaves behind a hole in reality that gradually closes over 3 turns. The creature can use this ability to ambush and to escape, and to travel between places in the Shadow Plane in order to avoid obstacles in the real world. The shadow plane is dark, cold, decayed, and mostly lifeless. Creatures with this ability are notoriously difficult to kill.
Attack: Sickly Aura: All Con/Poison/Disease saves are 1 step harder for all creatures in medium range.
Defense: Dark Aura: Shrouded in shadow. Torches and fires are extinguished, even sun seems dimmer.
Defense: Bludgeon Resistant: Half damage from bludgeoning weapons
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Spider Hairs: The creature's body is covered in thick and bristly hair, like a tarantula
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Gray Moths can be found in much greater numbers.
Spore: Nightmares spread throughout the region, becoming worse the more closely someone has come to the creature. The nighmares involve being eaten alive, insects, rot, cannabilism, etc. Difficult to get more than a few hours of uneasy sleep due to the nightmares. Afflicted people will be haggard and short tempered.
SporePoop: Tiny Yellowish slugs with strange metallic flakes
Smell: Sulfur
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Hides remains in shallow graves. Sometimes never found, sometimes found by dogs or other animals.

Vanheim Night Hound
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 690, the creature is a hound made out of living shadow. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Tormaleo. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found bloated and in shallow graves. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Gray Moths were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, terrible dreams and nightmares.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with plague boils across their bodies and poison distending their veins.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Sickly Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes, twist and crush its victims with its absurdly long body, and travel through the shadow-world. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was surrounded by an aura of shadow and darkness that made it difficult to see. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace, a severe vulnerability to Wolf Urine, and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Hateful Akkadian Fuego Skilpadde
Power Level: 81
Fire, Mystic, Fire, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 70
Health: 15
Init: 4
DefenseMod: 14
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Turtle
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Bright Eyes: The creature's eyes can shine with a blinding Green light. Looking at its face a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -6 Malus to all creatures in its facing at short range, and a -3 Malus to all creatures in its facing at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear, avoiding/blocking its gaze, or other abilities.
Attack: Combat Master: Inhumanely skilled at combat, with precise movements and immense speed. + atk/def, ++poise
Attack: Boiling Blood Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Defense: Gusting Winds: Creature is continually surrounded by strong gusting winds. The wind and whipping dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-10).
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Weakness: Blood thirsty: Cannot resist the smell and taste of blood. Will continue to pursue and target a wounded character until they are dead. Once it has a source of blood, will continue drinking it until it is empty. To break free before finishing all the blood, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Animal Intelligence: IQ 40
Weakness: Vulnerable to Lye: Cannot stand Lye. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Lead Horn: The creature has a single >Lead horn rising from its head.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Birds commit suicide. They collide with windows and house walls, or commit mass drownings in ponds. They really seem to want to die.
SporePoop: Tiny tubes with strange metallic flakes
VictimChoice: Drawn to Adepts: Drawn to Adepts
VictimWound: Eats the fat off the victim, leaves most of the rest.

Hateful Akkadian Fuego Skilpadde
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ******

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Cabezia in 693, the creature is a turtle made out of animated fire. It is of a medium size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the magically talented. Many of the dead were found with their skin and fat chewed away. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds killed themselves in a steady stream of collisions with walls and trees. Some drowned themselves in ponds and wells.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found cut and pummeled to death. Several had been disarmed before death and had their weapons lying yards away.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found as a fine red paste on the ground. They seem to have vaporized in a spray of blood and viscera.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Combat Master and Boiling Blood Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks, it was surrounded by constant whipping winds, and it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety, a rather impressive level of stupidity, and a severe vulnerability to Lye.

Abysian Fire Iguana
Power Level: 81
Fire, Mutant, Mystic, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 55
Health: 55
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 4

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Iguana
Size: Medium Sized
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Attack: Three Headed: Has an two extra action slots for bite/breath actions. +10 Health, but the heads do interfere with each other on the attack.
Ability: Vertigo Aura: The creature has an aura of disorientation and vertigo around it. Each turn, make an Easy Will save if within medium range. Once failed, overcome by vertigo until away from the creature for several minutes. When moving or turning, 50/50 chance of character actually moving in opposite direction.
Defense: Regeneration 2: Regenerates 4 health and 8 poise per turn.
Weakness: Blood thirsty: Cannot resist the smell and taste of blood. Will continue to pursue and target a wounded character until they are dead. Once it has a source of blood, will continue drinking it until it is empty. To break free before finishing all the blood, must make a hard Will save. Can make one such save per round.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Never actually touches the ground. Floats a centimeter above the ground at all times.
Appearance: Wears knotted strings of human bone wrapped around its body: +1 Armor
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Inscribes odd geometric patterns in the bark of trees
SporePoop: Tiny puddles
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Likes to let prey rot for a few days before consuming

Abysian Fire Iguana
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a iguana made out of animated fire, this medium sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found rotted and left in the sun. The few survivors of the attacks remembered they found odd geometric inscribed in the bark of trees nearby.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with violent bite marks on their face and shoulders.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Three Headed power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could twists perception like a bow causing the WitchHammers to drunkenly stumble and collide. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were an insatiable thirst for blood that it pursues even at the cost of its own safety and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Royal Seeing Eye Necrobeetle
Power Level: 83
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Mirror
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 90
Health: 55
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 12
AttackMod: 14

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Beetle
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Ability: Mirror Travel: The creature can travel through mirrors. It can step easily into any mirror, and then exit through any mirror within 12 miles. Exiting a mirror is slower and takes a full 3 rounds. Does not work if there are no other mirrors within range.
Ability: Puppet Master: Does not kill all of its victims. Some its sucks the life and will out of, turning them into gray-skinned minions that serve blindly until death. Puppets take a -5 Malus to their normal rolls, die painfully when their master dies, and usually only live a few weeks before their bodies completely break down. Puppets are rather dumb, and usually can't communicate except through anguished moans.
Ability: Wreathe of Eyes: The creature has a band of 3 eyes around its head. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and is quite difficult to surprise.
Attack: Trample Maul: When attacking a prone opponent, can use sharp rear-leg claws for terrible damage.
Defense: Unyielding: This creatures takes no Malus for health damage. It is deadly until the moment it is dead.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: Vestigial Wings: The creature has small, raggedy wings on its back
Appearance: Limned with a glow of black power
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Likes to nest in attics and basements
SporePoop: Large Blood Red spherical pellets
Smell: Rotting meat
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Twists and crushes victims together to make horrific flesh-castles.

Royal Seeing Eye Necrobeetle
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge beetle made up of bone. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying young children. Many of the dead were found torn and twisted together into horrific flesh-castles. The few survivors of the attacks remembered strange sounds coming from the attic of a victim's house.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly trampled and crushed into ground.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Trample Maul power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could travel through mirrors, enslave the bodies of those it killed and use the dead as its puppets, and see in all directions using its many eyes. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Wolf Urine, a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours, and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Greater Karpashian Cryscock
Power Level: 83
Mirror, Mystic, Agile, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 105
Health: 55
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 18

Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Frame: Peacock
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Light Bringer: The creature's body can shine with a blinding Green light. Looking at it is a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -8 Malus to all creatures at short range, and a -4 Malus to all creatures at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear or other abilities.
Attack: Boiling Blood Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Appearance: Crown of Gold
Appearance: Has three sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: By ones and twos, children grow sick. Some waste away for weeks, others die. Will get better if the creature is killed.
Spore: Vultures follow a few hours behind the creature.
SporePoop: Blackish coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Loves wine and alcohol
VictimWound: Victim's head is twisted around 180 degrees. Neck broken too of course.

Greater Karpashian Cryscock
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ************

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge peacock made up of flowing glass. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Imperial Road. The creature started its attacks by slaying alcoholics. Many of the dead were found with their necks brutally broken. The few survivors of the attacks remembered children wasted away and often died. Additionally, flocks of vultures circled through the air for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found as a fine red paste on the ground. They seem to have vaporized in a spray of blood and viscera.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Boiling Blood Gaze power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours.

Warping Jamopus
Power Level: 86
Mutant, Acid, Mind, Mystic
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main6 Action Deck
Printable Main6 Action Deck
Main7 Action Deck
Printable Main7 Action Deck

Poise: 20
Health: 30
Init: -2
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: -6

Aspect: Umber Ooze: Made out of a Umber jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Octopod
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Delicate: This creature is oddly delicate, and a few solid blows will kill it. -5 health.
Reflex: Slow Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a librarian. Init -2, Attack/Def -1
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Hallucinations: Causes unsettling hallucinations to those nearby. Worms and ants under the skin. The sense that you are already dead and rotting. Color inversion. Wild and strong emotions
Ability: Aura of Doom: When attacking, add 10 to the attack roll when rolling a 17, 18, 19, or 20. This supersedes the normal critical hit bonuses.
Ability: Corrupting Spores: The creature sheds small, purplish spores into the air. These spores can colonize the human body, and if not promptly treated they can develop into an infection that will gradually enslave the host. The afflicted move and think slowly and become insensible to pain. While in this state they will obey the creature's phermonic promptings. Eventually the fungal infection grows to the point that the victim is rooted to the ground, and become an uneven pillar of spores and molting flesh. If the creature has been in an inhabited area for 1+ weeks, it will be aided by 3-6 of these afflicted humans.
Ability: Long Legs: The creature's legs are absurdly elongated. The creature moves quickly and is surprisingly agile.
Attack: Three Headed: Has an two extra action slots for bite/breath actions. +10 Health, but the heads do interfere with each other on the attack.
Attack: Second Head: Has an extra action slot for bite/breath actions. +5 Health
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Defense: Danger Sense: Excellent ability to detect immediate threats. It is not that its senses are necessarily better; rather it just has a sharp mind for detecting danger and putting warning signs together.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will flee from its reflection in blind fear and panic.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Appearance: Continually screams
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Cattle go mad, braining them selves against trees and writhing in agonized heaps on the ground.
Spore: Paranoia Aura: Over time, people in the region become distrustful, fearful, and aggressive. At its peak, can lead to assaults and murders.
SporePoop: Small Light Pinkish polygons
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands and feet of its victims

Warping Jamopus
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a octopod made out of caustic ooze, this small sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Inverbervie. The creature started its attacks by assaulting the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found with their hands and feet missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their cattle went mad and began braining them selves against trees and writhing in agonized heaps on the ground. Additionally, angry and fearful looks from their neighbors even before the killings began.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their skin a bloody mess. They seem to have clawed themselves to death with some assistance from the creature's jaws.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with violent bite marks on their face and shoulders.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with violent bite marks on their head and shoulders.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Hallucinations, Three Headed, and Second Head power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could uses it fungal spores to infect and enslave human servitors and move great distance on its absurdly long legs. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks and it was a wary and cunning foe. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.

Acherite Carclamb
Power Level: 87
Entropy, Entropy, Mind, Sleep
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 60
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 3
AttackMod: 12

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Lamb
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Terrifying strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. +5 atk, +12 dmg.
Ability: Anti-light: This creature can snuff out light with its gaze or touch. As a free action can snuff out a torch,fire,etc.
Attack: Dream Marathon: Can exhaust and sap a character while they sleep. To begin, requires viewing and focusing on the character for ~1 minute, or a bit of their hair/nails/blood. Will then assail them in nightmares. After each night, takes a progressive -5 Malus from exhaustion. Character dies of exhaustion after the 3rd night of such attacks.
Defense: Spell Immunity 2: No damage from spells, +10 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Defense: Weapon Immunity 2: Max of 1 damage normal weapons
Weakness: Spheresome: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Ram Horns: The creature has a thick and curling set of ram's horns on its head
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Beetles can be found in much greater numbers.
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Tiny Oily polygons with strange metallic flakes
Smell: Flowers
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Acherite Carclamb
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a lamb made out of rotting flesh, this large sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Beetles were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dead of seeming exhaustion. Their muscles were tense and their eyes were bloodshot.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Dream Marathon power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could extinguish torches or fires with a single glance. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it simply shrugged off all mystical attacks and it stubbornly refused to be killed by normal weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a strange but immense fear of spheres and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Magnificent Zhaibarian Ratnight
Power Level: 88
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 77
Health: 55
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 4
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 9

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Rat
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Very Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +25 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Underdeveloped: This creature is weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -1 atk, -2 dmg.
Ability: Extra Arm Joints: The creature's arms have an extra set of joints, allowing them to reach and bend much further than normal.
Attack: Breath of Death: This attack is applied by Breath.
Defense: Mask form: Can assume a human form. Transforming to human or back takes 1 full round.
Defense: Storm Child: Creature can summon a cyclone about their body that A) lifts them up to 10 feet off the ground and B) makes them nearly immune to missile attacks.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Dog Fear: The creature is deathly afraid of Dogs. The more and the larger of these creatures the party has, the more shaken and fearful the creature will be.
Appearance: Wears a featureless white mask over its face.
Appearance: Eyes are surrounded by a lambent Silver flame
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
SporePoop: Large Greenish tubes
Smell: Mold
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Trepanates its victims, removing and eating the most succulent parts of the frontal cortex. Leaves the victims alive but disassociated and weird and with memory problems.

Magnificent Zhaibarian Ratnight
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of living shadow in the shape of a rat. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Espinelvas. The creature started its attacks by assaulting young children. Many of the dead were found with jagged wounds in their forehead and important pieces of brain missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found withered and dessicated as though they had aged 60 years and then been left out in the desert sun.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Breath of Death power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could attack at odd angles using an extra set of arm joints. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a deathly fear of Dogs.

Misty Octosore
Power Level: 88
Nature, Vermin, Nature, Air
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main6 Action Deck
Printable Main6 Action Deck
Main7 Action Deck
Printable Main7 Action Deck

Poise: 45
Health: 70
Init: -5
DefenseMod: -1
AttackMod: -3

Aspect: Fungus: Made out of decomposing and rotted plant matter, like an animated compost heap. Immune to many poisons.
Frame: Octopod
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Terrible Reflexes: This creature is somewhat slow and fumbling. Init -5, Attack/Def -2
Strength: Weak: This creature is surprisingly weak for its size and appearance. Farmers should still be afraid of it. -2 atk, -4 dmg.
Ability: Tremor Sense: Can sense vibrations passing through the ground and uses that to locate hidden prey.
Ability: Helper Spirit: The creature has bound a smaller and weaker creature of air and darkness to it. The smaller creature will generally obey its controller, and can carry out thefts, distractions, arson, etc.
Ability: Mist Aura: Creature brings mists to the region. The creature itself will be surrounded by thick mists and fogs, deadening sound and making it difficult to navigate or detect the creature.
Attack: Hallucinations: Causes unsettling hallucinations to those nearby. Worms and ants under the skin. The sense that you are already dead and rotting. Color inversion. Wild and strong emotions
Attack: Deadly Leap: Initiates combat by making an unexpectedly impressive leap (medium range, +10 attack, knockdown). Can also leap from person to person.
Attack: Snake Hair: Head is covered in snakes. The snakes get their own action slot for biting people and poisoning them.
Defense: Swarmin Vermin: Creature is surrounded/clothed by a swarm of Flies. The swarm can act as a defense, or can be split and then sent to attack. Can be sent to attack anywhere in the region, though will not then be available for defense. Any losses to the swarm are repaired in 24 hours.
Weakness: Moist: The creature's skin is damp and wet, like a frog's. If it's skin ever dries out, it will take steadily increasing penalties and damage and then die. The creature is careful to carry water with it and to know where more can be easily accessed. Generally, it's own internal reserves will keep it moist for at least 24 hours.
Weakness: Obsessive Gambler: Cannot resist the thrill of chance. If given the opportunity, will bet on any apparently fair outcome, even going so far as to spare a life or a village if it is defeated.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fruit in the region rots into piles of mold and sludge over the course of a few hours.
SporePoop: Tan coffee bean shaped pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for Babies
VictimWound: Usually kills by slitting or tearing open the victim's throat.

Misty Octosore
Skill: *
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge octopod made up of fungus. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Northern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon babies. Many of the dead were found with their neck torn open. The few survivors of the attacks remembered apples and pears rotted over night into piles of putrid sludge.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their skin a bloody mess. They seem to have clawed themselves to death with some assistance from the creature's jaws.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found clawed and crushed into the ground as though a great weight had landed upon them.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with a half dozen snake bites on their hands and face.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Hallucinations, Deadly Leap, and Snake Hair power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could sense opponents by their footfalls on the ground, call on the assistance of a small air-spirit, and hide itself in an aura of mist and fog. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was guarded by a swarm of Flies. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a moist skin which if ever dried out would cause it crippling pain and an obsessive desire to gamble and make bets.

Greater Scorching Crawfire
Power Level: 90
Fire, Mind, Poison, Fire
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 67
Health: 50
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 11
AttackMod: 12

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Renfielder: The creature can claim the mind of a human being. The process takes 1-3 days, and leaves the unfortunate soul a willing and obedient (if somewhat scatterbrained and insane) tool of the creature. The creature can communicate telepathically with its Renfield, even over a distance of miles, and the Renfield will obey without hesitation. A creature will never have more than 3 Renfields at a time, as it appears to take an investment of power to maintain the connection. Renfields have poor combat stats, and are most useful for mis-directions, distractions, and other oblique tactics.
Ability: Exploding fire disease: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Attack: Immolation: Can send out a pulse of heat that sets all flammable objects within Medium Range on fire. This includes hair, papers, dry leaves, etc. Depending on the object and how difficult it is to light, might just be singed or smoldering. Usable twice per day.
Defense: Spell Immunity 1: Half damage from spells, +5 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Spheresome: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Weakness: Tasteless: Has no mouth feel; cannot taste or other wise use its mouth to tell what it is eating.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
Appearance: Eyes are surrounded by a lambent Black flame
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: Tiny Grayish spherical pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for bitter, angry old men
VictimWound: Likes to tear prey limb from limb, leaves parts scattered over a tennis-court sized area

Greater Scorching Crawfire
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of animated fire in the shape of a crawfish. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Scrabster. The creature started its attacks by assaulting a club of crotchety old men. Many of the dead were found torn to pieces and scattered. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly burnt on the front half of their bodies. Their clothes were half burnt and the front of their armor was twisted in the extreme heat.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Immolation power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could enslave human servitors to aid it in its attacks. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it shrugged off the worst of their mystical attacks. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else, a strange but immense fear of spheres, and an inability to taste or sense poison.

Akkadian Jamcraw
Power Level: 91
Mutant, Acid, Brutal, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 75
Health: 45
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 13
AttackMod: 12

Aspect: Green Ooze: Made out of a Green jelly like substance with smaller, darker nodules inside. Immune to most poisons. Half damage from crushing weapons. Can escape through any hole that is at least one inch wide.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Tough: This creature does not die easily, and will fiercely hold on to life. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +15 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Attack: Rampage: Starts battle with +3 attk/def. This bonus decreases by 1 at end of each round, as the creature tires. So it would be +3 at first round, +1 after 2 rounds, -1 after 4 rounds, etc.
Ability: Spider Eyes: The creature has a cluster of compound eyes that take up much of its face. The eyes give it amazing vision (and great peripheral vision) and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Ability: Mist Aura: Creature brings mists to the region. The creature itself will be surrounded by thick mists and fogs, deadening sound and making it difficult to navigate or detect the creature.
Ability: Cheap Frills: The creature has a frill of many colors that extends out from its neck. The Frill is covered in shifting patterns of color that have a hypnotic effect and can lull people into a dazed, unconscious state.
Attack: Heart Ripper: This creature can rip the heart out of a person's chest. Difficult to land the attack though, the target usually must be restrained or badly injured for it to hit. (-10 attack)
Defense: Weapon Immunity 1: Half damage from normal weapons
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Appearance: Has thin, luminous threads of Gold running through its skin
Appearance: Skin is transparent, and you can see the organs and bone moving beneath the skin.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Its passing drains the water from plants and trees, leaving brown and dehydrated husks. In areas where it has spent time the vegetation is particularly dry and dead.
Spore: Showers of falling stars are seen at night, mostly in the hours just before dawn.
SporePoop: Oily slugs burning with a low Gray flame
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Akkadian Jamcraw
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of caustic ooze in the shape of a crawfish. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Kyle. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their horses. Many of the dead were found torn apart in a nearby cave. The few survivors of the attacks remembered crops and trees became withered and dry. They would crumble at the slightest touch. Additionally, showers of falling stars were seen in the hours just before dawn.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn into pieces.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their hearts messily removed from their chests.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Rampage and Heart Ripper power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes, hide itself in an aura of mist and fog, and uses it enticing colored salamander frills to beguile and daze foes. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it seemed barely hurt by their normal weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it.

Terrifying Elephgaunt
Power Level: 92
Entropy, Entropy, Fear, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 50
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 3
AttackMod: 13

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Elephant
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Unstoppable strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. Even a glancing blow from the creature can be fatal. +6 atk, +15 dmg.
Ability: Dome of Night: This creature can extend an intangible, aetheric dome out to medium range. This dome will block all sun light and other light from passing the dome. From outside, the dome appears completely dark. From inside the Dome, the outside world appears completely dark. Note that if there are no light sources within the Dome, the area inside the Dome will also be completely dark.
Attack: Fear Aura: Has a fear aura over and above that most monsters do.
Attack: Mind Splinter: By deep-gazing or wounding, can infect target with a portion of its mind/desires. Tends to progress if monster is not killed.
Defense: Chameleon: Nearly perfectly blends with surroundings when both are still. Is much easier to see when moving.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Glowing Red eyes
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Fire Flies can be found in much greater numbers.
SporePoop: Maroon spherical pellets
Smell: Rotting meat
VictimChoice: Taste for Llama
VictimWound: Prefers to drown victims, and then eats the water-logged bodies.

Terrifying Elephgaunt
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 642, the creature is a elephant made out of rotting flesh. It is of a large size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon their Llama. Many of the dead were found drowned and half-eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Fire Flies were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with terrible wounds in their back and trails of tears wiping a clean trail down their faces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fear Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could block out all light around itself. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it blended in nearly perfectly with the surrounding woods. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Terrible Estovokian Glint Crab
Power Level: 95
Mirror, Mystic, Agile, Vermin
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 90
Health: 40
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 15
AttackMod: 17

Aspect: Glass: Made out of animated and oddly fluid glass. Immune to most poisons. Increased damage from crushing weapons.
Frame: Crab
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Attack: Mermogenic Breath: This attack is applied by Breath.
Ability: Long Legs: The creature's legs are absurdly elongated. The creature moves quickly and is surprisingly agile.
Attack: Boiling Blood Gaze: This attack is applied by Gaze.
Defense: Unyielding: This creatures takes no Malus for health damage. It is deadly until the moment it is dead.
Weakness: Vain: Loves to look at self. Can become entranced by mirrors or still pools of water.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will flee from its reflection in blind fear and panic.
Appearance: Its pupils are formed of spiraling symbols
Appearance: Has only a single eye.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Glass and porcelain cracks more often. You might wake up in the morning to find a window with a long crack in it, or an old plate that has split in half.
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: Large Greenish puddles
Smell: Mold
VictimChoice: Taste for Dog
VictimWound: Preferentially eats the hands of its victims

Terrible Estovokian Glint Crab
Skill: ******
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Ortega in 811, the creature is a crab made out of flowing glass. It is of a huge size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Rona. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their Dog. Many of the dead were found with their hands and wrists missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered good glass windows and porcelain plates cracked for no reason. One family woke up and found their whole plate collection cracked in half. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found warped into the semblance of strange hybrids that were half man and half fish.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mermogenic Breath power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could move great distance on its absurdly long legs. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it showed no pain or ill result from its wounds right up until it died. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a love of its own image that can leave it entranced for hours and a hatred of its own image that makes flee in terror from mirrors.

Royal Thulian Necropillar
Power Level: 96
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Poison
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 95
Health: 55
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 11
AttackMod: 18

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Caterpillar
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Ability: Bone Crafter: Will try to gather corpses. Will use their bones and flesh to craft weaker versions of itself that will go on to cause more havoc.
Attack: Injecting Proboscis: This creature does not have a bite attack, but rather a proboscis that injects Soporific Poison.
Attack: Bone Breaking Bite: This attack is applied by Bite.
Defense: Detachable limbs: Even when separated, limbs will continue to fight. Claws will scrabble along like spiders, will scamper into brush, etc. Can rejoin with main body if given a few minutes of peace.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Man Urine: Cannot stand Man Urine. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Ram Horns: The creature has a thick and curling set of ram's horns on its head
Appearance: Its eyes are made of Pearls
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
SporePoop: Large Whitish polygons that slowly eats its way into the ground
VictimChoice: Taste for sickly people
VictimWound: Burns downs buildings, to help conceal its crimes. Also because it likes fire. Can make use of the panic and confusion of fire, too.

Royal Thulian Necropillar
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
First dissected by Shannon in 713, the creature is a caterpillar made out of bone. It is of a large size. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering several people who had taken sick. Many of the dead were found inside a burned down building. Their bodies were charred and twisted. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found crumpled up in agony from multiple venom injections.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their limbs all floppy and their bones broken in dozens of places. They had no surface injuries and seem to have died purely from internal trauma.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Injecting Proboscis and Bone Breaking Bite power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could create new versions of itself out of the corpses of its victims. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, a soft underbelly that was easily wounded, and a severe vulnerability to Man Urine.

Nariscene Spideressicate
Power Level: 100
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Vermin
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
Main3 Action Deck
Printable Main3 Action Deck
Main4 Action Deck
Printable Main4 Action Deck

Poise: 68
Health: 80
Init: 3
DefenseMod: 4
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Spider
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a trained fencer or athlete. +3 Init, +2 Attack/Def
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Ability: Rotting Stench: A gagging, rotting stench causes enemies within short range to take -5 Atk and Def.
Attack: Shadow Spirit: The creature's shadow can dis-engage from it, and then move and attack on its own. The shadow has the same stats as the original, but has .2X of its Health and a -5 Malus. Both the Creature and its Shadow can exist independently of each other, and if one is killed the other can re-generate its partner with 24 hours.
Attack: Siren Call: Draws the target to the monster in a trance like state, unless target resists.
Defense: Immunity to Ice: No damage from Ice
Defense: Shadow Armor: Wears armor made out of solid shadows. Touching the armor drains heat from you, like a strong wind in Alaska.
Weakness: Spheresome: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: Crown of Coral
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Likes to nest in attics and basements
SporePoop: spherical pellets
Smell: Sulfur
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Eats the fat off the victim, leaves most of the rest.

Nariscene Spideressicate
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of mummified flesh in the shape of a spider. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Latasa. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering young children. Many of the dead were found with their skin and fat chewed away. The few survivors of the attacks remembered strange sounds coming from the attic of a victim's house.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dried and dessicated and drained of all life.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found isolated and alone. It appears that the hunters split up before being individually killed.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Shadow Spirit and Siren Call power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could exude a rotting stench that choked all nearby. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it simply shrugged off all Elemental Variant attacks and it was protected by a layer of cold and shadowy armor. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a strange but immense fear of spheres and a severe vulnerability to Cow Urine.

Valusian Flame Buho
Power Level: 103
Fire, Air, Fire, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 80
Health: 70
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 7
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 13

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Owl: Does not actually fly. Instead it hop-walks along the ground.
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Nigh-Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +50 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Olympian strength: This creature is as strong as any mortal in the world. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +2 atk, +6 dmg.
Attack: Fire Bolt: Spits a bolt of elemental damage. Long range, single target.
Ability: Shadow Plane Travel: The creature can travel between this world, and a negative-mirror of our world. Crossing over requires a full turn, and leaves behind a hole in reality that gradually closes over 3 turns. The creature can use this ability to ambush and to escape, and to travel between places in the Shadow Plane in order to avoid obstacles in the real world. The shadow plane is dark, cold, decayed, and mostly lifeless. Creatures with this ability are notoriously difficult to kill.
Ability: Mutant Eyes: The creature's body is dotted with a random selection of eyes of different sizes, types, and colors. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Ability: Sudden burst of Speed: Once per combat gains +10 init. Once per day can move 3x normal movement speed
Defense: Storm Child: Creature can summon a cyclone about their body that A) lifts them up to 10 feet off the ground and B) makes them nearly immune to missile attacks.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Bear Urine: Cannot stand Bear Urine. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Appearance: Continually gibbers
Appearance: Blindfold: Wears a blindfold of cloth coverings its eyes. Does not seem to impede is senses.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: Blood Red sludge pile
Smell: Burning Sugar
VictimChoice: Grave Hunter: Likes to dig bodies and carrion out of grave yards.
VictimWound: Impales victims on tree branches to make feeding easier.

Valusian Flame Buho
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large owl made up of animated fire. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed a caravan on the Southern Road. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering the newly dead and buried. Many of the dead were found impaled on tree branches and half eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with a charred and smoking stump where their neck once was.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Fire Bolt power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could travel through the shadow-world, see in all directions using its many eyes, and move in small bursts of amazing speed. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was guarded and carried by a cyclone of living wind. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else and a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine.

Magnificent Eastern Beetleumbra
Power Level: 104
Entropy, Elusive, Air, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 60
Health: 10
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 16
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Shadow: Made out of animated shadows and unholy light. Bonus to stealth, bonus to resist ice. Immune to poisons. Can escape anything but an airtight room, has night vision.
Frame: Beetle
Size: Small Sized: -2 attack, +2 def, -5 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Strong: This creature is stronger than most men. Its grip is painful. +2 dmg.
Attack: Petrifying Horn: This attack is applied by Horn.
Ability: Telepathic: This creature can read a target's mind at up to Long range. Can communicate with the target if it wishes, though often it will not. Mechanically, this can be reflected by letting the GM make use of meta-knowledge gained from player's table talk. Additionally, gives a +5 bonus vs target in all contests.
Ability: Mist Aura: Creature brings mists to the region. The creature itself will be surrounded by thick mists and fogs, deadening sound and making it difficult to navigate or detect the creature.
Ability: Grows from corpses: Gains additional Health and Poise by consuming corpses. Estimate that each corpse consumed in the last week adds 1 Health and 2 Poise. The creature grows slightly larger as well.
Attack: Rust Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Attack: Heart Bleed Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Defense: Mask form: Can assume a human form. Transforming to human or back takes 1 full round.
Defense: Partial Invisibility : The creature is mostly transparent and difficult to make out even when moving. Can move and attack while in this state.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Birds flock to the region, and sit in creepy rows along tree branches and roofs.
Spore: No fish are caught at all. They seem to have deserted the creeks and streams.
SporePoop: Large Olive tubes
Smell: Cat urine
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Twists and crushes victims together to make horrific flesh-castles.

Magnificent Eastern Beetleumbra
Skill: ****
Muscle: *
Toughness: *****

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a small beetle made up of living shadow. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Dufftown. The creature started its attacks by slaughtering young children. Many of the dead were found torn and twisted together into horrific flesh-castles. The few survivors of the attacks remembered birds flocked to the area and say in rows along tree branches and roofs. Additionally, fisherman came back with empty catches and the fish seemed to have deserted the water entirely.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found turned into perfect granite statues.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found most of their weapons and armor entirely gone. The hunters were covered in a fine layer of red rust.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their bodies red and swollen. On further examination their hearts were found to be cut to ribbons even though the surrounding flesh was uninjured.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Petrifying Horn, Rust Touch, and Heart Bleed Touch power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could could hear the very thoughts of nearby people, hide itself in an aura of mist and fog, and devour corpses to add their bone and muscle to its own. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself in human form to avoid hunters and it twisted light around itself to be nearly invisible. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Chelgrian Scorpcaust
Power Level: 104
Fire, Entropy, Mystic, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
TailStabGroup Action Deck
Printable TailStabGroup Action Deck

Poise: 80
Health: 55
Init: 11
DefenseMod: 9
AttackMod: 17

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Scorpion
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Steel: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. It will shrug off wounds that would kill a normal beast. +35 Health.
Reflex: Lightning reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast, and are difficult to follow with the eye. It is able to tear through any single human without magical aid. Those with magical aid could last for several passes. +11 init, +10 atk/def
Strength: Gigantic strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush skulls and metal armor in grip, or knock through walls with its body. +4 atk, +10 dmg.
Attack: Ill Luck Aura: Bad luck plagues everyone within Long range of the creature. Impose a -2 Malus on all tasks. The aura is especially hard on equipment, causing it to break, leak, or malfunction. Especially deadly to complex or delicate machines.
Ability: Reality Melter: The creature can focus its gaze and its will on an object in order to change it. A staff can be remade into a snake that wriggles away, or a gleaming sword into a flock of doves, or a set of black-spiked armor into a mass of beetles. Mechanically, this attack destroys one piece of equipment without any save.
Defense: Spell Immunity 2: No damage from spells, +10 to saving throw and immediate saving throw.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Iron weapons: Will do 3X damage. In addition, cannot use its abilities next turn. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Appearance: Has two sets of eyes, set one on top of another.
Appearance: Mouth is over-sized, and stretches all the way back to the creature's ears.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Toads rain from the sky every 2-3 days.
SporePoop: Large Oily puddles
Smell: Cabbage
VictimChoice: Taste for depressed people
VictimWound: Hangs victims from tree branches to make feeding easier.

Chelgrian Scorpcaust
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of animated fire in the shape of a scorpion. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Castelflorite. The creature started its attacks by hunting down broken down and depressed people. Many of the dead were found hung on tree branches and half eaten. The few survivors of the attacks remembered toads rained from the sky before its predations.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found torn to pieces. At least two of them seem to have died from catastrophic malfunctions of their equipment.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Ill Luck Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could nearly naked and bereft of any weapons. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Iron and a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else.

Terrible Hyberborean Barrow Maggot
Power Level: 111
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Entropy
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 80
Health: 100
Init: 5
DefenseMod: 2
AttackMod: 14

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Maggot
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Very Fast Reflexes: This creature has the reflexes of a top level fencer or athlete. +5 Init, +4 Attack/Def
Strength: Terrifying strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. +5 atk, +12 dmg.
Ability: Dome of Night: This creature can extend an intangible, aetheric dome out to medium range. This dome will block all sun light and other light from passing the dome. From outside, the dome appears completely dark. From inside the Dome, the outside world appears completely dark. Note that if there are no light sources within the Dome, the area inside the Dome will also be completely dark.
Attack: Breath of Unlife: Can breathe into a corpse's mouth, and have it raise as a zombie in seconds. Can badly damage an incapacitated person by breathing into their mouth.
Attack: Choking Aura: The air is thick and heavy. Gloom and despair flow out from the creature. Cannot regain Poise while at short range with this creature.
Attack: Fear Aura: Has a fear aura over and above that most monsters do.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Weakness: Skin Shield: Needs to wear the skin of other creatures in order to survive in the world. Otherwise loses powers, takes Malus.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Death: Takes damage while in sunlight.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Leaves behind owl like pellets of bone, hair, fur, and feathers. Also bits of metal, buckles, coins from people it has eaten.
SporePoop: Tar Black tubes with small bits of crunched up bone
VictimChoice: Taste for Horses
VictimWound: Only eats its victim's femurs.

Terrible Hyberborean Barrow Maggot
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: *************

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge maggot made up of mummified flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by hunting down their horses. Many of the dead were found without their femurs. The few survivors of the attacks remembered after each attack they found dense pellets containing bones and hair and crushed bits of metal and coin.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found as shambling zombies who had joined the creature in its hunt.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with terrible wounds in their back and trails of tears wiping a clean trail down their faces.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Breath of Unlife and Fear Aura power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could block out all light around itself. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were a vile skin that it wore in order to exist and function in our world, a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, and a severe vulnerability to the sun.

Imperial Poisonous Wormorpse
Power Level: 116
Entropy, Entropy, Ice, Vermin
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 77
Health: 65
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 8
AttackMod: 10

Aspect: Rotting: Made out of rotting and bloated flesh. Immune to almost all poisons. Has +5 Health. Has night vision.
Frame: Worm
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Cold Aura: The area around the creature is intensely cold. Has a slight effect at medium range, and doubles the effect at close range. At medium range the cold causes a cumulative -1 Malus and a -2 to max Poise. Takes effect at end of round.
Ability: Rotting Stench: A gagging, rotting stench causes enemies within short range to take -5 Atk and Def.
Ability: Crow Cloud: Can transform into a murder of crows. Will typically use this ability to escape serious danger, or to move itself into an advantageous position. The transformation into crows is immediate and allows movement on the same round. Reforming back into the normal creature takes 3 rounds as the crows gather together and swirl. Damage done to the crow crowd will transfer to the creature when it reforms, though it is difficult to fully kill the creature without killing all of the crows. Killing all of the crows but 1-2 will at least delay the creature's re-formation for years, if not forever.
Ability: Exploding Red Butterflies disease: This attack is applied by Breath.
Attack: Choking Aura: The air is thick and heavy. Gloom and despair flow out from the creature. Cannot regain Poise while at short range with this creature.
Attack: Poison tipped scorpion claws: Adds an extra attack group, using Emetic Poison mod.
Defense: Dark Aura: Shrouded in shadow. Torches and fires are extinguished, even sun seems dimmer.
Defense: Bee Symbiont: This creature carries a beehive inter-woven with their body. Damaging them results in swarm of bees pouring out to attack the attackers.
Defense: Shadow Armor: Wears armor made out of solid shadows. Touching the armor drains heat from you, like a strong wind in Alaska.
Weakness: Highly Coffinated: The creature is bound by iron chains to a coffin, and must drag the coffin behind it where ever it goes. This slows and hinders the creature, and makes it much easier to track. The creature cannot be separated from the coffin except by dying. The coffin is made of hard wood, and if it is ever destroyed the creature will die.
Weakness: Sun Vulnerability: Is impaired while in sunlight (-4 to attack and defense)
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Water nearby freezes, and is oddly difficult to unfreeze. Will takes ~12 hours to unfreeze in temperate climes.
SporePoop: Enormous Light Pinkish puddles with undigested bits of skin and cartilage
Smell: Rotting meat
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Loves to eat its victim's intestines.

Imperial Poisonous Wormorpse
Skill: ***
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a worm made out of rotting flesh, this huge sized beast is a large danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Eastern Road. The creature started its attacks by preying upon those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found without their intestines and stomach. The few survivors of the attacks remembered the nearby creeks froze overnight and did not thaw out for days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found curled up on themselves for warmth. Some had gruesome wounds while others seem to have simply froze to death.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found curled up on the ground with expressions of utmost despair on their faces and bloody wounds across their bodies.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found curled up in agony from poison.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Shannon and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Cold Aura, Choking Aura, and Poison tipped scorpion claws power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could exude a rotting stench that choked all nearby, transform into a swarm of crows, and inflict victims with a hideous infection of ColorVariants Butterflies. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was surrounded by an aura of shadow and darkness that made it difficult to see, it carried a murderous swarm of bees within its body, and it was protected by a layer of cold and shadowy armor. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a coffin that it must eternally drag behind it, a severe vulnerability to Bear Urine, and a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else.

Cadaverous Necrodoll
Power Level: 121
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Elusive
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 105
Health: 55
Init: 16
DefenseMod: 25
AttackMod: 18

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Doll
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Iron: This creature does not die easily, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require multiple grievous wounds. +30 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Very Strong: This creature is as strong as a professional weight lifter. It can hurl stones and bodies across a room. +1 atk, +4 dmg.
Attack: Shadow Spirit: The creature's shadow can dis-engage from it, and then move and attack on its own. The shadow has the same stats as the original, but has .2X of its Health and a -5 Malus. Both the Creature and its Shadow can exist independently of each other, and if one is killed the other can re-generate its partner with 24 hours.
Ability: Power from corpses: Gains power from corpses. Estimate of 1 Atk/Def, and 2 Poise per corpse consumed in the last day.
Ability: Rotting Stench: A gagging, rotting stench causes enemies within short range to take -5 Atk and Def.
Attack: Ice Blade: The creature wields a sword of transparent ice and endless cold. The blade will freeze flesh and steel.
Defense: Iron Skin: Skin appears normal, until you hit it. Then it is like hitting a cast iron skillet.
Defense: Elusive: Deceptively fast. bonus to dodge and move
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Weakness: Spheresome: For esoteric magical reasons, the form of the Sphere is baneful to this creature. The creature is deathly afraid of spheres, and can be warded off, terrified, and "burned" by them. Note the sphere does not have to be perfect, but a lop-sided oval simply will not be effective. The Creature takes a -1 to -10 Malus based on the visual impressiveness of the sphere and how close it is to the beast.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Inscribes odd geometric patterns in walls. If it has the time for it, will scrawl these patterns across an entire wall or room.
SporePoop: Light Pinkish slugs burning with a low Red flame
VictimChoice: Taste for Men
VictimWound: Kills and then beheads its victims. It keeps their dried heads on a cord around its waist.

Cadaverous Necrodoll
Skill: ********
Muscle: *
Toughness: ************

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge doll made up of bone. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Bute. The creature started its attacks by hunting down the men. Many of the dead were found with their heads ripped off and the rest of them not looking too good either. The few survivors of the attacks remembered they found odd geometric inscribed in dense patterns along walls and stones.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found dried and dessicated and drained of all life.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with terrible slash wounds and signs of frost bite.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Shadow Spirit and Ice Blade power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could devour corpses to gain some of their power and exude a rotting stench that choked all nearby. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it used its iron like hide to shattered many of their weapons and it was so damnably fast and difficult to hit. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace and a strange but immense fear of spheres.

Elder Acherite Rammbock
Power Level: 121
Sleep, Music, Entropy, Mutant
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 95
Health: 110
Init: 9
DefenseMod: 10
AttackMod: 15

Aspect: Flesh
Frame: Beetle
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Monstrous reflexes: This creature's movements are unnaturally precise and fast. It a fair fight, it would eventually bring down any un-aided human within a pass or two. +9 init, +8 atk/def
Strength: Terrifying strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. +5 atk, +12 dmg.
Attack: Three Headed: Has an two extra action slots for bite/breath actions. +10 Health, but the heads do interfere with each other on the attack.
Ability: Mutant Eyes: The creature's body is dotted with a random selection of eyes of different sizes, types, and colors. The eyes give it 360 degree vision and make it quite difficult to surprise.
Defense: Mimic form: Can warp its form to make itself into a near perfect replica of another object. Takes about 30 seconds to transform, but changing back to normal is only 1 round. Can be given away in its new form by its unusual warmth and by an *ever* so slight pulsating motion.
Weakness: Praise the Sun: The creature is confused idealist and ascribes to a somewhat counterproductive ideology. It believes itself to be evil and fears the good and true. It can sense those who have pure hearts, and against them it suffers a -1 to -10 Malus and it is unwilling/psychologically blocked from using its powers. The pureness of a given character's heart is a GM's decision, though NPCs can also be enlisted to help with this if the party doesn't have any particular moral explars.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Crops wither and die in a 1 mile radius. Takes a few days to gradually come into effect.
SporePoop: spherical pellets
VictimChoice: Taste for Cattle
VictimWound: Snack Saver: Saves tasty bits of people by burying bits in small holes a few feet deep. Rarely leaves these snacks for more than 48 hours.

Elder Acherite Rammbock
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ***************

Historical Notes:
The beast looks like a huge beetle made up of warped flesh. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Bustabernego. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their cattle. Many of the dead were found with organs torn out and buried nearby. The few survivors of the attacks remembered crops withered and died over several days.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with violent bite marks on their face and shoulders.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his highly trained WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Three Headed power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could see in all directions using its many eyes. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it masked itself as a common treasure chest. In the end, the creature was defeated though. Its main weakness were an unlikely fear of those with good and pure hearts, a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, and a soft underbelly that was easily wounded.

Greater Scorching Charcraw
Power Level: 122
Fire, Fire, Mystic, Fire
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 105
Health: 35
Init: 15
DefenseMod: 16
AttackMod: 20

Aspect: Fire: Made out of animated tongues of fire with a slightly more solid/jellied core. Bonus to resist fire. Quickly burns anything in close contact with it. Difficult to hide at night, though it can tamp down its flames when needed. Immune to most poisons.
Frame: Crawfish
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Terrifying reflexes: This creature's movements are a blur of death. It moves like the wind, and is incredibly precise and agile. +15 init, +12 atk/def. Has an extra action slot at -15 init.
Strength: Monstrous strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can crush hands and skulls with its grip, or knock through walls with its body. +3 atk, +8 dmg.
Attack: Immolation: Can send out a pulse of heat that sets all flammable objects within Medium Range on fire. This includes hair, papers, dry leaves, etc. Depending on the object and how difficult it is to light, might just be singed or smoldering. Usable twice per day.
Ability: Extra power during Twilight: Gains +10 atk/def during Twilight. Prefers to do its hunting then.
Ability: Bright Eyes: The creature's eyes can shine with a blinding Black light. Looking at its face a bit like staring into a spotlight at close range. Inflicts a -6 Malus to all creatures in its facing at short range, and a -3 Malus to all creatures in its facing at Medium Range. These penalties can be reduced/removed with appropriate eye wear, avoiding/blocking its gaze, or other abilities.
Attack: Fire Breathe: Breathes a torrent of elemental damage. Medium range, wide cone.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Defense: Shadow Cloak: This creature is wreathed in shifting shadows. Extremely difficult to notice or to target when in dim light.
Weakness: Vulnerable to Lye: Cannot stand Lye. Will burn the creature's skin and poison its body. Depending on amount of exposure, and takes a -1 to -4 Malus per application. Lasts until next full rest.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Weakness: Mournful: The creature cries a continual stream of tears, and can be tracked by the tears it leaves behind.
Appearance: Continually screams
Appearance: A half dozen grape-sized gems float and orbit around the creature's head.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
Spore: Fires rage more hotly and tend to burn out of control. Random fires start occasionally.
SporePoop: Blood Red coffee bean shaped pellets with undigested bits of skin and cartilage
Smell: Ozone
VictimChoice: Taste for Hog
VictimWound: Twists and crushes victims together to make horrific flesh-castles.

Greater Scorching Charcraw
Skill: *******
Muscle: *
Toughness: **********

Historical Notes:
The beast is a huge sized creature, made up of animated fire in the shape of a crawfish. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Zhaibarian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting their Hog. Many of the dead were found torn and twisted together into horrific flesh-castles. The few survivors of the attacks remembered there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames. Additionally, there was a series of unlucky and unexplained fires. Several houses burned down and a patch of woods went up in flames.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found terribly burnt on the front half of their bodies. Their clothes were half burnt and the front of their armor was twisted in the extreme heat.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found burnt into smears of ash and melted equipment.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Phrandal and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Immolation and Fire Breathe power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted a range of previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could gain increased power during Twilight and blind enemies with an immense light that flowed from its body. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a severe vulnerability to Lye, a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track, and a continual stream of tears that it shed which made it easy to track.

Terrifying Babgaunt
Power Level: 123
Entropy, Fear, Entropy, Mind
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck

Poise: 77
Health: 90
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 5
AttackMod: 8

Aspect: Mummified: Made out of dried flesh and cloth. Immune to almost all poisons, weakness to fire, bonus to resist ice. Has night vision.
Frame: Baboon
Size: Large Sized: +2 attack, -1 def, +10 HealthMax
Health: Unkillable: This creature refuses to die, and must be hacked apart. To put it down will require many grievous wounds. +70 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Normal Strength: This creature has no unnatural strength advantage, outside of those provided by its shape and aspect.
Attack: Entropic Fist: This attack is applied by Fist.
Ability: High Intelligence: These creatures are very intelligent. They use their abilities effectively, are wary of standard counters, and will usually see through obvious traps.
Ability: Grows from corpses: Gains additional Health and Poise by consuming corpses. Estimate that each corpse consumed in the last week adds 1 Health and 2 Poise. The creature grows slightly larger as well.
Attack: Fear Scream: Has a banshee like scream that causes save vs flee in terror.
Attack: Petrifying Touch: This attack is applied by Touch.
Defense: Mind Cloud: Can cause brief visual hallucinations at up to long range. For instance, could make someone think they were selecting one potion instead of another. Or, if firing a ranged weapon into a melee, could make them target the wrong opponent. Usable once per round out to long range. Hard Mind save to resist or notice the effect.
Defense: Partial Invisibility (except features): The creature is invisible, with the exception of its eyes and mouth. Can move and attack while in this state.
Weakness: Hates reflection: Hates the sight of its reflection in a mirror. Will attack its reflection in a blind rage until it has been smashed to pieces.
Weakness: Iron Boots: The creature wears heavy iron boots on its feet. These boots limit its mobility and make it easier to track. It also makes the creature unable to swim by normal means.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: Livestock in the region becomes sick and covered with sores.
Spore: Leaves a trail of bloody footprints on the ground. Does not need to have stepped in blood, this is just a mystical reaction between its monstrous essence and the ground. The footprints are not always present; they tend to appear around times when the creature is agitated or exerting itself.
SporePoop: Large Blood Red coffee bean shaped pellets
Smell: Rotting meat
VictimChoice: Taste for Children
VictimWound: Likes eating the eyes of its victims

Terrifying Babgaunt
Skill: **
Muscle: *
Toughness: ************

Historical Notes:
The beast is a large sized creature, made up of mummified flesh in the shape of a baboon. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one plagued a caravan on the Estovokian Road. The creature started its attacks by assaulting young children. Many of the dead were found with their eyes missing. The few survivors of the attacks remembered their livestock became sick and covered in foul sores. Additionally, long trails of bloody footprints were found criss crossing the land.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found withered and aged beyond all recognition. Their shields and other armor was rusted as though it had been left out in the elements for months or years.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found spread out over 100 yards of trail. They had terrible wounds in their back and were obviously killed while in panicked flight.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found turned into perfect granite statues.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Cabezia and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Entropic Fist, Fear Scream, and Petrifying Touch power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could reason and think much more cleverly than a common beast and devour corpses to add their bone and muscle to its own. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it had an insidious aura that clouded and befuddled the minds of its attackers and it twisted light around itself to hide all but its eyes and mouth. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a hatred of its own image that makes it destroy mirrors before all else and heavy boots of iron which slowed its pace.

Cadaverous Necroscorp
Power Level: 145
Entropy, Brutal, Entropy, Brutal
Main Action Deck
Printable Main Action Deck
TailStabGroup Action Deck
Printable TailStabGroup Action Deck

Poise: 77
Health: 35
Init: 7
DefenseMod: 8
Bonus RangedDefenseenseMod: 15
AttackMod: 17

Aspect: Bone: Made out of bone, scraps of sinew, and magic. Immune to almost all poisons, bonus vs fire and ice. Has night vision. Half damage from piercing weapons.
Frame: Scorpion
Size: Huge Sized: +4 attack, -2 def, +20 HealthMax
Health: Solid: This creature is tougher than it looks, and more resistant to harm than a natural beast. +5 Health.
Reflex: Olympian Reflexes: This creature has amazing reflexes. In the entire world there are only a few humans who could best it without magic. +7 init, +6 attack/def.
Strength: Unstoppable strength: This creature has a strength completely out of proportion to its physical form. It can bend plate metal like putty, or throw a church bell across town. Even a glancing blow from the creature can be fatal. +6 atk, +15 dmg.
Attack: Mono Horn: Has a single heavy horn that can be used for charges, goring, and tossing
Ability: Power from corpses: Gains power from corpses. Estimate of 1 Atk/Def, and 2 Poise per corpse consumed in the last day.
Ability: Anti-light: This creature can snuff out light with its gaze or touch. As a free action can snuff out a torch,fire,etc.
Ability: Dome of Night: This creature can extend an intangible, aetheric dome out to medium range. This dome will block all sun light and other light from passing the dome. From outside, the dome appears completely dark. From inside the Dome, the outside world appears completely dark. Note that if there are no light sources within the Dome, the area inside the Dome will also be completely dark.
Attack: Glamour: The creature can create a glamour of beauty around itself, disguising its true nature. The glamour is entrancing, and those fooled by it will desire to protect and cherish the creature. Once a person has fallen under the glamour, its effect will steadily increase over the days until the victim is entirely devoted and slavish. Using the glamour does cause a strain to the creature, and it can only apply the glamour on a few creatures at a time.
Attack: Bull Horns: Has sharp horns that can be used for charges, goring, and tossing
Defense: Shadow Armor: Wears armor made out of solid shadows. Touching the armor drains heat from you, like a strong wind in Alaska.
Defense: Gale Winds: When the creature becomes agitated, gale force winds grow up around it and whip the landscape. The wind and screaming dust makes it difficult to see and very difficult to hit with missile weapons (-15). Even staying up right requires an easy strength save at the end of each round.
Defense: Unyielding: This creatures takes no Malus for health damage. It is deadly until the moment it is dead.
Weakness: Soft Underbelly. Takes 3x damage when prone or if attacker is beneath it.
Weakness: Praise the Sun: The creature is confused idealist and ascribes to a somewhat counterproductive ideology. It believes itself to be evil and fears the good and true. It can sense those who have pure hearts, and against them it suffers a -1 to -10 Malus and it is unwilling/psychologically blocked from using its powers. The pureness of a given character's heart is a GM's decision, though NPCs can also be enlisted to help with this if the party doesn't have any particular moral explars.
Weakness: Fishes for compliments: Loves to be complimented. No matter what, will spare a person and hold off on attacking so long as they are being flattered.
Appearance: The creature is wrapped and criss-crossed with barbed metal wire. This does not seem to impeded its deadliness in combat.
NumAppearing: Solitary
Spore: There is a region wide increase in vermin. In particular, Small Snakes can be found in much greater numbers.
Spore: Nightmares spread throughout the region, becoming worse the more closely someone has come to the creature. The nighmares involve being eaten alive, insects, rot, cannabilism, etc. Difficult to get more than a few hours of uneasy sleep due to the nightmares. Afflicted people will be haggard and short tempered.
SporePoop: Whitish coffee bean shaped pellets with small bits of crunched up bone
Smell: Burning Pine Wood
VictimChoice: Prefers to attack sleeping targets
VictimWound: Brings victims bodies back to its lair to snack on later.

Cadaverous Necroscorp
Skill: *****
Muscle: *
Toughness: ********

Historical Notes:
Shaped like a scorpion made out of bone, this huge sized beast is a great danger. The creature first came to the attention of the WitchHammers when one destroyed The village of Hornillos. The creature started its attacks by preying upon those who were asleep. Many of the dead were found torn apart in a nearby cave. The few survivors of the attacks remembered Small Snakes were particularly bold and numerous before the attacks. Additionally, terrible dreams and nightmares.

The first group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death by a giant tusk and with many broken bones.
The second group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found with their blades in each other's guts.
The third group of WitchHammers to hunt the creature were found gored to death by small horns.

After these attempts, the beast was killed by Ortega and his WitchHammers. In his report on the battle, he noted its Mono Horn, Glamour, and Bull Horns power that it used to kill the previous WitchHammers. Furthermore, he noted previously unknown abilities that the beast displayed during its losing fight. The creature could devour corpses to gain some of their power, extinguish torches or fires with a single glance, and block out all light around itself. The beast was even more difficult to kill as it was protected by a layer of cold and shadowy armor, it could summon gale-force winds to protect itself from attackers, and it showed no pain or ill result from its wounds right up until it died. In the end, the creature was defeated. Its main weakness were a soft underbelly that was easily wounded, an unlikely fear of those with good and pure hearts, and a love of flattery and compliments that makes it forget all else.